Side effects of Distilbene
Distilbene is the trade name for a molecule, Diethylstiboestrol. This synthetic estrogen has been prescribed for pregnant women to prevent miscarriages. Unfortunately, we realized late that this molecule had side effects on fetuses, especially their reproductive system. The molecule resulted in exposed little girls in utero difficulties on several levels: a uterus which is sometimes malformed or too small, a cervix lacking in tone or an alteration of the fallopian tubes. Some women have also developed cancer of the vagina.
Distilbene: who are the women at risk?
First criterion: the year of birth. Women born after 1977 could not be affected by this drug since it was withdrawn from the market on that date. Those born before 1977 should check with their mother whether she took distilbene during her first five months of pregnancy. This is especially true for girls born around the 70s, a period when the molecule was fairly widely prescribed (it is estimated that 200 girls were exposed in utero). A consultation, especially in the context of infertility assessments, also allows to take stock. Finally, certain signs can alert and push to consult: repeated miscarriages or a very long time to achieve pregnancy. Men can also be affected. The effects on boys are a little different: they are more frequently exposed to fertility problems and their testicles sometimes have poor positioning.
According to new studies, it could even be that the next generation, the little girls of women exposed to Distilbène, are also affected by infertility problems.
Distilbene: is it necessarily sterile?
It all depends on the degree of damage. For some women, pregnancy is impossible, for others, it is necessary to consider a vitro fertilization, for still others, to start a baby is not a problem. Once pregnant, the mother-to-be is closely monitored because miscarriages (sometimes late) and ectopic pregnancies are more frequent, as well as premature deliveries. Also, it is important to consult as soon as you think you are pregnant, in particular to ensure the implantation of the egg in the uterus and to implement appropriate prevention to carry out the pregnancy. Cerclage of the cervix can be useful and absolute rest is frequent.
Monitoring of the “Distilbène girls”
There are now specialized consultations which follow the “Distilbène girls”, especially in university hospitals. But most obstetrician gynecologists monitor women affected by DES in the same way because the French Agency for the Safety of Health Products (Afssaps *) issued recommendations concerning the monitoring of women affected by DES in 2003.
Distilbene: the grandchildren also at risk?
Doubts remain because studies are still insufficient to confirm the first hypotheses. However, it seems that the little boys of women who have taken Distilbene more frequently have malformations in the urinary system.