Disturbing symptoms in convalescents. What to pay attention to, what to do? Doctors created a guide
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Some survivors after COVID-19 experience various disturbing symptoms, wondering if SARS-CoV-2 infection has caused serious changes to their bodies. In a short guide for these people, specialists from the “Science Against Pandemic” initiative suggest what to pay attention to, and when and how to react.

The program board of the “Science against Pandemic” project is made up of a group of experts in various fields: infectious diseases, vaccinology, virology, chemistry and biochemistry, public health and family medicine. They are: dr n. Farm. Leszek Borkowski, prof. Marcin Drąg, prof. Andrzej M. Fal, prof. Robert Flisiak, prof. Jacek Jemielity, dr Jacek Krajewski, dr hab. n. med. Agnieszka Mastalerz-Migas, prof. Andrzej Matyja, prof. Krzysztof Pyrć, dr hab. n. med. Piotr Rzymski, dr. med. Michał Sutkowski, prof. Krzysztof Simon, prof. Jacek Wysocki, prof. Joanna Zajkowska.

Have you been through COVID-19? Remember!

Researchers warn against making decisions about taking medications on your own without consulting a doctor or pharmacist. This action can be very harmful.

Long-term symptoms after COVID-19. What blood pressure and heart rate?

Medical experts from the Pandemic Initiative point out that the long-term symptoms of post-COVID usually affect the respiratory and circulatory systems, and that both too high and too low values ​​of the measured parameters can be cause for concern. Therefore, it is worth checking your heart rate, blood pressure and respiratory rate regularly.

Normal systolic blood pressure should be 120-129 mmHg, and diastolic blood pressure 80-84 mmHg. Normal heart rate while resting is 60-75 beats per minute. The respiration rate at rest for an adult should be 12-17 breaths per minute. If the measurements of these parameters show a significant deviation from the norm, contact your doctor.

Long-term symptoms after COVID-19. Chronic chest pain

This symptom may be a consequence of COVID-19. Such pain may be due to a problem with the functioning of the heart or lungs. If this occurs, please consult your GP.

Doctors also recommend that you seek the advice of a pulmonologist and / or cardiologist, as additional diagnostic tests, including x-rays or chest CT scans, may be needed.

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Long-term symptoms after COVID-19. Headaches

In the context of COVID-19, one should pay attention to headaches. “Headache is a very non-specific symptom – which means it can be caused by many different things. If it appeared in the period after getting COVID-19, first of all, take care of a hygienic lifestyle, proper sleep and hydration. Also check your blood pressure. If there is no improvement, contact your doctor »- medical experts write in the guide.

Long-term symptoms after COVID-19. Brain fog

Some convalescents complain about the so-called brain fog. Therefore, you should take care of your diet, drink plenty of fluids, avoid alcohol, and take care of sleep hygiene. Engage in social activities and new cognitive activities: listening to music, memory games.

If symptoms persist for a long time, contact your neurologist.

  1. “Brain fog” attacks not only after COVID-19. When can it occur? Seven situations

Long-term symptoms after COVID-19. Problems with sleeping

Sleep disorders are among the most commonly reported problems by convalescents. They concern both difficulties with falling asleep as well as frequent waking up at night. For many people, these problems persist for up to six months.

Their presence should be consulted with the family doctor. A neurological or psychiatric consultation may also be helpful.

Long-term symptoms after COVID-19. Anxiety, depression, skin changes

Some patients, especially those after a more severe course of COVID-19, complain of an increased level of anxiety and suffer from depression. In the event of a similar problem, contact a psychologist and / or psychiatrist, recommend the scientists of “Science Against Pandemic”.

There may also be a rash or other skin lesions and hair loss. If you observe these symptoms, you should visit a dermatologist who will assess their causes.

What tests should be performed after undergoing COVID-19?

Scientists encourage basic laboratory tests. They include, among others blood count, lipid metabolism (total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides), glucose, d-dimer, creatinine, C-reactive protein (CRP), liver enzymes (AST, ALT, GGT) and vitamin D. normal, contact your GP.

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In all chronic diseases and during convalescence, the so-called behavioral factors, medical experts emphasize. And they discuss the four most important.

Convalescence after COVID-19. What diet?

The first is a proper diet. Diet has a significant impact on health, so it is worth introducing healthy habits. Limiting the consumption of sweets, including highly sweetened beverages, the elimination of fast-food products and limiting the amount of animal fats consumed is essential. According to the authors of the guide, you should eat at least 0,5 kg of vegetables and fruit each day, and the diet should be as varied as possible.

The second important factor is reducing alcohol consumption. Excessive alcohol consumption has a negative impact on recovery from various diseases. After contracting COVID-19, you must completely eliminate alcohol consumption if you feel unwell.

Convalescence after COVID-19. Why is it worth quitting cigarettes?

Another is quitting smoking. Smoking harms your health, and smoking after contracting COVID-19 can only worsen it, and to a significant extent. “Use the recovery time to quit smoking and take care of your health” – say the researchers.

  1. Do you want to quit smoking? Check what will change in your body [INFOGRAPHIC]

Convalescence after COVID-19. Be active

Regular physical activity is also recommended. Regular exercise stimulates the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and improves the functioning of the immune system. «Try to exercise outdoors, but also at home, doing squats, crunches and the like in series. Remember to warm up, and if you are not used to playing sports, start with low-intensity exercise, “write scientists from the Science Against Pandemic initiative.

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