Do all men cheat?

Despite the abundance of information, we still have a lot of prejudices that can complicate intimate life. Sexologist and psychoanalyst Catherine Blanc analyzes one of these popular opinions every month.

One common statement complements another. On the one hand, a man cannot cope with spontaneously arising sexual desire, and therefore it is difficult for him to be satisfied with one partner.

On the other hand, a woman does not experience such flashes of desire and is focused on family life and caring for the hearth.

The notion of male inconstancy is partly true: since ancient times, a man has sought to assert himself by collecting love victories and showing them off to others.

Maternal concerns may dampen the desire to seduce for a while, but do not affect the natural tendency to infidelity

But doesn’t he eventually become a hostage to this image of a tireless hunter? Because it needs to be supported. And if he is faithful to one woman, what – it turns out that he is not a real man?

It is clear that in these circumstances, those who are not inclined to cheat on their partner – and there are by no means few of them – do not ring about it. It turns out that the notorious male inconstancy is more the result of social pressure than a biological necessity.

But what about a woman? Most often, for adventures on the side, she receives public censure and a reputation as a “slut”.

Her possibility of self-realization seems to be connected only with childbearing. In reality, maternal care, which requires considerable physical and emotional costs, for some time can dampen her desire to please and seduce, but do not affect her natural tendency to infidelity.

Women are not as willing as men to talk about their victories, and their stories are more of a confession.

Society judges women’s infidelity more severely – or maybe they are less related to the desire to assert themselves? One way or another, women are not as willing as men to talk about their victories, and their stories are more of a confession.

Meanwhile, if you believe that all men cheat, a legitimate question arises: with whom do they do it? Hardly with so-called free women.

Be that as it may, it is up to us to decide whether or not to yield to the call of passion. And if so, then choose the form and place to satisfy the sexual impulse. It is also in our power to get rid of the stereotype that only men have the right to do so.

About expert

Catherine Blanc He is the author of the book “Female Sexuality” (“La sexualite des femmes n’est pas celle des magazines”).

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