DIY garden decoration: photo

DIY garden decoration: photo

Tips for those who want to see their site beautiful and cozy throughout the summer.

To return the comfort to your summer cottage after sunset is under the power of garden lighting. There are a lot of options for street lighting now – for every taste and budget.

The simplest solution is solar-powered mini flashlights. No professional installation required and no wires required. It is enough to stick them into the ground along the paths – and you will be provided with a bright path in the dark.

Ornamental lanterns will also become a decoration of the garden, inside of which ordinary candle-tablets are inserted. They can be hung on the porch or around the perimeter of the gazebo.

From the moment when children made birdhouses in labor lessons, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge. Now famous designers create bird houses.

Birdhouses are made round and even multi-storey, not only made of wood, but also of glass and concrete, painted in rich colors and decorated with funny inscriptions.

We don’t know about birds, but your guests will definitely like these colorful design objects.

Country furniture will help to create a cozy corner in the garden. Now at the peak of popularity forged benches, tables and chairs with a wooden seat. When choosing such furniture, pay attention to the fact that the legs are shod with special protective tips, otherwise the legs will go into the ground. Beautiful wicker furniture made of rattan or vine in our latitudes on the street will not last long, it is more suitable for summer verandas. Out of competition – teak and larch. All other unpainted wooden furniture will have to be pre-coated with special compounds.

The most budgetary option – plastic – will last you about three years.

Remember: it is cheaper to buy a set of furniture, but more interesting is to make it yourself.

If the main thing for you is to isolate yourself from the world, a solid fence made of corrugated board or picket fence will suit you. But it is much more interesting to decoratively beat the fence. As people are greeted by their clothes, your country house will begin to be judged from the gate. And here your guests can be greeted by a carved gate in a fabulous style, a picket fence launched by a wave, or wicker like a basket.

Any fence will come to life if you paint it in bright colors, apply images of butterflies or flowers using a stencil, and decorate it with metal decorative overlays.

Now “green” walls are popular all over the world, so why not succumb to the fashionable trend – a fence entwined with ivy, girlish grapes or a climbing rose will look very picturesque.

The vegetable garden is a real springboard for creativity, and this even applies to the set of vegetables and herbs that grow in the beds. Mix vegetable and flower plantings: nasturtium, marigolds, marigolds, mint, oregano, etc. feel great in the garden.

Your green kingdom will be even more pleasing to the eye if you decorate it with wooden plaques with the names of plants. Both beautiful and practical, because you no longer have to puzzle over what you planted there.

Plus, your garden beds will only benefit if you frame them with mini fences, which are commonly used to decorate flower beds. They are on sale now, apparently invisibly. And, of course, don’t forget about the smart scarecrow!

“Curling like a gray ribbon” is not our case. Garden paths should be bright! A pattern of multi-colored paving slabs or rounded wood cuts, paving stones with grass breaking through in the seams, sea pebbles or gravel crunching underfoot. Choose what is closer to you! And it is not necessary to make the paths the same throughout the entire site – the diverse paths will help to divide a single area into thematic zones: a vegetable garden, a garden, a recreation area, etc.

Watches look spectacular along the paths, which are easy to weave with your own hands from hazel. Hang clay pots and jugs on the wattle fence, and plant sunflowers nearby.

Flowers can be planted in the ground, or in flowerpots, pots and hanging pots, and then move these plantings around the house and plot as you please. Arrange the pots on the veranda, in the picnic area, or create mobile flowering groups that can be easily disassembled and transferred to a new location if desired. Old boxes, watering cans, barrels and other unnecessary items are suitable as decorative containers for flowers.

In outdoor pots, petunias, fuchsias, roses, geraniums, scented tobacco and many other flowering plants, as well as spicy greens and leafy vegetables, feel great.

At the end of summer, flower pots can be taken home and used as indoor plants. And herbs can grow on the window all year round.

The lack of a water supply system is not at all a reason to refuse such a wonderful garden solution. A well can be created using logs and branches. You can make the building not in full size, but in the form of a miniature. Whatever one may say, it can be a great decoration for your participant.

Decor from wooden pallets

One of the latest trends not only in the country, but also in the home interior. Some use them to create compositions of vertical gardening, stretching along the seedlings of weaving plants, others use them as furniture – a coffee table, a stand for pots. If desired, the pallet can be attached to the wall and made into a decorative shelf.

A typical flower bed is a dotted arrangement of flowers framed by bricks, flowers, or stones. Recently, however, many summer residents have begun to use pebbles, which are quite easy to operate and use. By the way, this material can also be used as a filler for any garden craft. All that remains is to turn on your fantasy!

Sonya Beloruchka, Yulia Ionina

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