Dishwashing sponges: how to choose the right one. Video

Dishwashing sponges: how to choose the right one. Video

One of the seemingly simplest household items in direct contact with the dishes is an ordinary sponge. As a rule, acquiring such a trifle, a rare housewife thinks about its quality, but it is this trifle that often becomes the source of various diseases. That is why advice on choosing a dishwashing sponge is especially relevant for young, still inexperienced housewives.

Tips for choosing a dishwashing sponge

The brand name of the manufacturer is practically the most important criterion when choosing a dishwashing sponge. Manufacturers of any product of a well-known brand first of all care about their reputation. Accordingly, in this case, special attention is paid to the quality of the materials used in the production. The cost of such a product on the market will slightly exceed the cost of an analogue of an unknown manufacturer.

Try to determine the quality of the foam. When choosing a sponge for washing dishes, you need to pay attention to the density and color of the product. The sponge should be evenly colored and should not crumble when touched. It’s easy to check – just rub the product between your fingers a little. The hard surface of the sponge should not peel off either.

Check the strength of the connection of the rigid surface with the foam rubber: the layers must be firmly glued, in case of slight separation, we can talk about the poor quality of the product.

The best quality dishwashing sponges have a hard layer that is connected to the soft one without a visible seam. Such a product is guaranteed not to fall into two parts during operation.

Read the product description

Please read the information about the offered product carefully. When choosing a sponge for washing dishes, you should know what exactly is present in its composition. The material from which this product is made must not be toxic. So, manufacturers who care about the quality of products must place on the packaging technical information about the product, information on compliance with existing GOSTs, certificates of conformity, etc.

The composition and description of the goods must be indicated on its packaging. If they are absent, it can be stated with a high degree of confidence that counterfeit products have come into your hands.

The purchased sponge, before using it for its intended purpose, must also be tested at home. So, a high-quality sponge should be suitable for use in both cold and hot water and not creep when in contact with detergents. In addition, tips for choosing a dishwashing sponge include an item that implies the presence of a special finger hole on the product, which will allow you to protect your fingertips from harmful effects when working with an aggressive chemical environment.

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