DIY technoplankton for silver carp: TOP 5 recipes

DIY technoplankton for silver carp: TOP 5 recipes

About 10 years ago, a similar bait appeared on the market, although it began to be made in the British Isles. After some time, it appeared in Europe, but here it has already begun to be manufactured on an industrial scale.

Nowadays, technoplankton can be found in any specialized store. Despite this, many anglers practice making this bait on their own, from improvised means. As a rule, experienced anglers find all the main ingredients in their kitchen.

Before the advent of technoplankton, they tried to catch silver carp using various baits of plant origin. These were cubes of fresh cucumbers, young reeds, cucumber inflorescences, etc. With the advent of technoplankton, the general approach to fishing for silver carp has changed, which has removed some of the problems. Now it’s easier to catch him. Unfortunately, the high cost of kegs puts many fishermen on their guard and pushes them to various kinds of experiments. For our fishermen, the main thing is the idea, and there are various ways to solve it and bring it to life, which is what they do.

To bring such an idea to life, it is not necessary to have expensive or rare ingredients. The manufacture of such a bait is available for every angler who wants it. Moreover, the manufacture of barrels is possible, according to completely different recipes, including our own.

Characteristics of technoplankton

DIY technoplankton for silver carp: TOP 5 recipes

The physical basis of such a bait is a combination of various components that have certain proportions. Technoplankton is made in the form of a barrel, which, when it enters the water, behaves in a very peculiar way.

Once in the water, the components begin to slowly dissolve, creating a huge cloud of small particles, which the silver carp loves very much. This is especially interesting if you look at this cloud from the side: it is similar to a huge amount of small particles suspended in water that attract silver carp.

How does the keg work?

DIY technoplankton for silver carp: TOP 5 recipes

The pressed barrel works very simply, and anything that is very simple is considered ingenious. On the snap there are hooks on leashes of different lengths. When a voluminous food cloud appears, the hooks are located inside it. The silver carp, sucking in technoplankton, also sucks in hooks.

The bait is quite versatile and can be used on any water horizons, including the bottom.

But for this:

  • If you intend to fish from the bottom, then it is better to take instant kegs, with a decay period of up to half an hour.
  • When fishing with a float rod or in conditions where the fish behaves passively, it is advisable to pick up tight barrels, with a decay period of up to several hours.

Components of technoplankton

DIY technoplankton for silver carp: TOP 5 recipes

Kegs are produced with various ingredients. Therefore, it is possible to choose the bait for your fishing conditions. Despite this, many manufacturers do not disclose some production secrets. In this regard, our anglers have to experiment.

If the barrels are poorly pressed during the preparation of the bait, then a little water must be added to them. The amount of water is calculated based on the cost of preparing the 1st barrel: it needs about half a gram. The result of such production should be a barrel, characterized by a certain density and hardness.

To reduce the rate of decomposition of the bait in water, starch or rice flour should be added to the composition. At the same time, you need to be careful, as their overdose leads to the opposite effect: the keg will dissolve much faster.


DIY technoplankton for silver carp: TOP 5 recipes

This ingredient plays a major role in making quality kegs. Basically, oatmeal, corn, buckwheat, pea or wheat flour is chosen for this purpose. If possible, then crackers can be introduced into the main composition, grinding them to the state of flour.

The preparation of technoplankton does not require careful proportions. The most important thing is the careful processing of each ingredient, although the fish may ignore any flavor. For example, crackers or cookies, many anglers recommend frying in a pan for a brighter flavor. In addition, oatmeal is able to create exactly the feed cloud that is needed.

Adhesive base

DIY technoplankton for silver carp: TOP 5 recipes

The glue base is necessary in order for the barrel to have a certain strength. Despite this, it should not impede the process of breaking the bait into small particles.

At home, you can use:

  • Maltodextrin.
  • Dextrin.
  • Powdered sugar.
  • Powdered milk.
  • Dry cream.

The presence of the adhesive base should be no more than 10% of the presence of all ingredients.

The use of flavorings

DIY technoplankton for silver carp: TOP 5 recipes

Whether to use flavorings or not depends on who is fishing. This ingredient, in this case, is optional. These substances are available both in the form of dry powders and liquids. As a rule, they are characterized by a very strong aroma that will not leave anyone indifferent. Mostly sweet flavors are used, such as vanilla, spice, honey, strawberry or raspberry.

Advantages and disadvantages of technoplankton

DIY technoplankton for silver carp: TOP 5 recipes

The advantages should include:

  1. The presence of an aroma that attracts fish.
  2. In addition to silver carp, you can catch other types of fish on it.
  3. Only such compositions provide a large cloudy cloud of fine food in the water column.

Bait Disadvantages:

  • Factory-made kegs are expensive.
  • Very often there are fakes that do not meet the stated characteristics.

Such shortcomings can be reduced to zero if technoplankton is made by yourself at home.

5 best recipes for making technoplankton at home

TECHNOPLANKTON at home for catching silver carp

As far as we know, today there are a sufficient number of drawings for the manufacture of special devices. To find them, you do not need to go far, but just use the Internet. In this case, you should strictly follow the instructions specified in the article.

