

Vertigo designates a frequent phenomenon of which approximately 1 person in 7. It corresponds to a sensation of rotation of our environment, this is why we often use the expression “to have your head spinning” to describe it.

Some dizziness may be accompanied by other signs such as nausea to walking disorders. The treatment to follow depends on the cause of the vertigo.

Warning :

Doctors differentiate between true vertigo and the discomforts sometimes referred to as dizziness when it is a matter of something quite different. The sensation of a spinning head when you get up from a squatting position is orthostatic hypotension and not dizziness.

Certain ailments giving a feeling of instability or seeming to announce a loss of consciousness, are not part of the vertigo treated in this sheet. It is the same for migraines, anxious people suffering from the feeling of empty head, veil in front of the eyes, fear of falling, or the vertigo of heights which is not a “real” vertigo in the medical sense of the term. .

True vertigo causes a sensation of moving the body in space.


Description of vertigo

Vertigo results from:

  • either from a malfunction of the vestibular system, located in the inner ear,
  • either neurological or cerebral damage.

Normally the vestibular system allows us, in association with sight and proprioceptive sensitivity (sensation of the position of our body in space), to keep us in balance.

Consequently, an abnormality of the vestibular system, of the nerves or of the brain which is connected to it, generates a conflict between the various information received by our brain and this results in balance disorders or sensations such as loss of equilibrium or the impression that the environment around us (walls, ceiling, objects) is turning.

Types of vertigo

There are four types of vertigo:

  • Positional dizziness, lasting a few seconds, which can occur during or at the end of the movement. It may be, for example, a benign paroxysmal vertigo among the most frequent.
  • Violent dizziness, lasting more than 12 hours. They can be linked in particular to vestibular neuritis, a cerebrovascular accident (stroke), the consequences of head trauma or a chronic infection of the ear which is damaging the centers of balance… This are for some of the emergencies and it is necessary to quickly contact a doctor.
  • Recurring dizziness that lasts a few hours. They can in particular be due to Ménière’s disease, an ear disease or tumor.
  • Instability or ataxia, a feeling of imbalance when standing or walking which may be related to neurological or vestibule problems in the ear.

Causes of vertigo

  • Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, with cupulolithiasis or canalolithiasis (it represents 30% of vertigo)
  • Otitis chronic or ear diseases: perilymphatic fistula, middle ear cholesteatoma, infectious labyrhintitis, tumor, otosclerosis …
  • Vestibular neuritis or labyrinthitis (inflammation of the nerves in the inner ear)
  • Trauma to the inner ear with fracture of the rock or labyrinthine concussion.
  • Intoxication (alcohol, drugs, coffee, medicine)
  • Tumor (VIII neuroma)
  • Ménière’s disease (inner ear disease of unknown origin)
  • Disorders that affect the blood supply to the ear
  • Impaired blood circulation in the structures of the brain responsible for posture
  • Neurological disorders (stroke, intracranial hypertension, head trauma)

Diagnosis of vertigo

In case of vertigo or dizziness, a doctor should be consulted, especially if accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, disturbances in balance or walking, loss of hearing, tinnitus (whistles and buzzes perceived by the subject).

The doctor asks the person suffering from vertigo about their onset, frequency, duration, triggers, possible falls, impressions and history in order to find the cause.

The clinical examination covers the ear canals and eardrum, the balance capacities explored thanks to a few maneuvers, on eye movement.

benefits Additional tests In some cases, it will be possible to identify what triggers the vertigo: blood tests, hearing tests such as an audiogram, a cardiac assessment, medical imaging (scanner, MRI of the inner ear).

The doctor should be consulted urgently in case anyone reports or if you notice:

  • partial (blurred, double vision) or total loss of vision,
  • difficulty standing
  • difficulty communicating
  • behaving strangely or performing abnormal movements.

Treatments for vertigo

Le treatment of vertigo depends on its origin. They will be better treated if the cause is identified.

In some cases, the diagnosis will lead to emergency hospitalization to treat a stroke.

To make a benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, the ENT doctor (oto-rhino-laryngologie) or a physiotherapist can perform specific rocking maneuvers aimed at mobilizing and dispersing the tiny stones at the origin of these vertigo.

If you have a vestibular neuritis, the specialist will prescribe, in the first two days, drugs acting on the vestibular structures of the ear:

  • calming antihistamines,
  • antiemetics against nausea and vomiting,
  • tranquilizers for anxiety.

Subsequently, vestibular neuritis most often progresses favorably, and it is then treated quickly (by a physiotherapy)

If the dizziness is related to the side effect of a drug, this treatment is stopped.

In some cases and always depending on the origin of the vertigo, a surgery is sometimes necessary.

Complementary approaches to treat vertigo

Once the causes of severe dizziness have been eliminated, several natural methods can be useful to limit or even permanently cure dizziness.


Since vertigo is related to a cervical problem, one or two osteopathy sessions will be enough to correct the problem. In a craniosacral approach, the osteopath will work gently in particular on the neck, skull and pelvis (craniosacral approach).


Granules of Phosphorus and Bryonia alba in 9 CH are useful to fight against all forms of vertigo. Ideally, you will take 5 granules every hour, as soon as the first symptoms appear. The same remedy is used as a basic treatment at the rate of 3 granules twice a day.

If nausea and vomiting are associated, Cocculus indicus is recommended.

If the dizziness is increased in the morning upon waking, we recommend turning to Cocculus alumina.

If there is noise intolerance, Theridion curassavicum is better to prefer.

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