Diver dog (Newfoundland)
The diver’s dog, or, in other words, the Newfoundland, is classified as an ancient breed. Little is known about them. Only that the breed originated in Newfoundland
Name of the breedNewfoundland
Country of originCanada
The time of the birth of the breedXVI century
A typeearlier – hunting (but modern dogs have lost all these qualities), now a companion
The weight60 – 70 kg (males), 45 – 55 kg (females)
Height (height at the withers)69 – 74 cm (males), 63 – 69 cm (females)
Lifespan8 – 10 years
puppies price25 – 000 rubles
Most popular nicknamesVolcano, Tyson, Jerry, Indigo, Rainey, Archie, Hans, Gretta, Homer, Rex

History of origin

The dog diver or Newfoundland in another way is classified as an ancient breed. Little is known about them, the history is still not fully understood. Scientists know for sure only that the breed originated on the island of Newfoundland. The progenitors of the breed are Molossians, they benefit the people of the island by being hardy, strong, courageous and possessing good working qualities.

The very first written information about them appeared in 1639. From 1700, divers began to be influenced by dogs brought in from other countries. In the XNUMXth century, the established breed began to be exported to Europe; later, cultural selection of the breed began in England. With their qualities and strength, they attracted visiting sailors. It was thanks to them that they spread throughout Canada, and later in Europe and Australia. The First and Second World Wars played a big role in their spread. Both of them caused huge damage, there were fewer dogs.

Breed description

Newfoundlands are classified as giant breeds. They are large and have thick, long hair. The height of males reaches 75 cm, and females on average 68 cm.

The muzzle of the dogs is pronouncedly square, deep and rather short. On the head is soft short hair. The eyes of the representatives are small, deep-set. Eye color in black and black and white dogs is usually dark brown, while brown dogs have a lighter shade. The ears are relatively small, triangular in shape with rounded ends.

As for the body, the neck is strong and muscular, the body is deep and strong. The chest is wide, voluminous and deep. The muscles on the shoulders are very well developed, the elbows fit snugly to the chest.

The front paws are large, the toes on them are strong and compact. The pelvis and hind legs are strong, broad and muscular. The tail is wide at the base. When the dog is standing, it hangs down and is slightly curved at the end. The coat consists of long and short hairs and is very soft to the touch.

Color comes in black, black and white and brown.



These dogs are very calm, balanced, kind, docile and friendly.

Newfoundlands are very devoted to their master: they try to save their man from a thunderstorm by standing in its way. Can carry a heavy bag. Seeing a drowning man, they will not hesitate to swim to rescue, hence they are called “divers”. The instinct of a hunter is alien to divers – they do not treat with malice not only people, but also other animals.

They are perfect for family people, and will also become an ideal nanny for a child. Newfoundlands get along well with other animals – be it a cat or a dog. They are vulnerable, and very sad for family members who disappear from their lives.

If you love nature and hiking, this dog is for you. A strong dog does not care about rain, snow, heat – he will only be glad to go for a walk with you. On the shore of the reservoir, he will feel at home.

In communicating with the Newfoundland, the main thing is to show understanding, affection, patience and love. The dog must understand that you treat him as a person. Divers are very kind and do not understand aggression. Such a dog is not suitable for protection and defense, although strangers will simply be afraid of its size.

Care and maintenance

Before getting such a dog, you need to consider two points – he needs a lot of space, it would be better for him to have a private house with a large adjoining territory or an apartment in which there will be a separate room for him or a spacious balcony.

Secondly, the diver’s thick and long hair will be everywhere. It requires careful and regular maintenance. At least four times a week, she is combed out with a stiff comb, her hair is cut and made sure that they do not get tangled.

Bathing your dog is not recommended more than once a month. You need to accustom him to water procedures from childhood. When bathing, you should use a professional shampoo for long-haired dogs.

Newfoundland dogs are not very active and therefore have problems with being overweight. You need to feed the dog strictly according to the table – you can use dry food for premium giant food, or “natural food” (it includes raw meat, sea fish, eggs, low-fat dairy products, vegetables, fruits and some cereals). Portions should decrease with age.

For bones and joints, vitamins should be given in consultation with a veterinarian.

Education and training

Newfoundlands love their master very much and want to please him. They are very easy to learn, but sensitive to criticism. To achieve a good result, you need to be kind, patient with them. No need to raise your voice at them, and even more so to beat them – they do not understand aggression.

Dog training should start at a young age. It is important to remember one thing – you cannot prohibit one thing today, and allow the same thing tomorrow. If the dog is not allowed to enter the kitchen, it means that it is not allowed always, and not on certain days. Otherwise, you will mislead your pet.

The more often you train with your dog, learn the commands, the better. In his two months, he can easily learn the commands “Come to me”, “Stop!”. The most important thing is to praise the baby for a well-executed command and encourage him with a treat. He will put it in his head, and he will try to do it even better next time.

It is better to conduct training in the form of a game so that the dog becomes interested.

Health and disease

Newfoundlands live a little – from 8 to 10 years. Due to their large weight, they often develop hip dysplasia. Most often, divers suffer from aortic stenosis, hypothyroidism, and cataracts. Inversion of the intestines and inversion of the eyelid are also common. In these dogs, infrequently, ectopic ureters, an atrial septal defect, occur.

Popular questions and answers

We talked about divers with an experienced veterinarian, zoo engineer Anastasia Kalinina.

How long does it take to walk a diver?

Newfoundland must be walked for at least 1,5 hours. These dogs are strong, powerful and need exercise. It is very good if they have the opportunity at least sometimes to swim in a river, lake or sea.

How do divers react to other dogs?

They are usually kind to dogs, very rarely aggression occurs in males, and then only with improper upbringing. The dog is contact, she needs communication. In general, incredibly friendly and peaceful dogs, as befits rescuers.

Is it possible to keep a diver on the street for permanent residence?

You can leave to spend the night in a street enclosure, but in no case on a chain. And even if the dog lives in the yard, do not forget to take care of its coat.

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