Divine mother with cancer

When she walks down the street, holding her son’s hand, no one, looking at her, would have thought that this pretty young woman was fighting cancer. When she is at a business meeting or runs to kindergarten for Leoś, no one would think that for years her everyday life has been interwoven with radio- and chemotherapy, hospital stays, and the ups and downs of a seriously ill man. However, the real miracle in her life is that despite cancer and strenuous treatment, she gave birth to a child. Healthy Baby…

The story of Magda, who made her who she is and does what is most important to her, began seven years ago. While showering, she felt a small lump in her right breast. The doctor prevailed over the first flood of panic, he assured him that it was a harmless swelling. He directed her to a “picking out the lesion” procedure, which was to take a routine 20 minutes.

– But during the operation it turned out that my condition was much more serious. The tumor was larger than expected. The diagnosis was made last. Malignant neoplasm in both breasts. After the wounds healed after the surgery, radiation and chemotherapy were indicated, the woman recalls.

The race for oncologists has begun. Research, analysis, diagnosis and… fear. The girl lived in Warsaw, she had a great job, she was pursuing a professional career. A few years earlier, she had left her hometown of Łódź, where she left behind difficult memories. Death of her father, then her mother, when she was only a dozen years old.

– I came to Warsaw, like many young people from Poland, to build a better life here and develop. The disease completely surprised me. When I found out about her, I felt terrified and… incredulous: how? It’s okay with me, I have so many plans, dreams, a wonderful guy! Meanwhile, it caught up with me. First, my parents, who both died of cancer, and then she followed me to the capital like a fate – says Magda.

Now, when he analyzes himself from those years from a distance, he sees a young and lost girl in need of help. Not only medical, it was obvious, but above all mental support, an honest conversation, which she did not get while wandering through the doctor’s offices.

At the Rak’n’Roll foundation office. Win a life, which she founded a year and a half ago, is cozy, smells like green tea. The president proudly presents her latest project. In the A5 album, the names of ten women from artistic photos intertwine with those from the front pages of newspapers, from television – preface to the album – presenter Kamil Durczok, reviews – priest Arkadiusz Nowak and Kayah, cinematographer – Andrzej Świetlik, interviews with women – great journalists from leading press titles. Finally, an extensive interview with Dr. Jerzy Giermek, one of the few doctors in Europe specializing in the treatment of cancer in pregnant women. The premiere of the album on the market took place on a non-accidental day, Mother’s Day.

– The protagonists of this publishing house, the women in the pictures, are contemporary “divine mothers” in whose lives an unexpected drama unfolds. All of them, including myself, have a similar history. We are behind the fight with the cancer that we learned about while pregnant. Each of them chose treatment for cancer, excluding abortion, and each gave birth to a healthy child. Some of them have already overcome the disease – Magda rejoices.

She came up with the idea of ​​establishing the foundation, driven by personal experiences.

– I found out that cancer can be treated in a woman expecting a baby by accident. On November 2, 2006, on my 28th birthday, I found out that I was pregnant! It was a miracle, because earlier, during the course of cancer, I had taken hormonal drugs to bring me into the state of menopause. On the news of the pregnancy, the doctor in Italy who was to perform the mastectomy of both breasts withdrew from the operation. In Poland, which doctor I would not go to, I heard; first an abortion, then an operation. When I was referred for my first chemotherapy, I went to the doctor’s office in the oncology ward of a Warsaw hospital to announce that I was withdrawing because I wanted to have a baby. Then, one of the doctors present stood up and said, “Please wait, I’ll bring someone who can help you.” And then the second miracle happened – I met doctor Jerzy Giermek. During the first, personal conversation, I heard four magical sentences for me. First: Are you sure you want to have this baby? Second: I’ll take care of you then. Third: Here are the photos of my children … Fourth: And their mothers who underwent clinical treatment while refraining from abortions. This short conversation was enough to move in me unimaginable layers of faith, hope and will to act. The doctor helped me control the emotional and life chaos in which I had been stuck for so many years. From then on, my goal was clearly defined. I realized that I would have tough battles, but the taste of victory was to be priceless. I was going to be a mother.

It is bright and spacious in Magda’s apartment in Pyry near Warsaw. Such apartments are said to have positive vibes. Four-year-old Leoś cuddles up to his mother. Together with his parents, he loves watching DVDs, and in the evenings he wants to read fairy tales.

She admits that the waiting time for birth was not easy.

– At the end of the first trimester I underwent mastectomy of both breasts, in the second – heavy chemotherapy, in the third – fear of childbirth, and finally a cesarean section was performed. Throughout my pregnancy I was afraid of hurting my baby, I didn’t mutilate him by opting for chemotherapy and cancer treatment. In the spring of 2007, when Leoś was to be born, the public was moved by the story of Anna Radoń, a young mother suffering from cancer, who refused treatment out of concern for the birth of a healthy child. Shortly after a happy delivery, she died. I was shocked by this relationship. I had doubts. I wondered if I was selfish in deciding to undergo chemotherapy while pregnant and trying to save my own life as well. But I wanted to live for Leoś! I wanted my child to have a mother. A healthy mother. I even tried to contact the author of the article, explain to her that there is still another way. You can undergo treatment by fighting for yourself and for the child to be born – says Magda.

Doctor Jerzy Giermek, currently director of the Oncology Center in Warsaw, who treated Magda, ensures:

– Many women with cancer, especially breast cancer, can be successfully treated without harm to the baby who is to be born. Magda came to me at the right time: she was at the beginning of her pregnancy, she wanted a baby very much and… she trusted me. Treatment bears fruit when there is cooperation with the patient, although I never hide from women that they take risks. This is my duty.

Doctor Giermek regrets that the knowledge about the possible treatment of cancer in pregnant women is still small. It is not promoted by the medical community.

– During 15 years of medical practice in this field, I received about 40 patients. Almost all of my patients gave birth successfully, only a few of them did not qualify for such treatment, and a few withdrew – lists the doctor.

Dr. Giermek appreciates Magda’s initiative, who transformed her personal drama into useful activity for other people. He tries to participate in the foundation’s initiatives, attends events promoting knowledge about treatment, and willingly gives interviews and information.

– For years I have felt a little lonely in the ocean of needs in this field. What is needed is a young staff, a generation of new-class doctors who can work with people with respect for their experiences, emotions, and psyche. My personal experience confirms this; a person uplifted in spirit, feeling supported, understanding what is happening to him, what are his chances, he fights the disease more willingly and fruitfully and heals. I can see it in my “divine mothers”. Before their illness, they would never have accused themselves of such strength or even heroism. Realizing the fact and accepting it: “I want to overcome cancer and have a healthy baby”, works miracles with women. Maternal love is power, and cancer is not a sentence, it does not eliminate the chance of being a mother. It is worth for women to know and remember about it.

Post Scriptum

Magda has been fighting cancer for the seventh year. Has bone and liver metastases. After radiation and chemotherapy, the results improve. Medicine is taking giant steps forward. When she first found out about the cancer, it took three years to get used to it. When she found out about the metastases (Leon was just one year old), she stood upright in three days. He believes that everyday life can be much more difficult than a heroic insurgency. She says: – Every day I fight for myself, for my relationship and for my family. I don’t wonder why all this happened to me? I don’t blame anyone. I try to accept. And I have Leoś, my greatest support and motivation to act. I don’t want to waste a fragile gift – LIFE.

Author: Joanna Weyna Szczepańska

Magdalena Prokopowicz’s blog –

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