Dishwasher tablets: what are there and how to use them correctly

Dishwasher tablets: what are there and how to use them correctly

There are many dishwasher detergents available. These are gels, powders, and tablets. However, pills are the most effective, reviews usually confirm this. These funds do their job well, besides, they are relatively inexpensive. How to choose the right tablets and how to use them correctly?

Types of dishwasher tablets

In a modern household chemicals store, your eyes simply run up, as you can see a wide variety of types of dishwasher tablets on the counter. Let’s see how they differ from each other:

• the simplest products – 3 in 1. They include three main components: powder, salt and rinse;

• more modern and effective tablets – 4 in 1. In addition to the components listed above, they contain a special substance that protects the glass from darkening and cloudiness. Thanks to this, the dishes do not age longer;

• the most powerful tools may include one or more additional components, in addition to the four already listed. Add-ons include flavors, cold water washes, tea stain removers, antimicrobial ingredients;

• Recently, environmentally friendly tablets for dishwashers are gaining popularity. They cost a little more than conventional ones and consist entirely of natural ingredients. These tablets are safe for both dishes and dishwasher, and for the environment.

Do not forget to read the composition of the product before buying. Weakly alkaline products act delicately and carefully, but they will not be able to cope with the most severe contamination. But chlorine-based products are very powerful, they will remove any dirt, but they can harm your dishes, so they cannot be used to wash dishes made of delicate materials (porcelain, crystal, silver, etc.).

Always use special tablets for dishwashers. Do not use conventional hand dishwashing detergents for this purpose. This will break your kitchen assistant.

Taking the pills is extremely simple. Follow the instructions on the package, as it depends on the type of tablet and its manufacturer. Try to have in your arsenal several types of this detergent for washing different types of dishes.

Now you know the rules for choosing and using these tablets. If you follow all the tips described, your dishes will always be shining, and the machine will not recognize what a breakdown is.

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