Diversity is the key to a happy and meaningful life

They say variety gives life flavor. But what exactly can we do to make our days less routine? Someone decides to challenge himself: for example, during the year he agrees to any proposals from others. However, for many, such tests are too difficult. Fortunately, there are other ways to make your life more colorful.

We all know that you quickly get used to good things. Psychologists call this phenomenon hedonic adaptation. Sometimes it feels like we’re running on a treadmill: our “happiness level” fluctuates depending on the variety of new experiences. And over time, he returns to approximately the same position, when the new becomes familiar.

However, scientific experiments have shown that “a stable level of happiness” is very individual. What brings joy to one person may be indifferent to another.

Happiness is made up of various positive emotions – such as pride, curiosity, enthusiasm – depending on our personal preferences. Also, the life goals of different people differ dramatically: for some, the most important thing is to realize their ideas, while the other person devotes himself to volunteer work.

Can there be too much variety?

The level of happiness depends partly on our genetics and life circumstances, but we still can influence a lot. And diversity plays almost the main role here.

Psychologists Jordan Atkin and Cassie Mogilner Holmes conducted a study and confirmed that the variety of activities does make us happier – but only if we do not overload ourselves.

If we manage to create a reasonable schedule for all the activities and activities that fascinate us, then they help fill our lives with meaning, drive away boredom and depression. But if we start forcibly “squeezing” new activities into our schedule when we already don’t have enough time, everything will end badly. Namely, additional stress, decreased performance, and, as a result, disappointment.

“Yes, variety gives life a taste, but this does not mean that we should try to“ diversify ”every hour!” Jordan Atkin points out.

Find a middle ground

It turns out that you need to add variety to your life thoughtfully. And to understand how to do this, it is worth making a list of joyful and pleasant activities. This exercise will help you get to know yourself better and perhaps find ways that you might not have known about.

  1. Recall the joyful and happy periods in life. What did you want to do then, but never got around to it? What activities and hobbies have you really enjoyed? Maybe they should go back? Put all these ideas on your list.
  2. Imagine yourself in the future and think: what would you like to try? What new ideas to explore? Add them to the list too.
  3. Now your list will always suggest options for activities that will make your life more diverse. It may be worth taking the next step right away: adding some of the ideas from the list to your schedule, without postponing them for later.

By consciously diversifying your life, you remind yourself of one thing: you are responsible for what your day will be filled with. And in many ways it depends on you how joyful and happy you will be.

If you constantly try something new and different – whether it’s taking classes, new books and movies, healthier eating, sports, or something else – you will surely find something that is right for you. Something that will give you a lot of positive emotions.

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