Distance is the most popular self-development system in Russia, developed by prof. N.I. Kozlov. This is the development of communication skills, leadership, self-organization, building relationships in the family, the opportunity to improve health, teach yourself to go to bed on time, wean yourself from complaints, excuses and self-blame, teach yourself to hear, understand and feel people professionally.
Distance is a system of simple steps, each of which is not difficult to do, and as a result a person gets impressive results.
Site Distances
distance at school
Meeting Format
The group meets during their free time outside of class.
The duration of the lesson is 2,5 — 3 hours.
Lesson plan:
To work on the Distance for high school students, I offered the Basic exercises:
1. Meaningful speech
2. Cheerful morning
3. Plus-help-plus
4. Clean speech
5. Repeat verbatim
6. Good
7. Calm Presence
8. Copying the gait
9. I speak in theses
10. Cheerful rest
11. Sunshine
12. Timing
Also, for future work, it is useful to present the entire list of Distance exercises.
— Warm-up exercise to establish the desired microclimate, set the mood for work (at this time the samovar boils, the table is set — cookies, drying, fruit) — 20 minutes.
— “Braise” over a cup of tea about working at the Distance, a story about how you did the exercises, what tricks you found, what successes in life, what plans for the next week — 1 hour.
– Part of the training with exercise – 1 hour.
Training exercises
- What do you see good in me?
- Calm Presence
- How can you learn to see your strengths?
- Sell your flaw
- good morning (afternoon)
- Balloon
- Break out of the circle game
- Meeting confident people
- My tasks for today are from me, who will be in 10 years
- Actually, three or four!
- Who is stronger and in what way?
- Other Synthon Program Exercises
Many different exercises and games can be found here:
- Psychological exercises for personal training
- Game Library
- We train the ability to lead, be a motor and inspirer
- Relaxation exercises
Approximate lesson plan for January — March
When drawing up the lesson plan, I took into account the requests of the group members, the «loopback» of the lesson (the warm-up exercise and the main exercise are connected and work for the same goal), the format of the lesson, the composition of the participants.
Description of exercises in the application.
1 lesson
Warm up. Exercise «Rainbow Airplane»
Main exercise. «Calm Presence»
2 lesson
Warm up. Exercise «Who is taller?»
Main exercise. How to learn to see your virtues?
3 lesson
Warm up. Exercise «Your best quality»
Main exercise. «Sell Your Flaw»
1 lesson
Warm up. Exercise «Good morning (afternoon)»
Main exercise. «Meeting of Confident People»
2 lesson
Warm up. Exercise «Favorable exchange»
Main exercise. “My tasks for today are from me, who will be in 10 years”
3 lesson
Warm up. Exercise «Turn around»
Main exercise. The Raft (similar to the Titanic, I think it’s better for a small group)
1 lesson
Warm up. Exercise «Construction of a household machine»
Main exercise. «Balloon»
2 lesson
Warm up. Exercise «Satellites»
Main exercise. «Break Out of the Circle»
3 lesson
Warm up. Exercise «Are we the same?»
Main exercise. «Who is stronger and in what way?»
How was it in the real group
The group was not numerous — 7 people of 11-graders (initially there were 10, but the time of classes suited only seven). The composition of the group: 2 boys and 5 girls. Children are different in terms of communication, academic performance, all from the same class (but this class met only last year). We got together at the end of October. Really for work at group of 6-7 months.
My main task was to help and guide children in their work on the Distance.
For the first lesson, I prepared for everyone a printout with the exercises of the Base, a description of the exercises of the first level, leaflets for contracts.
First lesson plan:
- Organizing time
- Set meeting format
- Distance story
- Presentation of first level exercises
- About contracts
- The final part
During the lesson, I began to understand that: yes, children are interested in personal growth, many even do it in their own way. And Distance is perfect for that. But more they need not so much self-development as satisfaction of the need to be listened to and heard, a sense of their own importance and need, warm communication with those who at least make an attempt to understand them. And if some useful skills in life are added to this, then “before entering adulthood” it is very wonderful to have such a “life backpack”.
