Dmitry Portnyagin: biography of a successful businessman

😉 Greetings to regular and new site visitors! In the article “Dmitry Portnyagin: Biography of a Successful Businessman” – about the path to success of the famous Russian entrepreneur, founder of the “Transit Plus” company. They talk about him.

His popular video channel “Transformer” on Youtube is the leader in the global business blogosphere with 1 subscribers. In the Yandex search engine, the number of requests “Dmitry Portnyagin” in two weeks of May reached 262. Who is Dmitry Portnyagin and why is his popularity growing?

Businessman Dmitry Portnyagin

Many successful business owners do not always reveal their secrets of success to the public. And Portnyagin gladly talks about his victories and gives valuable advice to people on achieving the desired goal.

Dima was born in the spring of 1988 in the Far East, in the city of Tynda. When he was ten years old, his father died. Mother, a primary school teacher, was left with two children. Life in a family without a man went awry.

The guy began to study poorly, joined a bad company drinking alcoholic beverages. Because of his disgusting behavior, his mother was increasingly invited to talk to the director’s office. The bright future of a difficult teenager was rapidly going downhill …

In this situation, it was necessary to find the right solution. And Dima found him! After all, he is the only man in the family, a son and a brother.

In the 9th grade, he left a bad company, did away with bad habits, took up boxing. Real friends appeared who were older and led a healthy lifestyle. The guy began to devote more time to school, promising his mother to study without triples, and kept his word.

In life, it is important who surrounds you: people who drag you to the bottom or those who make you believe in yourself and become strong. You should not communicate with people who constantly whine, complaining about life. Run from such people! “To Fly With Eagles, Don’t Graze With Turkeys” by Brian Tracy

History in brief

After graduating from high school, the young man understood that the responsibility for maintaining the family fell entirely on his male shoulders. Having decided to enter the Academy of Entrepreneurship, Dmitry moved to the city of Blagoveshchensk.

The student combined his studies with part-time jobs, so he often missed lectures. Working as a security guard in a store, he earned 300 rubles per shift. In addition to working as a security guard, he moonlighted as a loader and also released beer on tap. Financial independence appeared.

It should be noted that Blagoveshchensk is the only Russian administrative center located on the state border with China. This fact became the key to further actions of our hero.

Dmitry Portnyagin got a job at a travel agency. Then he went to work as a guide to China. And he did it! He made progress to the amazement of those around him.

After a while, an enterprising guy began to import Chinese goods to Russia for further sale. And here everything worked, there was money, a car and business prospects opened up. In this regard, I had to leave my studies. At the age of 18 he founded his own company “Transit Plus”!

Six years of life in the Celestial Empire taught Dmitry practical management. Here he specialized in logistics, gaining experience in business communication with partners.

Soon it was time to return to Russia. From Blagoveshchensk he came to Moscow. In the capital, the reputable entrepreneur also achieved success and was accepted by the business world.

Currently, the businessman’s fortune is about $ XNUMX million, continuing to grow. Every year the company “Transit Plus” makes millions, specializing in the export and import of goods from many countries.

How did the “Transformer” appear?

The Transformer channel is very popular on YouTube. With the help of this project, Dmitry Portnyagin encourages young people to start their own business. Here he frankly shares his experience as an entrepreneur.

In his video blog, a successful businessman says that the path to a cherished dream does not always follow the “school-university-work” route. Business success can be achieved even at twenty. “It doesn’t matter where you come from. It is important where you go. ” He showed once again that each person is the builder of his life.

Personal life

Businessman Portnyagin knows how to work and knows how to rest. Likes to go to the mountains. According to the zodiac sign – Aries (born 14.04.1988/XNUMX/XNUMX).

Dmitry Portnyagin: biography of a successful businessman

Dmitry also has complete order in his personal life. Next to her beloved wife Catherine, who always believed in her husband’s success and supported him. In a difficult period of her life, she went with her beloved to unfamiliar China. This speaks volumes.

Tireless Portnyagin does not stop there, he has many interesting ideas and we will definitely learn about his new projects and victories. This young man has a lot to learn! He rose from the bottom, creating a thriving company that he continues to successfully develop.

Let’s mentally go back to the time when our successful businessman was a difficult teenager and a bum. Sometimes one right decision can change a person’s life for the better. And it could have been completely different – by 99%.


In this video additional and interesting information “Dmitry Portnyagin: biography”

“Transformer”. Dmitry Portnyagin | Sammari ®

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