Diseases of the anus

Diseases of the anus is the general name for a wide variety of pathologies of the rectum and perianal region. They can be caused by different causes and have different clinical manifestations. Among the most common diseases of the anus are anal fissures, rectal ulcers, perianal hematomas, infringement of hemorrhoids, anal itching, bleeding from the anus, hemorrhoids.

Diseases of the anus are manifested by pain in the rectum, anal itching, bleeding from the anus, the appearance of volumetric formations and discharge from the anus.

Causes of diseases of the anus

There are many reasons for which diseases of the anus occur. For example, an anal fissure may appear due to constipation (even short-term) and tenesmus (frequent false urges) to defecate, and organic lesions of the intestine become the cause of diseases.

The occurrence of perianal hematomas is explained by rupture of the veins of the rectum, and discharge from the anus occurs due to a fistula of the rectum or the presence of sexually transmitted diseases (herpes, gonorrhea, genital warts).

May cause discharge and solitary ulcer of the rectum. Anal bleeding is possible with hemorrhoids, anal fissure, anal scratching, and so on. Anal itching can occur due to diarrhea, diabetes or thrush, hemorrhoids, genital warts or anal fissures, dermatitis, or allergies to hygiene products.

Symptoms of diseases of the anus

Symptoms of diseases of the anus are often similar to each other. For example, with a fissure in the anus, the patient is worried about pain during defecation, sphincter spasms and anal bleeding. The anal fissure itself is an oval ulcer and is located between the edge of the anal passage and the rectal-anal line.

The disease is manifested by pain in the anus, but there are no organic lesions. The duration of pain attacks can be from three minutes to half an hour, the intensity of pain also varies (from discomfort to severe spasms). Most often, attacks of pain occur at night. The disease affects mainly men over 40 years of age.

With a single ulcer of the rectum, the patient feels a volumetric formation in the anus, during defecation he has difficulty, it is possible to release mucus and blood from the anus.

Subcutaneous paraproctitis (purulent inflammation) is characterized by severe throbbing pain, swelling, the skin near the anus thickens and turns red, and the temperature rises.

A common disease is also various volumetric formations of the rectum. They can be either true (fringes, hemorrhoids, condylomas) or prolapsed from the rectum (rectum, rectal polyps).

Treatment of diseases of the anus

Treatment of diseases of the anus is prescribed depending on their type. A solitary rectal ulcer, for example, most often has a chronic course, so treatment involves the prevention of constipation and diet (fiber-rich foods are useful). For the treatment of an anal fissure, sphincter stretching and subcutaneous lateral sphincteroderma are practiced, it is also recommended to constantly prevent constipation.

A perianal hematoma may sometimes require aspiration (it is punctured with a needle without the use of anesthesia or the skin is cut over the hematoma). In case of infringement of hemorrhoids, it is recommended to apply cold to the anus, hemorrhoidectomy may be required. Subcutaneous paraproctitis is treated by opening the abscess and draining it. The fistulous tract is found and excised. Perianal fimbriae are removed surgically: they are undesirable from an aesthetic and hygienic point of view and can cause itching of the anus.

For the treatment of hemorrhoids, hemorrhoidectomy, sclerotherapy, and cryotherapy are used. Prevention of hemorrhoids is the prevention of constipation and exercise in a sedentary lifestyle.

With anal itching, it is strictly forbidden to comb the skin. Hot baths are not recommended, dry skin of the anus should be observed, stools should be regular, and clothes and underwear should be loose.

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