Do girls need protein and why?

Girls can take protein sports supplements along with men. This product is indispensable for increasing muscle mass, and it also helps to lose weight.

Protein sports supplements are popular among men looking to build muscle. However, this substance can be useful for girls too.

Protein is the source of protein. The body’s need for protein is the higher, the more actively a person goes in for sports. Proteins are made up of amino acids, which serve as building blocks for muscles.

Why does a person need protein

Protein is found in both sports nutrition and regular food. In the female body, a protein deficiency may occur if the girl eats few legumes, cereals, cottage cheese, eggs, fish and meat.

This will lead to the following undesirable consequences:

  • slowing down metabolism;
  • destruction of muscle fibers;
  • weakening of nails and hair;
  • deterioration of the skin condition;
  • increased fatigue;
  • physical weakness;
  • nervous exhaustion.

A healthy and not too physically active person should consume 1 g of protein per day per 1 kg of their body weight. In athletes, the norm is 2–2,5 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight.

If a sufficient amount of amino acids cannot be supplied to the body through food, sports protein comes into play.

What is a protein

This is a dry protein powder. It is made from meat, soy, eggs or milk, which are refined from carbohydrates and fats during processing.

  • Protein can be eaten in the form of bars or make liquid shakes based on it.
  • On sale there are many varieties of this substance with sweeteners.

ATTENTION! Complex protein can be taken at any time of the day. Casein is best absorbed before going to bed. Whey protein drink before and after intense workouts.

Why do girls take protein

This ingredient helps women achieve the following goals:

  • compensate for protein deficiency;
  • activate the growth of muscle mass;
  • accelerate muscle recovery and renewal;
  • slow down the destruction of muscle fibers;
  • supply organs and tissues with micronutrients;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • suppress appetite.

ATTENTION! Protein from sports protein is absorbed by the body more efficiently than protein from everyday food.

Risks of taking protein

High protein intake can lead to the following problems:

  • malfunctions of the digestive tract;
  • constipation;
  • indigestion;
  • diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • calcium deficiency.

At risk are people who have previously had problems with the aforementioned organs. Scientists do not have complete information about the effects of protein on the body with long-term use.

However, this substance cannot completely replace conventional products. In addition to protein, everyday food contains minerals and vitamins necessary for health.

ATTENTION! One of the main disadvantages of protein is that it is expensive.

Which girls are recommended protein, and which ones are contraindicated

Protein is ideal for girls who fit one or more of the following:

  • do sports professionally or intensively;
  • want to build muscle mass and train with heavy weights;
  • not getting enough protein from everyday food;
  • have an asthenic physique.

Girls who belong to one of the following groups can include protein in their diet, although this is not necessary

  1. Attend strength training and do not suffer from a protein deficiency, as they get enough of it from everyday food;
  2. They are fond of running, classes in groups and on cardio equipment, exercises with small weights and other varieties of light fitness.

This product should not be used by girls with intolerance to protein or protein itself, its individual components or sweeteners. The harm or harmlessness of this ingredient for pregnant and lactating women has not been proven 100%, so it would be wise not to risk it.

ATTENTION! People who do not exercise can consume protein to make up for the protein deficiency.

At what age is it safe for girls to take protein

Since this substance is made from natural products, it has no age restrictions.

  1. The young organism grows at the expense of its own resources, therefore, for an intensive increase in muscle mass, it does not require additional incentives.
  2. Between 18 and 23 years of age, natural growth stops, after which alternative sources of amino acids can be considered.

ATTENTION: Teenagers who play sports professionally start drinking protein on the recommendation of trainers from the age of 14-16.

Should I take protein during a weight loss diet?

Protein has been shown to increase fat burning when on a reduced calorie diet. But the role of this component in the process of losing weight is minimal.

The key factor is the quality and quantity of regular food that the body receives during the day. Protein will come to the rescue when you need to satisfy your hunger with a low-calorie snack.

ATTENTION! Protein is in demand primarily not for weight loss, but for an accelerated set of muscle mass, recovery from injuries and improving athletic performance.

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