Diseases of dracaena, its leaves and their treatment
Dracaena diseases are very insidious, they develop quickly and can lead to the death of the plant. You need to know the first signs of defeat in order to take action in time.
Dracaena root diseases and methods of their treatment
Dracaena root rot is most common. The plant gets sick from improper care. In most cases, the watering regime is not observed, the room is too cool. If the signals are recognized in time, then the flower can be saved.
Dracaena diseases can be identified by the leaves, they are very different from healthy ones.
Root rot is easy to recognize by the appearance of the plant and the condition of the soil. The soil becomes moldy, exudes an unpleasant specific odor, the trunk wrinkles, becomes soft, the leaves are drooping. Inexperienced gardeners believe that the plant does not have enough moisture and water it, but this only aggravates the condition of the roots. Remove the dracaena from the pot, wash off all soil and carefully examine the roots. All damaged parts must be cut back to healthy tissue. After that, the roots of the plant are immersed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or Bordeaux liquid, dried and powdered with ash. Dracaena is planted in sterile fresh soil.
In addition to root rot, bacterial rot is also found. It can be recognized by wet spots on the leaves. In this case, the treatment is no different.
On the leaves of dracaena, you can find uncharacteristic spots that are caused by various diseases. In order to correctly recognize the ailment, it is important to pay attention to all the details:
- Dry brown spots on the trunk and leaves, inside which white dots are visible, indicate Alternaria. With the development of the disease, the leaves and sections of the trunk die off. Dracaena is sprayed with Topaz every 10 days until it is completely cured.
- Beige spots with a red border around the edges indicate heterosporosis. Over time, a green coating forms on the spot. The plant is treated with Oxyhom preparations three times.
- Brown spots on the tips of the leaves in combination with ulcers on the trunk indicate bacteriosis. It is useless to treat a flower, it is better to buy a new one.
- The yellow spots and wilting of the top of the plant are similar to Fusarium. All affected leaves must be removed, and the plant must be sprayed with Fundazol at least 3 times.
These are the most common diseases that occur on dracaena leaves. The fight against them must be started as early as possible so as not to lose the flower.
In fact, there are much more diseases in dracaena, but they all develop from insufficient care or lack of it. Follow agricultural practices to keep your plants healthy.