Do children need parents: both – father and mother, psychology
Whether children need parents is a strange question. But it will seem to someone that there are enough grandmothers or teachers, or maybe just friends. It is not always clear what a dad or mom should give a baby.
The child needs both parents
If the family is complete, the role of the mother is reduced to caring for and “opening” this world for the baby, and the father helps the child to adapt, provides his protection and education. Another role of dad is to help the grown up child “separate” from mom and “get on their own rails.” The ideal option is when the child is able to lead an independent life and create his own family.
Why do children need parents – to create a happy family
Parents see their child as an extension of themselves, so they are ready to make sacrifices for the sake of procreation. Neither the teacher nor the social worker can afford such sacrifices, since there are many children in their care. Granny, maybe, would be glad to put her life on it, but not always enough strength and health. Sex education, which the baby learns through the relationship of the parents, the grandmother can not always give.
The psychology of parenting a child by a father and mother
Even if there are 2 parents, the family can be inferior, for example, when dad and mom “change places.” In this case, mom takes a man’s position, and dad – a woman’s. Confusion begins in the mind of a child who cannot understand what role is intended for him. For example, instead of being a model for a male figure in the house, dad only cares about the teenager’s appetite and appearance. As a result, the child receives “two mothers” instead of a full-fledged family.
The authoritarian parenting style, when the child does not have the right to vote, is a thing of the past. Modern parents prefer a friendly communication style. Such a “friend” does not take responsibility for the upbringing of a child, forgets about important obligations, goes to “democratic” relations in the family. The child is forced to take on adult problems.
Being in a situation of permissiveness, the baby dictates his will and throws scandals to his parents.
As a child, a child needs prohibitions and severe restrictions for his own good. You won’t let him eat all the chocolates or stick his fingers in the socket: he is still too small. His boundaries should expand with age, but early permissiveness scares him. The child’s psyche is not ready to accept so many rights. The kid needs a vector and a framework – prohibitions. For him, this is not a “cage”, but a “safety rail”. Even if prohibitions are unpleasant, they act as protection. The child will not forgive the parents if they “throw him into the sea of rights” without protective restrictions.
A full-fledged family is an ideal option for a child, since only parents are ready to sacrifice themselves to the successor of the clan. The kid will not forgive the parents for both excessive pressure and unrestrained “democracy”.