DMSO – action, properties, contraindications

DMSO is considered an effective drug by advocates of alternative medicine. According to them, the product can be used in the treatment of cancer, difficult wounds or degeneration of the joints. However, DMSO also has side effects and, in certain cases, can even be fatal. What is this drug and how can it be used safely?

DMSO stands for Dimethyl Sulfoxide. It is a natural organic sulfur compound and is a by-product of paper production. According to many studies, it has numerous healing effects on both the animal and the human body. DMSO can be used in many ways. The product can be absorbed through the skin, drunk as a mixture or administered as an injection.

How does DMSO work?

DMSO can be used to treat serious diseases that cause pain as well as common conditions. The action of DMSO is very broad. It fights inflammation, has antibacterial properties, kills fungi and viruses. It helps in faster healing of wounds and has a positive effect on the functioning of the immune system.

There are many advocates of DMSO who choose alternative treatments. In their eyes, this product can be used to treat dislocations, arthritis, mental illness, Down’s syndrome or cancer.

DMSO – properties

DMSO has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. When applied topically to the skin, it has an anesthetic effect, which is why it is often used in osteoarthritis. However, there are no studies on the correct dosage of DMSO. Most of the gels used to treat degeneration have a concentration of 25%. DMSO gel can be used 3 to 4 times a day. It should be noted that over-the-counter DMSO has a concentration of 10 to 90%.

Another application of DMSO is difficult-to-heal wounds and pressure ulcers. The product easily penetrates tissue membranes, therefore it has become a carrier of topically applied preparations. Thanks to this, DMSO facilitates the absorption of active substances. In the case of difficult-to-heal wounds, DMSO relieves pain, reduces redness, accelerates ulcer healing and reduces swelling.

DMSO is also an approved prescription drug for interstitial cystitis. A catheter is inserted into the bladder through which a DMSO solution is administered. The preparation is held in the bladder for a few seconds to 15 minutes, and then it flows out through the catheter. This DMSO treatment is performed once every 1-2 weeks for about 6-8 weeks.

DMSO is also used during chemotherapy when the drug extravasates. In addition, it is also used as a preparation to protect frozen tissues and biological samples (as a cryoprotectant).

Does DMSO Treat Cancer?

For many adherents of natural medicine, DMSO is a very important drug. According to them, this product has anti-cancer properties. There is a grain of truth to this statement. Laboratory studies have shown that DMSO slows down the development of cancer. However, there are no clinical studies to confirm these observations. So there is no hard evidence for the treatment of cancer in humans. As a result, experts are not recommending DMSO as a cancer treatment.

DMSO – side effects

DMSO, like any other substance, has some side effects. The following should be mentioned here:

  1. indigestion,
  2. skin irritations,
  3. the smell of garlic on the skin.

Some people also experience:

  1. intense allergic reactions,
  2. headaches,
  3. itching and burning of the skin after application.

Administration of DMSO in very high concentrations may even result in death of the patient. However, when using DMSO orally, you should take into account:

  1. dizziness
  2. sleepiness,
  3. nausea
  4. vomiting
  5. diarrhea,
  6. constipation
  7. lack of appetite.

It is worth noting that DMSO may enhance the effects of certain medications. Be careful when using, inter alia, anticoagulants, steroids and sedatives. Another problem with DMSO when applying the product to the skin is that it facilitates the absorption of any substance that is on the skin into the tissues. Therefore, it is imperative to wash your hands and skin.

Do you have doubts about the use of the drug? Contact your doctor. On the website, you can quickly and safely make an online teleconsultation with your family doctor. You will find answers to your questions there.

Contraindications to the use of DMSO

DMSO products should not be used by pregnant and lactating women as there are no studies on the effects of the product on the fetus or infants. Never use DMSO preparations without consulting a doctor in people with asthma, diabetes, and liver and kidney diseases.

Before use, read the leaflet, which contains indications, contraindications, data on side effects and dosage as well as information on the use of the medicinal product, or consult your doctor or pharmacist, as each drug used improperly is a threat to your life or health. Do you need a medical consultation or an e-prescription? Go to, where you will get online help – quickly, safely and without leaving your home.

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