After the first lesson, I decided that I would add small exercises to create a warm, working environment conducive to a confidential conversation (I spied on the Distance at Marina Smirnova). In addition, I decided from time to time to show videos that stimulate self-education, self-development (“What do you give to life? N.I. Kozlov”, “Self-motivation — do it!”, “Appreciate life!”, etc.).
To begin with, I prepared the exercise “What do you see good in me?” The effect of it exceeded all my expectations, and the guys were generally pleasantly surprised and surprised by what they said to each other. All statements were to the point, to the point, and with a certain amount of healthy criticism. This exercise, I think, will remain in their memory for a long time.
Somewhere around the fourth meeting, it became obvious that it was necessary to include some kind of psychological game or some kind of exercise in the work. Here I faced a creative task — to find such exercises that they could really and effectively be carried out in our small group.
For the first time, the task was unexpectedly solved — Dasha prepared a “surprise” for everyone: a “game” “Show the emotion that others have suggested to you.” Everyone got into the game. It was great. 1) The “quiet” girl in the class was the first to decide to prove herself (it was important for me to support this). 2) The game was similar to the well-known Crocodile. First, it was necessary to “each participant for each write 5 emotions that it would be useful to be able to show.” Then all the participants take turns pulling out the leaves with emotions and showing them with their faces closed (like “The Headless Horseman” by Vladimir Vinogradov).
Then Artem took the initiative. He prepared his exercise.
But since I know that at these meetings I would not like near-psychological entertainment, the task really arose with the selection of serious exercises for our classes.
To date, 8 classes have been held, there is a kind of experience. There is time to rethink it and make further classes more meaningful and effective.
The exercise “Healthy sleep” has become the most popular among the children. Olya said that she had been going to bed before 23.00 pm for a long time, and that was great. The rest tried it and they also liked it, and they quickly got used to it.
The exercise “Removing NOs” became more difficult, but after Dasha’s story about how she coped with this exercise, the guys got a spirit of competition in performing this exercise.
The group took up the exercise “Diary of Emotions” especially emotionally, the guys drew graphs and were surprised at their results.
I probably didn’t “sell” the “Mistake” exercise as brightly as the others, so the guys reacted calmly to it. «My mistake! I’m good! There is something to work on! Forward!»
Description of warm-up exercises.
Exercise «Are we the same?»
The purpose of the exercise is to increase trust in each other.
At first, the participants randomly walk around the room and say to each person they meet 2 phrases starting with the words:
You are similar to me in that…
“I differ from you in that…
At the end, a discussion is held, attention is drawn to what was easy and what was difficult to do, what were the discoveries. As a result, it is concluded that we are all, in essence, similar and at the same time different, but we have the right to these differences, and no one can force us to be different.
Warm-up exercise «Satellites»
The purpose of the exercise: physical warm-up, emancipation of participants.
Previously, according to the number of participants, the presenter prepares cards for the draw. For this, for example, ordinary playing cards cut in half are suitable. The number of halves must match the number of participants. If the latter is an odd number, then the presenter adds himself to this list. On one half of each card, you need to write the letter “P” (Planet) with a marker, on the other — “C” (Satellite).
The draw goes like this. Each is given half a playing card. The participant needs to find a soul mate (that is, the second participant). When everyone is divided into pairs, the leader gives the following instructions:
“Those of you with a P on the card will be the planets. Those who have «C» written are «companions». The task of the «satellites» is one — to revolve around the «planets», keeping up with them. The «planets» have several tasks. The first is to decide on your name. It is advisable to take something from the names of the planets of the solar system (Mercury, Venus, Earth …). The name of the «planet» must be unique, not repeated. Then you need to choose your color. The color should also not be repeated. The third task is to convey your compliment to some planet through another planet. Examples: “Jupiter, tell the blue planet that it looks good today”, “Gray planet, tell Mercury that it has a very cheerful satellite.” The exercise will end when all tasks are completed.
