Diseases of tomatoes in the greenhouse
Diseases of tomatoes in a greenhouse are frequent and extremely unpleasant. If the fight against it is not started immediately after detection, then you can lose the entire crop.
Description of tomato diseases in the greenhouse
Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, the summer resident hopes for an early harvest and protection of his plants from adverse environmental conditions.
Diseases of tomatoes in the greenhouse are the result of excessive moisture in the soil.
But the greenhouse does not always guarantee the safety of the planting, therefore, the tomatoes must be carefully monitored and at the first signs of the disease, start fighting for the harvest.
The main cause of the disease is high humidity, typical for greenhouse-type buildings. It is characterized by the formation of brown spots on the leaves and stem and white bloom on the lower parts of the leaves. With this disease, the fruits acquire a brown color, which forms in the form of a growing spot under the skin.
Its symptom is the appearance of a large brown spot at the base of the vegetable. In appearance, it may not inspire concern, but phomosis is characterized by the spread of the disease inside the fetus. A tomato that looks whole can be completely destroyed from the inside.
A symptom of this disease is the formation of dark spots on unripe fruits. It can be black, dry or watery, rotten formations, which, growing, destroy the entire fruit.
An equally dangerous disease in which the leaves begin to change their shape, color and structure. They become lethargic, yellow, twisted. After a while, the plant dries up and dies.
These include whitefly, bear, wireworm, scoop. All of them in one way or another affect the plants, slowly destroying them.
The main cause of these diseases is excessive moisture in the soil and air in the greenhouse. It is necessary to pay attention to watering, avoid excessive waterlogging, evaporation and temperature drops.
How to deal with diseases of tomatoes grown in a greenhouse
In the struggle for the harvest, the following measures can be taken:
- Increasing soil fertility by fertilizing with specialized complexes.
- Dry nettles can be added to the planting hole to protect the roots.
- Every 10 days, the bushes need to be treated with urea diluted in skim milk.
There should be a distance between the bushes so that the disease does not spread to healthy plants.
- To eliminate rot will help constant watering and spraying the plant with a solution of calcium nitrate.
- Spraying with copper oxychloride will help get rid of mold. The solution is prepared at the rate of 30 g of the product per 10 liters of water.
- Potassium permanganate is able to relieve tomatoes from most diseases. The solution should be watered with seedlings up to 3 times a day.
In hot weather, it is recommended to spray the plants with milk of lime
- To destroy the bear, you will need an infusion of 150 g of hot pepper, 2 glasses of vinegar and 10 ml of water. The resulting product is poured into the insect hole, 500 g each.
- The scoop is destroyed by carefully examining each plant and manually collecting insects. Additionally, tomatoes can be treated with a specialized scoop control agent.
- To get rid of the wireworm, liming of the soil and the introduction of mineral fertilizers will be required.
By eliminating the main danger for seedlings – excessive soil moisture – you can not only get rid of diseases, but also prevent their occurrence in the future.
Knowing the ways of dealing with certain diseases, an attentive summer resident will not need much effort to save his harvest. But it is better to take care in advance and prevent their occurrence.