Distillation of mash without moonshine

It is quite possible to overtake mash without a moonshine still. In difficult situations, craftsmen successfully put into practice the knowledge of simple physics and improvised means. We will look at two of the most popular distillation methods that do not use special equipment.

Attention! In terms of the quality of the resulting moonshine, the proposed methods cannot be compared even with the most primitive classic distiller. I recommend doing without moonshine only in extreme cases and be sure to clean the finished product with at least coal.

1. Rustic Method

To build this design, you will need: two pots of different diameters, a stand (optional), a basin (frying pan, cling film) with water, dough or a wet rag for sealing.

Distillation Technology

1. Place a stand in a large saucepan, then pour the mash into it. This is a distillation cube.

2. Place a pot of smaller diameter on top, which acts as a collection of moonshine. If there is no stand, put a small saucepan on the liquid so that its edges do not drown in the mash. It is good when the difference in the diameter of the pans is minimal.

Distillation of mash without moonshine
First stage of assembly

3. Put a bowl or pan filled with water on top. An alternative option is to cover the neck with cling film and pour water on top. It turns out a primitive cooler.

4. Seal the junction of the cube and the cooler with dough or a wet rag.

Distillation of mash without moonshine
Assembled structure

5. Put the “moonshine still” on the stove, turn on the fire and overtake the mash over low heat, changing the water every 10-15 minutes (when it becomes warm).

Distillation of mash without moonshine
Be sure to change the water!

6. Disassemble the structure, pour the resulting moonshine from a small saucepan into a storage container.

Principle of operation: when heated, the alcohol evaporates, the vapors rise up, where, upon contact with the cooler, they condense and accumulate in pans with a smaller diameter.

Advantages: simplicity of design, availability of materials.

Disadvantages: low quality moonshine, inability to control the temperature of the distillation of mash, you have to manually change the water.

2. Freezing moonshine

The method is based on the difference in freezing temperatures of alcohol and other substances in mash. Ethyl alcohol freezes at -114°C, water at 0°C.


1. Place the container with the mash in the freezer.

2. Set the lowest possible temperature.

3. After 5-6 hours, drain the remaining liquid part (it will be in the center).

An alternative option for freezing the mash, used in Siberia during severe frosts (30-35 ° C):

1. Install a long metal sheet (corner) at a slope in the cold. The longer the length, the higher the quality of the drink.

2. At the bottom, install a container for collecting moonshine.

3. Pour the mash in a thin stream onto the top of the metal structure.

4. Repeat freezing-out several times on clean parts of the metal profile.

Disadvantages: moonshine turns out to be of very poor quality with a nasty smell, since most of the harmful substances remain.

Freezing home brew, moonshine, the old (old-fashioned) way.

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