Dishes and products harmful to men’s health
The most important harmful “dish” for a man is fasting. Lettuce leaves are definitely not on the menu of the strong half. However, their favorite meat steaks or sausage sandwiches shouldn’t be on the diet either. Why? Let’s tell you now.
It is impossible to imagine a male diet without meat, but you should not part with this dish. Fried meat crust contains substances that, accumulating in the body, can cause various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and even malignant tumors. In addition, pork is a rather fatty and difficult to digest product. It is better to choose lean meats: beef, veal, chicken and turkey are also good.
Feeding your loved one with baked goods is a bad idea. And the point is not overweight, as we used to think, but in the combination of yeast and sugar, which, it turns out, are not capable of influencing the male reproductive system in the best way. Let the pies and buns be on the “ceremonial” menu, but not on the daily.
Such a simple and beloved breakfast turned out to be the enemy of male potency. The reason is the excess amount of cholesterol, which impairs blood circulation and vascular permeability. And this is all – a direct path to male, so to speak, dysfunction. In general, you can eat scrambled eggs, but not every day. And remember the golden rule: no more than two yolks a day. But you can eat at least five proteins, there will be no harm.
It is believed that a vegetarian diet only benefits the body. But modern scientific research has proven the content of phytoestrogen in soy, a hormone that disrupts the hormonal background of men. Therefore, it is better to keep tofu, soy meat and other vegan joys for yourself – estrogen is also called the hormone of female youth, and for good reason.
Fast, tasty, satisfying and extremely harmful for men. Every nutritionist insists on eliminating fast food from their diet. Trans fats, empty calories, a huge amount of salt lead directly to impotence, and then to a heart attack. The sequence, however, can be any. If you are planning a continuation of the family and a healthy family, switch to homemade and healthy food.
Take your time to take away a plate of cake from your man, especially if he is in a bad mood. Scientists have shown that sugar increases the level of serotonin in the body, but at the same time the hormone of joy weakens a man’s sex drive. It’s up to you to pamper your loved one with sweets or save his testosterone for other purposes.
Homemade sandwiches are not much different from fast food in terms of their impact on the fragile male body. This is due to the yeast content of white bread, which, if overdose, will lower testosterone levels. Doctors advise to limit the consumption of white bread or replace it with rye with bran. And sausage is not the most useful product for a healthy menu. Only if you mean homemade sausage, cooked without preservatives, dyes and fat.
We’ve already talked about the dangers of fried meat, but why is the emphasis also on mint sauce? The reason lies in the main ingredient – mint, which, in excess, has a sedative effect on the entire body. This can cause a decrease in the level of male libido. If you are planning a romantic evening, it is also better to leave seagulls with mint for later.
Fried potatoes with chicken
What man would refuse fried potatoes, and even with meat? But, serving this dish on the table, do not forget about the harmful compounds that are formed during frying. Crisp on potatoes, chicken and meat is delicious. As tasty as it is harmful to men’s health. It is better to replace frying with stewing – then the dish will not hurt your figure too much.
A seafood cocktail can ruin an exotic dish if the ingredients are not chosen correctly. Seafood tends to accumulate harmful substances – such as pesticides – and cause allergic reactions. But these are still flowers – pesticides, accumulating, can disrupt the work of the endocrine system and change the hormonal background. Therefore, when choosing seafood, pay attention to quality, freshness and heat treatment. And not to abuse it, of course.