Dizziness, weakness and nausea: causes and treatment

Dizziness, weakness and nausea: causes and treatment

Dizziness, combined with weakness and nausea, may indicate a banal overwork that was caused by mental or physical stress. If these symptoms occur at regular intervals, then they can be considered as a signal from the body about some kind of trouble. In such a situation, you should not hesitate to contact the doctor.

Sometimes all three of these symptoms occur on their own, and sometimes in combination with each other. Sometimes, to get rid of discomfort, just lie down and relax. If such a measure does not help to cope with the ailment, then you need to contact the doctor and find out the cause of its occurrence.

What can be dizziness?

Dizziness, weakness and nausea: causes and treatment

Dizziness is characterized by the feeling that the person himself or the objects around him begin to move in space in a circle. True dizziness is a sign of diseases that are associated with a violation of the control of one’s own body position in space. Not only the vestibular apparatus of the inner ear is responsible for this process, but also the receptors of the joints, organs of vision, muscles and bones.

True dizziness is divided into central and peripheral. If disturbances in the functioning of the brain lead to dizziness, then it is central. When the head is spinning due to damage to the vestibular apparatus of the inner ear, then such dizziness is peripheral.

Sometimes a person’s head is spinning in certain situations.

These include:

  • If a person rides a carousel or independently rotates around its axis, then it is quite logical that he will feel dizzy. Once the swing movement or body movement is stopped, the dizziness will go away.

  • Taking medicines. There are a number of drugs that can cause dizziness. This unpleasant symptom is a side effect of certain medications (information can be found in the annotation to the drug).

  • Low blood sugar. If a person is hungry, then the level of glucose in his blood decreases. This leads to the development of dizziness and increased weakness.

  • Emotional overstrain can cause an attack of dizziness. Sometimes a person’s mind is clouded, his thoughts are confused, and fainting may even occur.

People perceive and describe dizziness differently. Sometimes, with a sharp attack, a person indicates that he cannot navigate in space. In some cases, a feeling of lightheadedness or alcohol intoxication is perceived as dizziness.

Video: dizziness and nausea:


Dizziness, weakness and nausea: causes and treatment

After the initial examination, the therapist will either redirect the patient to a narrow specialist, or will recommend him to undergo a series of instrumental and laboratory procedures, including:

  • Blood donation for general and biochemical analysis.

  • Blood donation to determine the level of glucose in it.

  • Performing an ECG to assess the work of the heart muscle.

  • Passage of audiography.

  • Performing a CT or MRI.

  • X-ray of the skull.

  • UZDG. This study allows you to assess the state of the vessels that feed the brain.

This examination scheme is standard for patients with complaints of dizziness, headaches and nausea. If using the above methods it is not possible to make a correct diagnosis, then additional examinations are required to clarify the diagnosis.

How to treat?

Dizziness, nausea and weakness are not independent diseases, but only symptoms of a particular health disorder. Therefore, it makes no sense to treat them without affecting the cause of their occurrence.

If the head is spinning very rarely, then ordinary rest, walks in the fresh air, and gymnastic exercises help to cope with an attack.

When the cause of a violation of well-being is reduced to a particular pathology, it is necessary to influence it aimingly. With diabetes, it is important to monitor the level of glucose in the blood, avoiding its sharp jumps. Hypertensive patients need to control blood pressure. You should not prescribe medications on your own. It is important to seek medical help and receive the right medical treatment.

Video: 14 Brain Problems You Shouldn’t Ignore:

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