Utilities annually “please” users by turning off hot water. Therefore, many have switched to individual water heaters – some even make a boiler with their own hands. How to do this, what to take into account how profitable the work is, read in our article.
Is it worth it to make a homemade water heater
To find out, you need to calculate the feasibility of the installation. Perhaps it is better to use the factory one?
Do the calculations. For this you need to consider:
- The price of hot water is 1 cubic meter, approximately 200 rubles.
- The heating temperature is 65 degrees.
- The heat capacity of water is 4200 J/kg.
- The temperature of the liquid at the inlet is 8° in winter.
Calculate according to the following formula:
A u4200d 65 * (8 – 1000) * 239,4 liters uXNUMXd XNUMX MJ
Next, you need to calculate the power of the heater to bring the liquid to this temperature:
N u239,4d A / t u3600d 66,5 MJ / XNUMX uXNUMXd XNUMX kW
Bottom line: a home-made device would be unreasonable to mount in a house or apartment. Cheaper to pay utility bills.
However, for summer use it may be suitable, because the liquid at the inlet will no longer be 8 degrees, but 15 ° C. Do the count:
N u4200d A / t u65d 15 * (1000 – 239,4) * 3600 l u58d XNUMX MJ / XNUMX uXNUMXd XNUMX kW
- Heating from utilities does not always meet the stated 65 degrees. Most often it is 58-59 ° C.
- At the same time, a homemade tank has heat losses that you need to remember.
Conclusion: for permanent use in an apartment, a home-made water heater is not suitable – this is not profitable. Easier install a purchased boiler. But for a summer residence and a summer shower – a great option.
Type of fuel
The operation of the technique is based on a coolant. What are they like:
- Gas Water Heater. These are the most economical devices, however, self-production is strictly prohibited. First, it is life-threatening. At the factories, equipment goes through many tests and checks before it enters the store. Secondly, even having made a heater, you will not receive permission to operate it. Moreover, you will have to pay a fine.
- Wood boiler (indirect heating). The easiest way: you can organize a small oven, and install a boiler on top.
- Electric type the most secure. About him and will be discussed further.
Pressure or non-pressure version
A storage electric water heater is better to choose a pressure structure – in the shower you will get a strong continuous flow. But for self-assembly, you will need the organization of a circulation pump, which will create pressure in the system. This complicates the task.
The non-pressure version works easier. To create it, you can choose any container: a bucket, a pan. The main thing is to install the container higher so that there is a good flow of water.
The disadvantage of non-pressure systems is the impossibility of uniform mixing of cold and hot liquids. Therefore, you need to heat up to 40 degrees and immediately use the contents.
What to make a tank from
The body is the basis of the future boiler. To create it, you need a material resistant to corrosion and rust. You can use stainless steel, aluminum, plastic. Iron is also used if it is treated with a special protective paint, otherwise the water will be of little use.
Important! If you want to make a tank yourself, you will need a welding machine, as well as experience as a welder.
As a result, water will accumulate in the tank and be heated by the heating element. You can take ready-made tanks: for example, make a body from a gas cylinder, plastic barrels.
How to make a hot water tank
It is best to install a new cylinder for a water heater. First, prepare everything you need for work:
- Welding tool.
- Carving tool.
- gas keys.
- Screwdriwer set.
- Drill.
- Balloon. If you are purchasing a new one, choose without a valve. It will not be useful to you, and the product will cost more. If using the used version, treat the walls with a nitro primer to remove residual gas.
- Nuts at 3,2 cm.
- A heating element. Choose a heating element with a thermal relay and low power.
- Tow or grease.
- Heat-resistant plastic pipes.
- Wiring and terminals for organizing connections.
- Stopcocks.
Manufacturing steps at home:
- Prepare the balloon. Cut it lengthwise by welding, carefully process it inside with a nitro primer. Now it remains to weld the tank.
- In a clean container, make two holes with a drill: from the bottom to take cold water, from the top to output the heated liquid. The location corresponds to the laws of physics, because hot water rises.
- Weld to the holes of the tube. If both outlets are arranged from below, then the hot liquid tube should be as long as the body.
- Install taps on pipes. Connect a non-return valve to the cold one, it will help to avoid the drain of the contents into the sewer. A safety valve is installed on the hot one, which will prevent the pressure from rising to a critical point.
- From above, where the gas valve stood, you need to install a heating element. Secure it with 32mm nuts. Isolate the element with tow or grease, then fix the thermostat.
For ease of use, you can install an LED. So you will know when the heater turns on and off.
- To get a super-economical boiler, you need to insulate it. There is a simple way to do this: a metal layer is selected over an area slightly larger than the body. Insert the finished body into the prepared sheet cylinder. Fill the remaining space with heat-insulating material: isotone, polyurethane foam. Covers are welded on top and bottom.
- For installation, connect metal eyeliners to pipes. Hang the device in the intended place – take into account its weight when filled.
It remains to perform a test run. To do this, the tank is filled with water and inspected for leaks. If everything is in order, you can connect the heating element.
A simple option for a summer residence
A storage heater can be made quite simply if it works from sunlight.
Prepare for the organization:
- Tank for 100-200 liters.
- Hoses, pipes for water supply.
- Corners for creating a frame or other fasteners.
Implementation of plans:
- Make holes in the tank.
- Connect pipes and hoses to them.
- Fix the structure in a calm place so that the sun’s rays constantly fall on it.
- Take care of the water supply. For this, a hose from a well can be used.
- Organize a shower outlet.
To enhance the heating, the barrel can be painted with black paint. Organize foil panels near the structure. They will reflect heat onto the barrel, which will allow the contents to warm up to 40 degrees.
No free container or barrel? Then use plastic bottles. Setting up a running system is easy. You will need:
- bottles;
- sealant;
- cranes;
- drill.
Proceed in sequence:
- At the bottom of each bottle, make a hole the diameter of its neck.
- Insert the bottles one into the other until a battery of 10-12 pieces is assembled.
- In total, it should turn out from five or more bands.
- Seal all connections.
- Above, at the entrance, install a tap. Do the same at the bottom exit.
- Organize a water supply or install containers.
Install the system on the roof for better heating. Depending on the size, the design will provide warm water for 2-3 people.
A homemade water heater is a great way out. In the summer, you can take a shower in the country, and if you make a device with a heating element, then it will help you out at any time of the year.