Diuretic herbs for edema

Edema is the accumulation of excess fluid in body tissues. The cause of this phenomenon is most often diseases of the heart, kidneys and other vital organs. Venous or lymphatic congestion causes swelling of the legs and arms.

Swelling of the face and eyelids indicates problems in the functioning of the kidneys. With heart disease, edema most often forms on the legs. This is most noticeable towards the end of the day. Edema is also one of the symptoms of hypertension.

To cope with the accumulation of fluid in the body is possible only by treating its underlying cause. As part of the general course of procedures and taking medications, it is recommended to use diuretic herbs.

In this case, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of this drug and consult with a specialist. After all, non-compliance with the dosage when taking diuretic herbs provokes an increase in blood pressure. During treatment, it is necessary to consume liquids and salt in minimal quantities. This will enhance the effect of diuretic herbs and get rid of puffiness faster.

Horsetail for edema

Diuretic herbs for edema

Horsetail is considered an excellent diuretic that helps fight swelling due to its chemical composition. It is traditionally used in the form of tea or decoctions.


To prepare an infusion that helps to cope with swelling, you need to use four teaspoons of finely chopped horsetail herb. Further them:

  • pour half a liter of boiling water;

  • insist for 20 minutes;

  • filtered before use. Refrigeration is not required.

It is recommended to divide this infusion into equal portions. That is, they use it no more than three tablespoons four times a day, in which case it will help to cope with edema in a very short time. It is also important that, unlike many other remedies, horsetail infusion is not addictive.


Since horsetail contains many different components, there are certain contraindications for its use. It will be unacceptable to use the plant in case of kidney problems (with nephritis or nephrosis), gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. This is because horsetail can provoke irritation of these organs.

In limited quantities, horsetail teas and infusions should be used in case of accelerated blood clotting and when breastfeeding. During pregnancy, the use of horsetail is absolutely contraindicated. It is also advisable not to use drugs, the list of components of which includes horsetail, for a long time, more than three weeks in a row. It is not recommended to increase the dosage, because it can cause nausea, vomiting, pulling pains in the lumbar region.

Chamomile for swelling

Diuretic herbs for edema

Pharmacy chamomile is known for its calming and restorative effect that it has on the body. Decoctions from this medicinal plant have long been used in cosmetology, folk and traditional medicine. Chamomile has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and disinfectant effect. It is due to the beneficial substances that make up the inflorescences, such as flavonoids.

Due to the diuretic action, a decoction of chamomile is used to get rid of edema. Unlike natural infusions of other herbs, it is indicated even for those patients who have increased acidity of gastric juice. Chamomile not only allows you to get rid of excess fluid, but also normalizes the digestive tract. For patients whose edema is caused by problems with the nervous system, a decoction of this plant will be especially useful. After all, chamomile has a calming effect. Therefore, tea from it is recommended to drink to everyone who is prone to stress.

With swelling of the face, chamomile compresses are made. For this, a strong decoction is prepared, in which swabs are then moistened and applied to the eyes. It is also used for swelling of the legs. Inside, chamomile is taken as a diuretic in the form of herbal tea. You can only brew chamomile inflorescences or prepare a mixture by adding lemon balm, mint to them.    

Badyaga from edema

Diuretic herbs for edema

A freshwater sponge that lives on rocks or trees in freshwater bodies at shallow depths, known as the badyaga. Depending on the species, different specimens are found in nature, the color of which can vary from reddish to bright green. The composition of badyagi includes silicon needles. That is why if you rub the lumpy mass in your hands, you can feel a sharp characteristic smell and a slight tingling sensation. 

Badyaga is used in cosmetology and medicine, including as a diuretic. It must be prepared in the summer. At other times of the year, the fresh sponge is not found in water bodies. The green mass should be removed from a stone or driftwood, washed well with running water and dried thoroughly, spreading it out in a thick layer in a dark place.

To use badyaga as a diuretic, you need to dilute a few tablespoons of the mass in water to a thick slurry. The resulting product is applied to the body in places of edema. You can also mix badyaga with vegetable oil. The ratio of components in this case is 1:1.  

Parsley with dill

Parsley is a perennial herb that is widely used in the preparation of various dishes due to its aroma and high content of nutrients in it. Dried and fresh herbs are also used in medicine along with pharmaceutical preparations. One of the main properties of parsley, along with a tonic, antispasmodic, analgesic, is considered a diuretic. The plant helps well with edema and allows you to remove excess salts and uric acid from the body.

To prepare a tincture of parsley, you need half a teaspoon of seeds. They should be filled with cold boiled water. Infuse the medicine for 7-9 hours. During the day, take it 2-3 tablespoons with an interval of 2 hours.

If the puffiness is caused by problems with the functioning of the heart or kidneys, dry parsley seeds can be used. Eat them with water, half a teaspoon should be taken half an hour before meals. Parsley has a number of contraindications. So, it can not be used by pregnant women, as it promotes uterine contractions, and patients with nephritis.

Dill seeds also have a diuretic effect. Vitamins of various groups, flavonoids, essential oils are just some of the useful elements that they contain. A tablespoon of seeds should be brewed with boiling water, left for an hour, and then the resulting infusion should be taken several times a day before meals.

With edema on the face, lotions can cope. A mixture of dill seeds and mint leaves, taken in a teaspoon, must be boiled over low heat for at least 10 minutes. In a cold broth, you can moisten napkins or cotton pads for compresses. Also, as in the case of parsley, dill should be used with caution during pregnancy. Before using it as a diuretic, you should consult your doctor, and then strictly follow the doses prescribed by him.

Celery for swelling

Diuretic herbs for edema

Celery, known for its pleasant aroma, is added to many dishes. It is useful for the human body, as it contains essential oils, B vitamins. Celery is used when it is necessary to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and carbohydrate metabolism, remove mucus from the mouth and nose, and destroy bacteria in the bladder and kidneys. This source of nutrients is essential in the diet of every person.

Fresh herbs, juice and essential oil of celery can be used as a diuretic. This plant contains potassium and magnesium. They help to remove excess fluid from the body and stimulate the production of urine. Fresh celery greens for treatment can be used as part of salads and other dishes. Also, patients are advised to drink half an hour before meals, a teaspoon of its juice 3 times a day.

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