Disposable, recyclable, washable diapers: how to choose?

New parents of this decade all face this same dilemma: which diapers for their child? The shelves of supermarkets and pharmacies are now overflowing with many options, and brands raise so many arguments to attract their customers who, faced with so many choices, end up being totally disoriented.
Here are some elements that will help parents establish their priorities to choose more calmly which diapers they want to buy for their child.
Disposable diapers: practical and effective
Disposable diapers offer many advantages. They are easy to use and transport, adapt to all body types, and allow, in any case for the most part, to keep baby’s bottom dry for several hours.
Besides these many advantages, disposable diapers are also often singled out for their composition. Many manufacturers use allergenic substances, such as perfumes or preservatives. The components of these layers are also, for some, recognized as endocrine disruptors.
Washable diapers: economical and ecological
Disposable diapers are undoubtedly less toxic on this last point. They are, for the most part, made with healthy materials and do not contain dyes or endocrine disruptors.. They are also ecological, since reusable and economical since it is estimated that the purchase of washable diapers is quickly amortized, even more if they are used for a second child.
However, they are more cumbersome, and their use requires more logistics.. It’s hard to be in a hurry when using disposable diapers!
Recyclable diapers: healthy and responsible
Some brands of diapers have bet on an increasingly frequent requirement among parents: ecology. Biodegradable disposable diapers have emerged that promise recyclability rates of over 50%. They are therefore made from natural materials: non-GMO corn fibers, wood pulp, starch, etc. Manufacturers tout the same absorption capacity and as convenient to use as conventional diapers.
Parents who make this choice must however be vigilant to always have a reserve of diapers in stock since the main brands of recyclable diapers are only sold on the Internet, on specialized sites, or in supermarkets and pharmacies large enough to offer a wide range of diapers.
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