Diseases, pests of strawberries: treatment

Diseases, pests of strawberries: treatment

Diseases and pests of strawberries can ruin the crop you have been working on for so long. You need to know the enemy by sight, so familiarize yourself in advance with all the dangers that may await this berry.

Description of strawberry diseases and methods of their treatment

Diseases and pests are slowly destroying strawberries

With proper care, strawberries rarely get sick, but sometimes they are still affected by diseases.

Here are the most common strawberry diseases:

  • White spot. It attacks all parts of the plant, but leaves are most affected. Small white spots with a dark red border appear on the leaves. Later, the middle of the spot falls out. When the entire sheet is dotted with holes, it dies. The disease is easily airborne. It hibernates in the roots of a damaged plant. In early spring, remove all old leaves and burn them. Sprinkle young shoots with Nitrofen, before flowering and after harvesting with Topaz.
  • Brown spotting. The leaves of the plant are covered with large brown spots, antennae – with small spots. After a while, the leaves dry up, and the bushes do not bear fruit. You need to fight the disease in the same way as with white spot.
  • Powdery mildew. The aerial parts of the plant are covered with a white bloom, the berries change color to gray, acquire an unpleasant aroma. Before flowering, the bushes need to be treated with a choice of colloidal sulfur or soda ash.

Do not ignore the diseases described, as they will quickly spread from plant to plant.

Strawberry pests and control

Common pests:

  • Strawberry nematode. Small worm up to 1 mm long. When attacked, the leaves and antennae are deformed, the bushes do not bear fruit. The affected plant must be dug up and burned.
  • Strawberry mite. Sucks juice from leaves. Affected bushes bear fruit, but with very small berries. After the leaves appear, treat the plant with gray colloidal, and just before flowering – “Neoron”.
  • Spider mite. Cobwebs the leaves. Over time, they turn yellow and dry out. To fight, use a solution of karbofos.
  • Aphid. Eats leaves, flower buds, shoot tips. To fight 2 heads of garlic, chop, pour 3 liters of water, let it brew for a week. Sprinkle the strawberries with the infusion.

Just like diseases, pests need to be eradicated quickly.

Study the diseases of strawberries and their pests if you are growing this delicious berry. Start fighting the scourge immediately after detection, so you have the greatest chances to save the crop.

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