With the help of a climbing rose, you can create a wonderful place to relax. Thanks to its ability to be attached to any surface, gardeners decorate alleys, arches, gazebos, fences and other buildings. Also, climbing roses can be mounted on a vertical support, which will make it even more noticeable. In any case, the rose will look attractive only on a specially prepared surface. Leaving the bush unattended, there is a risk that it will simply spread on the ground.

Of course, having seen enough pictures from the Internet, this task may seem overwhelming. But still, you can create a very simple design that will look spectacular and become the main decoration of your garden. About what you need to consider when making a support for climbing roses with your own hands, we will consider in detail in this article. We will also see specific examples of how to make a support for a climbing rose.

DIY trellis and arches for climbing roses

Site Selection

When choosing a place for a structure, you need to think not only about where you would like to create a beautiful corner. It is very important that the rose feels comfortable in this place, otherwise all efforts will go down the drain. Unsuitable soil or too much daylight can prevent the bush from actively growing. As a result, she will not be able to curl onto the constructed object.

Roses should be planted in slightly elevated places so that water does not linger, and as a result, fungal diseases do not appear. It is desirable that on the north side the plant be slightly shaded by buildings or trees, then cold winds will not be able to harm the growing rose. But still, they should not completely cover the bush with a thick shadow, because the rose is a light-loving plant. For growth and formation of flowers, she simply needs the sun’s rays.

DIY trellis and arches for climbing roses

Advice! Do not plant roses in open areas where they will be exposed to direct sunlight all day. Because of this, the plant will be weak, and the flowers will wither too quickly.

Choosing a rose variety

Not all climbing roses are suitable for growing on any support. All of them can be divided into 2 types:

  • wine;
  • ramblers.

Shrubs are predominantly powerful bushes with thick, almost non-bending branches. In addition, they rarely grow above two meters. Such varieties have large flowers with a pleasant aroma. Among the advantages, they also highlight the fact that there are very few thorns on the bushes. And although it may seem that they do not need support, this is far from the case. Perhaps they will not curl along an arch or gazebo, but they simply need at least a vertical support. Due to the weight of the flowers, the branches on such bushes can bend and simply break. The support will give the roses a more attractive look, and also protect the bush from the wind.

DIY trellis and arches for climbing roses

Ramblers, unlike shrabs, absolutely cannot exist without support. Their branches are too thin to stand on their own. These bushes can grow up to 4-5 meters in height, thanks to which they can easily adapt to any support, even the most complex design. These plants usually have small flowers, but they bloom very profusely and for a long time.

Remember that a support for climbing roses is not just a good decorative solution, but also a necessity. Due to strong winds, the bush can break and suffer greatly.

Important! If a wall is supposed to be a support for a rose, then a bush should be planted at a distance of at least half a meter from it. A closely planted rose will not be able to get enough air.

DIY trellis and arches for climbing roses

Types of supports for roses

Although there are simply an unimaginable number of support options today, there are basic types that you can beat at your discretion. These supports include:

  1. Arches and pergolas.
  2. Vertical trellises.
  3. The pyramids.
  4. Lattices or stairs.
  5. Pillars.

Whatever the structure, during the growth of the bush, you need to constantly direct it in the right direction. By itself, the rose will not curl in the desired direction. In this case, the branches must be attached to the support. In order for the bush to have a decorative look, the main branches must be attached horizontally to the surface of the earth. Flowers on climbing roses grow on young shoots, which are most often located at right angles to the main stem. As the flowers wither, they must be removed from the bush to give the plant strength to form new roses.

DIY trellis and arches for climbing roses

Attention! Directing the shoots up, you can get poor flowering somewhere at the top of the bush.

You need to make a support even before this bush is planted. Installing it, you can severely damage the already weak young roots.

Arch for climbing roses

Usually arches are installed at the entrance to the courtyard. It can also be placed near gazebos, at home or at the entrance to the garden. The base for the arch is made of materials such as wood and metal. Each of them has its own advantages.

Wood, for example, goes very well with flowers and green leaves. Thick stems are usually attached to wooden arches. But on metal structures, thin shoots with small flowers look better. The only advantage metal arches have over wood arches is that they last much longer.

Advice! To prolong the life of a wooden arch, it should be varnished or painted.

Such a coating will protect the structure from moisture, and it can last about ten years.

DIY trellis and arches for climbing roses

For the base of the arch, you need to use reliable material, often they are fixed in the ground with concrete. Next, they build a vault, or put a grate if it is a pergola. The height of the pillars should be about 1,8–2 meters. Metal rods or wooden blocks are attached to them in order to attach branches to them in the future. For the construction of a pergola, a wooden lattice or a network of ropes is used. Having made such a design, it will be much easier to remove the bush in the fall, because it will simply be removed along with the grate.

Wallpaper for

With the help of a trellis, you can divide the garden into zones, or protect some part of it. For the construction of the trellis, a rectangular frame and a lattice of wood or metal are made, which are fixed inside. In order not to complicate the robot with a welding machine, the grating is usually made of metal wire or wooden planks. Ready-made plastic gratings can be bought, but for some reason they are not in special demand. Tapestries can also be placed as desired, for example, as shown in the photo.

DIY trellis and arches for climbing roses

Alternatively, you can make such a simple construction:

  1. Bury metal or wooden racks about 2 meters high vertically to the ground.
  2. In these racks, you need to make holes at a distance of 25 cm to 50 cm.
  3. Long nails bent into a hook shape, and placed in the holes.
  4. Pull the metal wire onto the attached hooks.
  5. Disinfect and paint the finished structure


The pole is a versatile support for roses that can be placed in any part of the garden. It will look good both on its own near the paths, or benches, and in the middle of the flower bed. They can be beautifully placed at the same distance along the alley or fence. Roses, growing to the height of a pillar, hang down beautifully, creating the appearance of flowering trees.

DIY trellis and arches for climbing roses

Any material is suitable for the construction of the pillar. The most commonly used stone, wood and metal. But the circular structures around the pole must be made of metal or wood. It is on them that the branches will be attached. On the principle of pillars, you can also build pyramids or monuments.


Climbing roses can transform your garden into an extraordinarily beautiful place. However, this will require some effort. Support for the garden is made from the simplest materials at hand. A frame for roses can even be built from wooden boards. Such a decorative solution will definitely please your loved ones.

Garden arch (pergola) with my own hands. Pergola – arch for clematis

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