DIY garden bench

How pleasant it is to relax in the garden before, during and after work, when you can sit not on a simple wooden bench, but, one might say, on a work of monumental art

Garden bench


A hand-made garden bench is a wooden rack-and-pinion “seat” structure and two versions of “stone” supports. The first type of support is a kind of metal cages filled with stone. The second is a flower bed made of molded colored concrete. We will also talk about how to make not only a wooden bench, but also a wooden serving tray.

Flower shop:

  • concrete flower girl, 4 pieces, 1600 rubles / piece, 6400 rubles;

  • soil for flowers, 80 l, 17 rubles / l, 1360 rubles;

  • edged planed board 20 mm thick, 8 rm. m, 25 rubles / lin. m, 200 rubles;

  • self-tapping screws, 0,2 kg, 100 rubles / kg, 20 rubles;

  • wood-protective composition, 1 l, 190 rubles / l, 190 rubles.

  • TOTAL: 8170 rubles.

  • Gabion bench:

  • galvanized metal mesh, cell 10 × 10 cm, 3 rm. m, 170 rubles. running / m, 510 rubles;

  • galvanized wire, spirally twisted, 12 rm. m, 60 rubles. running / m, 720 rubles;

  • decorative stone, 0,3 m3, 2200 rubles / m3, 660 rubles;

  • edged planed board 20 mm thick, 8 rm. m, 25 rubles. running / m, 200 rubles;

  • self-tapping screws, 20 rubles; wood-protective composition, 1 l, 190 rubles / l, 190 rubles.

  • TOTAL: 2300 rubles.

  • Depending on what size and shape the stone will be chosen, the appearance of the supports (and the entire structure of the bench) will also change greatly. It can be like already calibrated cubes of black granite or its concrete imitation with dimensions of about 10×10 cm, broken large pieces of gray stone of irregular shape, or maybe a simple sea stone, the shape of which has been cut by water.

    Gabion * -support

    First, the metal cages are collected from the mesh. To do this, their sides are connected with a strong wire, and the ribs are additionally reinforced with another wire, spirally twisted. Then the cells are immediately installed in the place chosen for the future shop. At the next stage, they are filled with a rough stone. And in conclusion, the top is also covered with a net, and the upper ribs are reinforced with a spiral wire. There is only one drawback of such supports: you cannot put anything exactly on raw stones. To solve this problem, you can make a convenient serving tray.

    * Gabion – (fr. Gabion) – a metal mesh box filled with rubble; used in regulatory and bank protection structures.

    Large ready-made flower girls are immediately installed in place of the supports for the bench and covered first with a layer of drainage, and then with soil. Small flower beds are placed on top of an even step. For a stronger connection, they can be fastened around the perimeter with universal glue. In turn, small flower beds are also filled with drainage and soil. The supports are ready. It remains to plant your favorite flowers in them.

    1. Prepare the transverse reinforcement bar: cut off the outer edges at an angle of 30–45 °.

    2. Place the boards parallel to each other, align the edge with a square.

    3. Leaving a gap of 5 mm between the boards, fasten the bar with screws. In the same way, we attach two more planks – one from the opposite edge of the boards, the other exactly in the middle. Note that it is necessary to correctly calculate the length of the bench from the extreme points of the slats so that the seat lies well and evenly on the supports.

    4. Screw metal corners into the edges of the cross bars, which, in turn, will be attached to the supports.

    5. It is easier to immediately make one blank for two benches and then cut it.

    We cut out the component parts from a sheet of plywood with a thickness of 9 mm and a bar of 35 × 35 mm: base 482 × 482 mm; two side elements 500 × 80 mm (small arches can be cut into them for the convenience of carrying the tray); two side elements measuring 482 × 80 mm; four legs from a bar with a height of 40 mm. First, we fasten the support legs on the plywood with screws. Next, we assemble the tray so that the side elements protrude 50 mm above the base, forming the sides. The finished tray can either be simply painted or decorated differently. And then he will not be like any other.

    Next, you will learn how to make Hollywood curls.

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