Diseases of the oral cavity: how to deal with them?

To keep your teeth healthy, sometimes you just need to properly care for them, eat vitamins and visit the dentist regularly. And if you have any problems, Woman’s Day will tell you how to cope with them.

Diseases of the oral cavity

Galitoz (bad breath). Its causes can be varied, but most often it is insufficient oral hygiene or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. First, you need to seek help from a dentist who will identify the causes of discomfort and tell you about proper oral care. If the unpleasant odor continues to bother you, you may have to be examined by a gastroenterologist. In the meantime, it was not possible to radically cope with the problem that arose, you can use special sprays and rinses. However, they only mask the symptoms, but do not eliminate the cause of the disease.

Caries – This is the destruction of the tooth, which begins with the dissolution of the minerals that make up the tooth, and leads to the formation of a cavity. This problem cannot be dealt with on your own, you must definitely contact your dentist at an early stage – if dark spots appear on the enamel, you should not wait for the formation of a hole … Despite the widespread belief that insufficient oral care is the cause of tooth decay, lack of vitamins becomes the main cause of the development of the disease. That is why it is necessary to eat foods containing maximum vitamins, especially calcium and phosphorus.

Bleeding gums – an unpleasant phenomenon accompanying the inflammatory process, which in many cases leads to the loss of even an absolutely healthy tooth. To cope with inflammation, it is necessary to act on its main cause – pathogenic microbes. To do this, you can use a dental gel, such as, for example, “Metrogyl Denta”. And in the future, to strengthen the gums, it is recommended to massage them with a toothbrush.

Plaque. It constantly forms on the surface of the teeth and is an almost invisible film of food debris. But if it is not removed in a timely manner, it thickens and mineralizes, transforming into tartar, which injures the gums. In addition, plaque is an excellent breeding ground for disease-causing bacteria that increase inflammation. Therefore, it is necessary to thoroughly brush your teeth using special brushes and floss (dental floss), rinse your mouth after eating and do not forget to visit your dentist twice a year for professional cleaning.

Stomatitis. This is an inflammation of the oral mucosa, which develops as a result of a weakened immune system or an infection that the body cannot cope with. Painful ulcers on the mucous membrane often occur due to insufficient thorough processing of food, therefore, it is necessary to thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables before eating. And to cope with the problem yourself, you can use a special anti-inflammatory gel or rinse.

If you want to preserve the beauty and health of your smile, do not wait for serious problems to appear. Brush your teeth thoroughly daily and consume more nutrients.

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