
Distance is a system of step-by-step personality development developed by N.I. Kozlov.

Why «Distance»? Have you ever run a distance in a stadium? «Reade set Go!» — and you flew forward. The distance in Sinthon is only nine months of work, and if you stand up for the Distance, then go through it with full force. The results will be unique, but you need to pull yourself together and work in such a way that you can be proud of yourself.

I answer questions: How does Distance work? Everything seems to be clearer this way.

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Everyone wants to work on themselves, but most of the attempts are unsuccessful: either people abandon these classes, as too difficult, or do for years, without receiving anything as a result. Distance is a system of simple steps, each of which is not difficult to do, and as a result a person gets impressive results.

Distance is a tricky system. It seems to those who begin to practice according to this technique that everything is simple, everything is on the surface and elementary, and only with time comes an understanding of how accurately the exercises are selected and how much they give. For example, one of the first exercises sounds like “Remove Netki” and suggests clearing your speech of unnecessary, garbage NOs at the beginning of sentences.

«No, I understand…»

It would seem that this is not the most urgent task, but in reality a person begins to speak more consciously, begins to hear what he says … — a quality, unfortunately, is quite rare. For someone who has mastered the “Remove Netki” exercise, it is already easier to clear their speech of any other garbage, it is easier to remove conflictogens, avoid unnecessary disputes and agree with what the interlocutor says is reasonable.

The “Mistake” exercise removes self-criticism, removes the habit of scolding yourself for any mistake, the “Going to bed on time” exercise weans you from night vigils and restores healthy sleep. “I don’t play the Victim” removes unnecessary excuses, weaning from images of helplessness and suffering, the Royal Posture exercise returns us to harmony, deployed shoulders and a sense of inner dignity. «Total Yes» teaches you to listen to the words of the interlocutor, finding a healthy grain there, and «Internal Good» helps to remove unnecessary negativity, tune in to a positive wave. «Meaningful Speech» teaches clarity and logic in speech, «Time Tracking» and «Money Tracking» are clear without comment and seem to be relevant to almost everyone. There are more than two hundred such exercises in the Distance system.

The Distance program resembles a school with a flexible program. On the one hand, at the Distance there is a mandatory program — exercises common to everyone, in seven main areas. This is:

  1. Development of logic (clear, constructive thinking),
  2. Instilling healthy lifestyle habits
  3. Development of effective communication skills,
  4. emotion management,
  5. Order with finances and well-established time management (time management and, more broadly, life management, building a life perspective),
  6. Raise your status and influence
  7. The ability and habit to live with love: to live with love for business, for things, for oneself and for people.

On the other hand, each participant in the distance, together with the leader leading from the finished set of exercises, makes his selection that is relevant for his tasks . For business-oriented people — their own development program, family-oriented or self-development — their own programs. Recently, corporate Distance has become increasingly popular: a system for training key employees of an organization, raising them to be effective, responsible and energetic people who can work in a team. In addition, there are specialized programs for women, there is a parenting distance that helps in raising children. You set your goals on your own and move where you need to go, and the leader of the distance, as a coach-accompanying person, helps you move as efficiently as possible along this path.

The first results will appear in a month, serious — in three months, impressive — in a year. The average working time at the Distance is nine months, but for most distance riders this remains a new way of life.

Work format: meetings once a week (live or online) and daily independent work (an average of half an hour a day). You can find out about the conditions, schedule, cost and other details here.

You can sign up for the Distance to Marina Smirnova, a psychologist, consultant on business, personal, family and parent-child issues, at [email protected]

The main payment for real, qualitative changes in yourself and your life is

every day for half an hour to do things that are not difficult for yourself.

Are you ready for this? Can you handle it?

This mother is engaged in the Distance. And you?

Every week, distance students meet — live or online, via Skype. There are usually 4 to 8 people at a meeting, and general meetings are a very important and joyful part of working at a Distance. Usually at such a weekly meeting you share your progress, the host helps you (explains, clarifies and guides), and the other participants listen to you, support and share their findings. Working together is easier, more efficient and more fun. When you see your friends’ progress, see their real change, share your findings, and get help and support, you move forward faster. A positive and constructive mood at the general meeting is created by a specially trained leader of the Distance. The relationship between distance participants and the leader of the Distance is a mutual voluntary choice. A remote worker chooses to follow the leader’s recommendations if he believes in his experience and professionalism, the leader chooses to work with a remote worker if he sees that he works honestly and efficiently, works efficiently.

With its energetic and responsible approach, the Distance reminds many of coaching, however, the Distance methodology was developed in the synton approach even when there was no coaching, and its methodology is unique. It was at the Distance that those who today stand at the leadership of Sinton, who are the best Sinton coaches, were brought up, and these are the best coaches in Russia. Distance is a unique tool for achieving goals.

What do distance participants most often note as their results of work at a Distance? They write about it with pleasure and in detail. For some, this is a salary increase, career success at work, for others — the opening of their own successful business, in the case of a corporate Distance — a serious increase in the work of a department or organization as a whole, a rise in financial indicators. If the goals were a personal plan, this is the creation of a strong harmonious family or the strengthening of relationships in an existing one, creative self-realization, social recognition and much more. All this can be available to you if you decide that you deserve a more energetic, successful and productive life.

At the Distance you will understand that life is beautiful. That there are people who love you and there are people who love you. You will understand that life has meaning.

If you live in Moscow, you can work full-time: this is the most effective form of work. If you are from another city, you can work at the Distance online, via Skype, and this will also be a great option. Sign up!

The atmosphere at the Distance is very warm and very demanding. Simultaneously. This is a boost of energy and at the same time real work, if only because you need to keep a diary and write reports. If you are ready to be attentive and honest, work in a team and fulfill your own obligations, we are waiting for you! You are welcome, come!

Yes, and for the most serious — the University of Practical Psychology. This is the year of the Distance personally for N.I. Kozlova, new prospects in business, improved health, joy in the family, order with children. For those who want to become a psychologist — a diploma of a coach consultant and trainer.

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