This is the name of the most important entrepreneurial program in Southern Europe that brings together technology, innovation and the food industry.
Next Autumn, and more specifically, from October 5 to 7, the annual appointment of the South Summit 2016 around the program entitled “The Disruptor´s Playground”, where food will enter fully into an important part of all its technological content applied to the industrial ecosystem.
This great international entrepreneurship event will be held in the capital of Spain. The new trends and technological advances will be the main attraction of the changing innovations that are glimpsed in our daily evolution, and of course, the food sector enters fully there.
The event will feature the participation of experts in the field and prominent speakers in the fields of nutrition, technology, sports, health, etc. Among others will be Fredéric Mazzella from BlaBlaCar, Mar Pérez from VentureHealth, Pep Gómez from Fever, Emily Brooke from Blaze, Billie Whitehouse from Wearable Experiments and those related to the foodTech with Fran García from AgroMapping and Ralf Wenzel, from FoodPanda.
The industrial field covered by the South Summit event is vast and year after year it is spreading through different disciplines such as virtual reality, 3D printing, robotics and especially artificial intelligence in fields such as Fintech, Fashion & Lifestyle, Travel and Health & Welleness.
The exhibition is organized by the entity Spain Startup, and has the support of the European Regional Development Fund, the IE Business Institute and the Spanish Chambers of Commerce. Among its prominent sponsors are Telefónica Open Future, Sabadell BStartup, Google Entrepreneurs and Endesa, companies with a clear commitment to innovation and patronage in the technological field.
It’s the turn of the food startups
As a great innovation event that it already is, within its program there is an interesting call for incipient companies or ideas within which they come to be called the Startup Competition
The deadline for submitting candidatures for this competition expires on May 31, and there is still room for all startups related to the food sector (food & beverage).
The winners of this year’s edition will be selected from among the 100 best proposals that will be listed as finalists to compete for the long-awaited award that every incipient company seeks to consolidate its trajectory, growth and as economic viability.
The Evaluation Criteria in which the candidates will be scored will be:
- The innovation
- The feasibility
- The scalability of the technology.
The finalist projects will have the opportunity to have a specific forum during the days of the congress. South Summit, to be able to make their projects known to national and international investors who during those days are sure to fly over the area, which will radiate talent and innovation in all its rooms.
A real opportunity for lovers of Technology and Food, to participate if they think so with their ideas, or simply to learn, and see first-hand what is the trend in the next ones and what will be the new models and paradigms within the world of gastronomy.
We leave you a link to the website of the South Summit 2016 event, so that you can download the entire program of activities and speakers.