Dislocation of a finger
One careless movement and you … can get a dislocation of the finger. What threatens a dislocation of the finger and what to do in case of injury?

A dislocation of the finger can be obtained with any careless movement: they unsuccessfully fell on their hands, accidentally hit something (this is how dislocations of the toes most often get). Often dislocations occur when playing sports – volleyball is especially dangerous in this regard. Injury can be obtained even with a strong handshake! The thumbs and little fingers are most commonly affected.

A dislocation is a displacement of a joint with a rupture of the articular capsule. This can damage ligaments and tendons. The injury is very painful, because there are many nerve endings in the area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe fingers, and the bones are thin and fragile.

Finger dislocation symptoms

They appear immediately after dislocation:

  • sharp, very severe pain – if the fingers are touched, it becomes even more painful;
  • finger deformity – the head of the joint pops out of the joint bag, and the finger takes an unnatural position;
  • the finger cannot be bent and straightened, it is difficult for them to move;
  • the skin at the site of dislocation turns red, and the finger itself turns pale;
  • tissues together with dislocation quickly swell;
  • the finger becomes numb, tingling is felt.

First aid for a sprained finger

The first thing to remember is that any wrong action can lead to serious complications and serious consequences.

Here’s what you can and should do:

  • free the place of dislocation from foreign objects – clothes, shoes and socks (if a toe is dislocated), jewelry (rings, bracelets, watches) and gloves (if a finger is dislocated);
  • fix the finger in a fixed position, for example, wrap it (but not tightly) to a healthy finger – with a bandage or handkerchief;
  • apply ice or any product from the freezer to the dislocation site;
  • lift the limb up – this will reduce swelling;
  • if the pain is very severe, an anesthetic should be given.

After that, you need to take the victim to the emergency room as soon as possible – only there they can provide professional assistance.

Finger dislocation treatment

You can’t endure and think that the dislocation will “heal on its own” – a neglected injury will lead to dysfunction of the finger. After a week, an additional joint may form. In addition, untreated dislocation can be complicated by arthritis.


As a rule, the traumatologist determines the dislocation visually. But, in order to exclude a fracture and sprain, it can be sent for an x-ray.

Modern treatments

If the dislocation is not complicated, the doctor manually adjusts it under local anesthesia – takes a finger and pulls it until a typical click is heard. So the joint is in place. After that, he will put a splint on the finger – it will have to be worn until the joint is fully restored.

If, in addition to a dislocation, a fracture, rupture of ligaments and tendons is found, then an operation will be needed. And then plaster is applied. In this case, the doctor will prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs – Diclofenac, Dolbobene gel or Fastum gel. They, among other things, also remove swelling.

After the splint, bandage or cast has been removed. You will need to perform a set of exercises that will help strengthen the joint – they will be prescribed by a doctor.

Prevention of finger dislocation

The main prevention of dislocation is the observance of precautionary measures. At home, arrange the furniture so that you do not hit it with your feet. In the country, work slowly, do not make sudden movements.

In winter, wear comfortable shoes that will not slip on the ice.

Popular questions and answers

We asked for answers to typical questions that arise when a finger is dislocated traumatologist-orthopedic doctor Valentyn Panov.

Is it possible not to notice a dislocation of the finger?

In healthy people, dislocation of the finger does not go unnoticed, it is accompanied by severe pain and impaired function in the affected joint – the finger stops bending.

Is it possible to straighten the finger yourself?

You can adjust the dislocation on your own if the pain allows. However, after that it is better to see a doctor, because sometimes at the time of dislocation, a fracture of the articular surfaces or significant damage to the tissues surrounding the joint occurs. If these conditions are missed, the joint may stop bending.

What is a subluxation and how is it different from a dislocation?

The difference between dislocation and subluxation is in the degree of displacement of the articular surfaces. With dislocation, they are completely separated, with subluxation, only partially. A subluxation often self-resets, and a dislocation almost always requires medical attention.

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