DIY pumpkin

The holiday of the ancient Celts, Halloween, has already firmly entered our lives. Therefore, on October 31, many will go to costume parties, where pumpkin heads and candles will be the main decor.

By the way, making a lamp or a candlestick from a pumpkin is not difficult at all. Let’s add some magic to our creation. Let it be a bear who is ready to fulfill your most cherished desires! To make all dreams come true …

We buy a pumpkin. You can immediately take a round one, I got this “bottle-shaped” one. Cut off the bottom.

We clean the pulp with seeds. It is advisable to slightly scrape off the flesh from the walls, so that they turn out thinner, it will be easier to apply the pattern.

We print a drawing of a bear. Or we draw it ourselves by hand on a piece of paper.

We fix the drawing on the pumpkin with tape.

With an awl, we apply a pattern along the contour, making punctures at a distance of 2-3 mm from each other.

Removing the drawing. We start to cut the bear. Use a knife with a sharp narrow blade, a scalpel for creativity.

Our bear is magical, so in one of his paws he has a wand for the fulfillment of desires. From her comes a train of stars. They just need to be pierced through the skin.

We light a candle, cover it with our magic pumpkin cap and make a wish. It will definitely come true! Bright and kind dreams and achievements to you!

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