DIY oil lamp

DIY oil lamp

Oil and kerosene lighting methods were in demand at a time when electricity had not yet been invented, but the need for such devices has also remained in the modern world. The invention is relevant for travelers, lovers of country gatherings and just in everyday life, if the electricity is unscheduled. It is quite difficult to buy such a lamp, but it is easy to make it yourself.

What you need to make an oil lamp at home with your own hands

There is nothing difficult in creating oil lighting, the necessary parts are easy to find at home or on the market.

Oil lamp can be made with oil, wick and glass bulb

In order to start the creation process, you will need:

  • a piece of thin copper wire;
  • metal container with high walls;
  • a match or a kebab skewer – it all depends on what size your oil lamp will be;
  • thick thread made of natural wool;
  • flammable oil.

The process is simple:

  1. A copper wire is wound on a match or skewer with a spiral, after which the match is taken out of the resulting spiral, and a woolen thread is pulled inward instead.
  2. The lower part of the wire is slightly bent to the sides, and the structure becomes stable. The wick with support is ready.
  3. Oil is poured into a metal container – it should not be too much, it is enough to soak the thread and leave the liquid literally on the bottom.
  4. Insert the wick, light the upper tip of the wool – the lamp is ready.

You can also use an ordinary, unusable light bulb, then you get an oil-based transparent lamp with a glass bulb.

A misused light bulb can be a great piece of furniture.

The principle of creation is identical, only first you need to remove the polymer and part of the base from the light bulb. The wick is immersed in the container and fixed from above by the edge of the flask. With the help of a syringe, oil is injected inside, the wick is ignited.

In order for the invention to remain functional for a long time, it is important to adhere to several rules. Firstly, you cannot use absolutely any oil, only lamp oil is suitable, as well as the one that is intended for aroma lamps. Secondly, the use of a thin wick is not recommended, it will burn itself, not having time to serve as a conductor for oil.

For safety, use narrow flasks and containers with high sides.

If all the conditions are met, you will definitely get a high-quality and useful device.

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