Recipe No.1

A set of ingredients:

  • Buckwheat flour – 200 grams.
  • Oat flour – 200 grams.
  • Corn flour – 400 grams.
  • Breadcrumbs – 200 grams.
  • Sugar – 100 grams.
  • Water – 100 ml.

Cooking technique:

  1. First of all, sugar syrup is prepared by melting sugar in water.
  2. All dry ingredients are mixed in a separate container.
  3. Syrup is poured into the dry mixture in small portions, after which everything is crushed with a blender.
  4. At the final stage, the finished mixture is poured into a mold for pressing.

DIY technoplankton for silver carp: TOP 5 recipes

Recipe No.2

Component set:

  • Corn flour – 500 grams.
  • Semolina – 50 grams.
  • Roasted peanuts in crushed form to the state of flour – 500 grams.
  • Fish powder – 1 kg.
  • Poppy – 450 grams.

Stages of preparation:

  1. All loose components are mixed.
  2. Prepare sugar syrup as in the first recipe.
  3. Pour the syrup into the dry mixture in a thin stream, mixing everything very thoroughly with a mixer.

Recipe No.3

Main components:

  • Cornmeal – 200 grams.
  • Oat flour – 300 grams.
  • Semolina – 200 grams.
  • Effervescent substance – 150 grams.

How to cook:

  1. All ingredients are mixed together.
  2. Add a little water to the dry mixture, after which you can start pressing.

DIY technoplankton for silver carp: TOP 5 recipes

Recipe No.4

What you need:

  • Makukha fried in a pan – 200 grams.
  • Shit – 200 grams.
  • Powdered milk – 200 grams.
  • Crushed dill seeds – 20 grams.
  • Citric acid – 15 grams.
  • Starch – 60 grams.

How to cook:

  1. All bulk substances are mixed in one container.
  2. Add a little water and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Recipe No.5

What you need to have:

  • Semolina – 0,5 kg.
  • Cornmeal – 0,5 kg.
  • Powdered milk – 0,5 kg.
  • Breadcrumbs – 0,3 kg.
  • Weight – 0,3 kg.
  • Powdered sugar – 0,3 kg.
  • Honey – 0,05 kg.
  • Shipučka – 0,4 kg.

Stages of preparation:

  1. All components, with the exception of honey, are mixed until smooth.
  2. Lastly, add honey, while you need to monitor the moisture content of the mixture.

What kind of fish is caught on technoplankton?

DIY technoplankton for silver carp: TOP 5 recipes

Technoplankton is designed to catch those fish that absorb food while eating. The composition of any technoplankton recipe always contains ingredients that allow the fish to feed in this way. These fish include silver carp, as well as other types of fish, such as carp, carp, path, bream and even perch.

Technoplankton of the fathead minnow

DIY technoplankton for silver carp: TOP 5 recipes

As mentioned above, this type of bait was created specifically for catching silver carp. After some time, it became clear that other fish could be caught on it. In this regard, kegs with ingredients designed for catching carp, carp, etc. began to be developed. In other words, this is the same technoplankton, but designed for different fishing conditions.

Self-made fixtures

DIY technoplankton for silver carp: TOP 5 recipes

The main device is considered to be a press, without which it is impossible to get a barrel of classic technoplankton. Making it is not at all difficult if you follow these steps:

  1. Prepare a small piece of metal pipe with holes located at the same distance from one another.
  2. A screw should be inserted into the holes so that they can act as a device that fixes the press.
  3. All screws must be supplied with nuts.
  4. A container with an aroma insert is placed in this pipe.
  5. After that, you can start filling the structure with a home-made composition of technoplankton.

Some nuances of making technoplankton with your own hands

Recipe for your own techno-plankton for catching silver carp

No matter how simple the preparation of bait at home is, it is better to follow some unwritten rules. For example:

  • In the manufacture of technoplankton, it is always necessary to use compounds that are capable of creating turbidity in the water column, in the process of contact with it. The presence of small particles that separate from the pressed barrel and float or are distributed over separate horizons and is designed to attract fish. Being in suspension, the cloudy cloud resembles plankton – the feeding base of the silver carp.
  • The bait must include both light and heavy elements so that they can be properly distributed in the water column.
  • Do not use more than five ingredients. In this case, one should be guided by the fact that quality should come first, but not quantity.

As many anglers point out, making technoplankton on your own is not at all difficult, but it is better to first purchase a simple device that will help speed up the process of preparing the mixture.

Powdered milk or its analogues must be introduced into the main composition. Such ingredients quite easily leave behind a cloudy trail. If fishing from the bottom is supposed, then starch will not hurt either. Instead, oat bran will do. As practice shows, this is a fairly good option. As a rule, bran, after separation from the barrel, begins to float, which will certainly interest the silver carp.


DIY technoplankton for silver carp: TOP 5 recipes

All baits produced in the conditions of industrial enterprises have a geyser effect. A similar effect can be achieved at home by adding soda or citric acid to the recipe. The same effect can be achieved if you use Alkoseltzer.

A properly selected recipe and the right technology should lead to the fact that the composition will begin to disintegrate in about 2 minutes. If the barrel breaks up much faster, then you can hardly count on productive fishing. Most likely, the composition will not work, since the keg is incorrectly formed and the components are incorrectly selected.

Technoplankton do it yourself. Press form. Manufacturing.

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