Disturbing Pap smear results – what does it mean?

I am 34 years old. I had a cytology done. As a result, I read that CIN1 was detected and the cytology corresponds to group III. I had my last examination a little over a year ago.

Everything was fine then. How is it possible that it got to game III so quickly ??? What does it mean?

The test result means that there are abnormal cells in your cervical swab. The cytologist should always assess the advancement of the changes (small, medium or large). It is very important because the correct treatment and follow-up depends on this information.

If in a patient with group III, the cytologist noticed, as in your case, low-grade dysplasia (CIN1), probably these changes are caused by a strong inflammatory reaction, which may completely disappear after appropriate anti-inflammatory treatment.

However, it is worth performing another cytology after treatment to check whether the changes have regressed. If the dysplasia persists during the next examination, the gynecologist will probably recommend removing the changed fragment of the cervical tissue.

How often do you have a Pap smear – check if it’s not too rare?

Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Stelmachów, National Consultant in the field of Oncological Gynecology

—Nowatabela 1 | 1 ||| r ||||||| Polish Coalition against Cervical Cancer has developed a comprehensive project of preventive measures. The introduction of the proposed solutions will make it possible to significantly reduce the dramatically high number of deaths due to cervical cancer in Poland.

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No Polish woman has to die of cervical cancer!

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