You can do without a hanger in the hallway or corridor only if there is a large closet, and then not always. In private houses, it is more convenient to have “duty” clothes at hand – to jump out into the yard. Those that are mounted on the wall are more convenient: they take up less space. One thing does not please: the prices for worthy specimens are considerable. Therefore, we will tell you how a wall hanger is made with your own hands. The models are different, different techniques are used, but one thing unites them: they are easy to make, especially with detailed photos of the process and explanations. There are also diagrams and video tutorials.
From boards in the form of a tree
We need a hanger in our small hallway. I don’t want to buy the usual one in the form of a bar with hooks – I don’t really like them, and my little daughter won’t get it. Other options with a set of parallel boards are also not inspiring. There is a switch on this wall, so it won’t work without fitting, and it’s not clear what kind of look it will be. Therefore, it was decided: I make a wall hanger with my own hands in the form of a tree – a trunk, branches. It fits into the interior. I will treat the wood with stain and water-based varnish, the color should be close to the color of the front door.
So, two unedged boards 25 mm thick were bought at the sawmill. They are marked – on one trunk, on the other – branches.
We take an electric jigsaw and cut out blanks along the applied contours. Next is the turn of very dusty work – we grind the wood, at the same time adjusting the thickness of the joints with the “branches”. Used a drill with a rubber nozzle and sandpaper. First large grain, then medium and small.
After the result was satisfactory – it became smooth and the wood pattern showed through well – it was the turn of the stain. This is mahogany color, applied in four layers. After drying, they covered everything with a water-based varnish. Three coats were applied with breaks of three hours.
Nails 200 mm were used as hooks. They were cut to the desired length (different ones – longer for the upper part of the hanger, shorter for the bottom). The caps and the rod were polished for smoothness, and a thread was cut into the thickness of the board (25 mm) on the lower part. Holes were preliminarily made in the “branches”, “hooks” were screwed into them.
Now it remains to fix all the details on the wall. The walls are concrete, so we fix them with dowels. First we put the barrel, we drill holes through it. We set aside the wood for now, insert plastic plugs for dowels into the holes. Having put the “barrel” in place, we fasten it. Using the same technology, we fasten the “branches”.
It turned out well, and the color almost exactly matches the door. The plans are to build a small shelf for shoes and bags. All costs for the manufacture of this hanger – about $ 6 for boards and $ 2 for nails, about the same amount was spent on dowels. Stain and varnish were, and consumption is small.
Simple wall hanger made of chipboard
The task is to make a cheap clothes hanger on the wall (for a rented apartment). Two boards made of laminated chipboard (LDSP) called “furniture board” were bought in a hardware store. Two, because the price turned out to be low, and in the accessories department, where they were looking for hooks, they found good brackets for very little money. We use them for the second board – we will make a shelf for small things.
From the tool you will need a screwdriver or screwdriver, a drill, a set of drills. Still – a tape measure and a pencil – mark the attachment points of hooks and brackets.
After the boards were unpacked, there were spots of glue on them, some other, incomprehensible stains. All this can be eliminated with a solvent. We take a soft white (not colored) rag and wipe everything well.
Next, we lay out the purchased hooks in a checkerboard pattern. This is where a tape measure and a pencil are needed – we measure the same distances and mark.
Next, mark with a pencil the places for the screws. Remove hooks, drill holes. Drill – 1-2 mm smaller in diameter than the diameter of the self-tapping screw. The hole is necessary so that the work goes easier, and also so that the surface does not crack when twisting. We put the hooks in place.
It’s time for the shelves. I set aside the same distances on one side and the other, attached the brackets, marked the holes for the fasteners. Drilled holes, installed brackets. All.
Now we mount it on the wall. The technique is the same, but with dowels: we apply, mark the attachment points, drill. Drill – according to the size of the dowel. We insert the plug of the dowel into the hole, put the hanger / shelf on the wall, fasten it.
This do-it-yourself wall hanger was made in two hours (together with a shelf).
Hanger with shelf
You can take the idea as a basis, use any other “hooks” and stops. This DIY wall hanger is made from two 25mm thick planed boards, two carpenter’s squares and five hammers.
Wood needs to be dry, otherwise cracks may occur. Instead of squares, even triangular pieces of a similar board can be used. An important condition is the presence of a right angle. And instead of hammers, you can even fix knots or, for example, cut wooden hangers, and any hooks. This one is just a gift.
The two boards must be the same length. An exact match is important. Having adjusted the length, we process the edges with sandpaper. There is a drill – we take a nozzle, fasten the emery and grind first with a large grain, then with a medium one. Then we start marking. First, mark where the stops will be attached. Divide the remaining distance by six, put marks – there are five of them. Just by the number of “hooks”.
Ruthlessly cut off the handles on the hammers. We cut it slightly obliquely to get a slight slope.
Using a drill, make holes in the center. The drill diameter is 1-2 mm less than the fasteners used, the hole depth is not less than the length of the self-tapping screw.
Two boards must be connected at right angles. The installation step of the screws is 10-15 cm. We mark the places on the sidewall, transfer them to the end. High accuracy is required. We apply one to the other and transfer the marks with a finely sharpened pencil. We make holes according to the markup.
We fold the boards at an angle of 90 °, connect them with self-tapping screws. First we twist the two extreme ones, then one in the middle, and then all the rest. The length of the self-tapping screws is at least 75 mm (triple the thickness of the board).
According to the marking, we drill holes for the hooks.
Installing the corner brackets. Since joiner’s squares were used, there were no holes in them. They were drilled – two on the top and bottom on each bar. On one stop, 8 screws are obtained. We take them small – more than 20 mm, so as not to pierce the wood. Therefore, a large number of them are required.
The wooden wall hanger is ready. It remains only to paint and hang on the wall.
Based on this homemade hanger, other options were made.
Video lessons
A few simple homemade hangers for “handy” in video format.