Disturbing data. We eat too much meat and sweets and not enough fish and vegetables

Poles still eat too much red meat and cold cuts, and too little vegetables and fruit. Our diet does not contain enough calcium, magnesium, potassium and vitamins D and C. More and more Poles are overweight, and more and more often there are chronic diseases associated with improper nutrition. Such data comes from the report of the National Institute of Public Health – National Institute of Hygiene for recent years.

  1. The data on the diet of Poles do not inspire optimism. This is according to the report of the National Institute of Public Health – National Institute of Hygiene
  2. We eat too much red meat and cold cuts and not enough fish and vegetables.
  3. The consumption of sweets and highly processed bakery products has increased
  4. Our diet does not contain enough calcium, magnesium, potassium and vitamins D and C.
  5. 65 percent is overweight or obese. Poles and 46 percent. Polish women
  6. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

We get sick because we eat badly

The latest data on the diet and nutritional status of Polish residents was presented by the National Institute of Public Health – National Institute of Hygiene (NIZP-PZH) in the study entitled “Health situation of the Polish population and its determinants 2020”.

«The results of the research on the diet and nutritional status make it possible to identify the most common nutritional errors and thus to assess the exposure of the country’s population to chronic non-communicable diseases, especially cardiovascular diseases, certain cancers, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis or diseases resulting from the deficiency of various nutrients »- experts from NIPH-PZH write, paying attention to the fact that improper nutrition is a risk factor for the development of many diseases, the so-called nutrition-dependent (diet-dependent). This type of disease also includes atherosclerosis, hypertension, obesity or colon cancer.

Nutrition of Poles – too much meat and sweets, not enough fish and vegetables

In 2010-2018, the amount of bread and various types of flour eaten decreased by over 30%, the consumption of potatoes decreased by 35%, and the consumption of other vegetables and their preserves – by nearly 6%. In 2018, we ate slightly more fruit and fruit preserves (by 6%) compared to 2010.

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However, taking into account the recommendations of WHO experts regarding the consumption of vegetables and fruits, which should be at least 400 g per person per day (including potatoes), it turns out that we should eat much more of them in Poland (their total consumption in our country in 2017-18 was only 313-315 g).

Although the consumption of meat, offal and their products decreased in general (by 2010% in total) in 2018-6, there was a significant increase in consumption in some product categories in this group. Despite the fact that plant-based diets are gaining popularity, the total population of Poland at that time increased the consumption of red meat sausages by as much as 120 percent.!

Also in this area, Poles significantly deviate from the experts’ recommendations. It turns out, for example, that in the analyzed period, a statistical Pole ate a total of 120 to 129 g of red meat and various meat preparations daily, meanwhile, international cancer experts (WCRF / AICR) recommend that the consumption of these product groups should not exceed 71 g per day per person.

The data on the consumption of fish and fish products are also not optimistic. In the period under discussion, the amount of products from this group eaten by us fell by as much as 40 percent.

Interestingly, in the years 2010-2018, no significant changes in the consumption of butter were observed, although during this time generally by 53%. we have reduced the consumption of visible animal fats (such as lard or bacon), as well as vegetable fats (margarines, oils) – by 20 percent.

Poles are drinking less and less milk: over the years 2010-18 there was a decrease of over 20%. Interestingly, we are also eating less and less cheese (down by over 8%) and cream (down by almost 8%).

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It increased by 20 percent. the amount of confectionery products eaten by Poles! In addition, the consumption of the so-called crispbread, rice wafers and other highly processed bakery products.

Nutrition of Poles – not enough vitamins and minerals

NIPH-NIH experts estimated that the amount of energy from foods eaten by the inhabitants of households surveyed in 2018 was on average 1718 kcal per person per day (this analysis did not include meals and snacks eaten outside the home, i.e. in bars, canteens or restaurants, such as also did not include energy from alcoholic beverages).

The analysis shows that nearly 1/3 of the energy from the diet in 2018 came from food products of animal origin (so Poles derive most of their energy every day from eating plant products!).

However, if you look at the data on the contents of our plates a little closer, it turns out that we do not feed very well.

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«Analyzing the share of energy from individual macronutrients in 2018, a very high percentage of energy from fat was recorded – 38,4%, exceeding the recommended 20-35%. The share of energy from carbohydrates was relatively low – 47,8%. It was within the recommended range of 45-65 percent, but it was close to its lower limit. In the case of fat, the structure of origin of this ingredient from animal and vegetable products was also unfavorable »- the analysis reads.

The idea is that animal products provided more than half of the fat present in the diet, which contradicts the recommendations to limit the consumption of animal fats, as well as products that are an important source of them, such as fatty meats or full-fat dairy products.

Why does excessive use of animal fat in the diet worry nutritionists?

Poles’ diets were too high in saturated fatty acids, which provided 14 percent. energy. Currently, it is recommended that these acids contribute a maximum of 5-6 percent to the diet. energy (up to 10% in children up to 9 years of age), but their consumption should be as low as possible in a diet that provides the proper nutritional value ”- experts from the NIPH-PZH write.

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At the same time, they indicate a decrease in the share of e.g. fiber or vitamin C in the diet of Poles, the consumption of which in 2018 accounted for 90,5%. consumption recorded 8 years earlier.

Other studies cited in the NIPH-NIH report in the context of the diet of Poles show that our modern diet has many significant deficiencies.

More and more obese Poles

“There were deficiencies of some minerals and vitamins, especially calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamins D and C, folates, and in the case of children and adolescents also iron. At the same time, the sodium content in the diet was excessive, ”we read in the summary of the analysis.

In the light of the above data, as well as other unfavorable lifestyle changes occurring in our society (e.g. insufficient physical activity / sedentary lifestyle of a large part of the society) or demographic changes (rapid aging of the society), it should come as no surprise that For years, the “epidemic” of obesity and overweight as well as chronic diseases related to improper nutrition has been growing in our country.

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Excessive body weight (overweight or obesity) already occurs in over 65 percent. men and nearly 46 percent. women in Poland.

The NIPH-PZH based its analysis on, inter alia, on the data of the Central Statistical Office from household budget surveys for 2010-2018, as well as on other studies, including those carried out as part of the EU-Menu project (in 2016-2020) with the support of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) .

Author: Wiktor Szczepaniak (PAP)

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