For those who practice trout fishing, it is interesting to know whether it should be baited and what kind of bait is best to use. Naturally, without bait, the result may be negative. Therefore, it is better to resort to bait, especially in such cases:
- when using feeder tackle with a feeder;
- if trout is caught on a float;
- when fishing for trout from the ice.
Naturally, when fishing on spinning, the question of using bait is not raised. In this case, the outcome of fishing depends entirely on other factors, such as the right choice of rod, the right choice of bait and the ability to correctly set it and hold it. Therefore, this article will be of interest to those anglers who are going to catch trout on a feeder or float.
Purchased bait for trout
It’s no secret that most anglers prefer purchased bait, despite the fact that you have to spend a lot of money. Although, it should be noted that purchased bait for trout is cheaper than homemade. Here is the paradox. Despite this, it is noted that hand-made bait is more effective than purchased. This is also a kind of paradox. Therefore, each of the anglers has the right to dwell on any of the paradoxes.
For baiting trout, a special bait has been developed, which is called “pellets“. It is sold in any fishing store, along with baits for bream, crucian carp, carp, etc.
Captivating flavors pellets for trout fishing
- the aroma of fish;
- aroma of caviar;
- shrimp flavor;
- the smell of cheese;
- smell of garlic.
It has been noticed that fish-flavoured pellets are especially favored by trout. At the same time, she can stop at another flavor, if she is interested in it. When you go fishing, it’s best to take a few attractive scents with you.
Companies that produce trout pellets
- Top Secret;
- Greenfish;
- Silver
Naturally, this is not a complete list, but these are the names of manufacturers whose product has already been tested.
Bait for trout (Pellets) with your own hands
Since most anglers are engaged in self-preparation of bait, it will not be difficult to prepare pellets. Naturally, such bait can be expensive, unlike the purchased one, but the effect of it can be more significant. The composition of the trout bait includes the following components:
- eggs;
- milk;
- trout feed;
- shrimp;
- squids;
- salted herring;
- canned corn.
As you can see from the list, the ingredients are not cheap, so it’s worth considering before you start buying and preparing them.
Technology of preparation
- An ordinary omelette is made from eggs and milk.
- Trout feed is mixed with an omelet. Before this, the omelette should cool slightly.
- Peeled shrimp and squid are minced in a meat grinder.
- Salted herring is also ground in a meat grinder and added to shrimp and squid.
- Canned corn is passed through a meat grinder, and the juice from the can is poured into the bait.
- All components are thoroughly mixed and placed in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.
As a rule, the bait is prepared overnight, then it is completely saturated with all the flavors. The next morning it can be used as directed.
As a last resort, you can experiment to determine if it’s worth doing. It may be better to buy a ready-made mixture, and eat an omelette yourself. It all depends on the wishes of the angler.
do-it-yourself fish pellets