Diseases of roses description and treatment

Diseases of roses description and treatment

A flower bed with blooming roses is always pleasing to the eye. But what if some roses are damaged by aphids, powdery mildew or rust. Undoubtedly, it is necessary to start treating the plant immediately, avoiding damage to other flowers. In most cases, immediate treatment will help completely get rid of rose disease.

Diseases most commonly affecting roses

The most common rose disease is the defeat of the leaves and buds of aphids. Small insects can be seen with the naked eye, they usually attack the healthiest stem and begin to destroy it.

Diseases of roses: description and treatment, damage to the flower of aphids

The mite often attacks healthy rose leaves, weaving a cobweb between them, and then feeds on healthy plant cells, causing great harm to it. A tick can infect shrubs with gray mold, which is not easy to get rid of.

Rose can also be affected by black rust. Often she gets sick immediately after the first thaw, at a time when the bush is still too weak. The first leaves begin to turn brown, gradually curl and die off.

Black spot affects bushes, the soil of which is no longer nutritious and is regularly waterlogged. The leaves are affected by large dark circles, gradually turn yellow and fall off. Diseases of most roses and their treatment are most effective at the initial stage, until the pest has chosen the whole bush.

Treatment of rose diseases and their description

For treatment, chemical preparations of a wide spectrum of action or folk methods of struggle are used. It also happens that it is necessary to burn the entire bush at once, if the treatment is powerless or if a large area of ​​the bush is affected.

Timely burning helps to avoid further contamination of healthy roses

Rust on the leaves of roses is perfectly treated by spraying an infusion of wormwood or copper-containing preparations. Spraying is carried out once every 1 weeks. Affected leaves are destroyed.

If a rose is affected by a tick or black spot, it is necessary to spray the rose with sulfur-containing preparations or copper sulfate once every 10 days. When most of the bush is affected, the plant itself is sprayed with Bordeaux liquid around it once every 6 days.

In the initial stages, aphids can be fought by feeding the plant with ash and potassium fertilizer. It is necessary to regularly loosen the soil around the bush. Chemicals such as benomyl or topsin can be used. The rose is processed once every 2 weeks, repeating the procedure about 4 times. If the treatment does not help, it is better to get rid of the plant by completely burning it.

Initial treatment of the plant helps to quickly get rid of diseases and prevent infection of others. The main thing is to correctly recognize the pest and follow the instructions exactly.

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