Warm-up exercise «Rainbow Airplane»
The purpose of the exercise is to create a kind, benevolent atmosphere in the group.
In the process of preparing for the training, the leader makes a “rainbow airplane”. To do this, he takes a sheet of paper, covers it on both sides with all the colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple. For this, it is better to use colored pencils. When the sheet is decorated, a paper airplane is made from it. It is advisable to immediately check its flight qualities. You may need to change or redo something.
exercise conditions. We need to throw this “rainbow airplane” to each other. The one who launched the plane gives a wish to the one who caught it. It is necessary that the wish contains exactly seven words (prepositions, conjunctions, particles are taken into account), and also that there are no repetitions with previous wishes. Examples: “I wish you, Misha, to be cheerful, active!”, “Masha! I want what you want for yourself!”.
It may happen that the sender and recipient are the same person (the plane flew like that). In this case, the participant says the wish to himself and repeats the throw. The facilitator can even encourage the participants: “Can someone send an airplane to themselves?”
Warm-up exercise «Favorable exchange»
The purpose of the exercise: «exchange» of personal qualities between group members.
The facilitator begins the exercise by reasoning that people often do not value their own qualities, their own merits. Some people tend to exaggerate their shortcomings and belittle their virtues. Some people are embarrassed to admit their merits not only to other people, but even to themselves. The host offers to experiment, to see who and how evaluates their own merits.
Participants are dealt 7 cards made of thick paper or cardboard (about the size of a playing card). On these cards, participants must write seven different qualities of themselves that they are proud of, which they consider to be their dignity. If the group is still very tight, the participants are constrained, the leader also takes cards for himself and writes his personal virtues on them — then he will “start” the group.
Bargaining is announced: anyone can exchange their cards with anyone. You can exchange one of your cards for another person’s card if it seems that the deal is profitable. For example, someone wants to exchange his «Honesty» card for someone else’s «Communication» card, respectively, that person agrees to the exchange, because he considers «Honesty» a quality better than «Communication». You can exchange one of your cards for several strangers, and — accordingly — several of your own for one stranger.
For convenience, everyone keeps their cards open. If the situation allows, you can sit on the floor, on the carpet, placing your cards in front of you.
You can «buy» yourself another one of the same quality. Then, as it were, it is considered that the participant doubled his dignity (he was just honest, but became doubly honest).
The host does not limit the activity of the participants: you can talk to everyone together, interrupt each other, raise your voice. «The situation of the bazaar» will only be at hand.
At the end, when the auction has already ended, a discussion takes place:
— Who completely «changed» their personality? Who hasn’t changed at all?
Who wins the most, do you think?
— Who lost? Why?
— Did it seem to anyone that he personally and for nothing did not need some other person’s dignity? How can this be? What is behind this?
Exercise «Your best quality»
— This time we are holding a greeting in the form of a secular reception. All members of the group, moving freely around the room, should approach each other and exchange compliments, i.e. emphasize the best qualities of a partner that you see in him and appreciate the most.
Exercise «Construction of a household machine»
The facilitator gives the group a task for five minutes to depict a vacuum cleaner, a washing machine, a food processor or a table lamp. The machine must act: move, make sounds, turn on and off. Moreover, all participants must take part in its creation and demonstration.
Exercise «Turn around»
The purpose of the exercise: rallying the team, relieving tension.
The group members stand in a circle in one line, facing the same direction. The leader gives the command: «For each count, you must turn ninety degrees.» The goal of the game is for all participants to turn in one direction, while communication should be only non-verbal. The host starts counting at intervals of three to four seconds.
Exercise «Who is taller?»
Participants close their eyes. Without opening their eyes, they should line up in one line in height. This exercise can be done again without the participants having to talk.
Site Distances