Diseases of dirty hands. Video
Basic hand hygiene will help you protect yourself and your loved ones from many infectious diseases. It is not for nothing that intestinal infections have long been called hand diseases.
Diseases of dirty hands: video
Dirty hands, which are full of various microbes, in most cases lead to infectious diseases. The most common among them are dysentery, helminthiasis and viral hepatitis A and E.
Moreover, not only does a person get sick himself, he is also able to infect others, introducing bacteria with dirty hands onto the things and food products around him. You can even get infected from healthy people – bacteria carriers. Such a person does not get sick himself, but is able to pollute food and water around him, releasing pathogens of intestinal infections. It is impossible to protect open hands from bacteria, but it is quite possible to limit their spread.
Hand washing is considered one of the best ways to avoid infectious diseases. Despite this, many neglect this procedure during the day. But hands will not necessarily be visibly dirty. They accumulate bacteria visible exclusively under the microscope – after shaking hands, contact with various surfaces, animals, food. And if you don’t wash your hands as often as possible, you can get an infection just by touching your mouth, eyes or nose.
The absence of visible dirt on the hands does not mean the absence of disease-causing bacteria.
All of these problems can be avoided by simply washing your hands as often as possible with warm water and soap or hand sanitizer.
Therefore, always wash your hands:
- before eating
- after treating cuts and wounds
- after sneezing or coughing
- after using the toilet, especially in public
- After direct contact with animals and their waste
Infectious Diseases of Dirty Hands
Failure to treat infections in a timely manner can lead to disability and even death. See your doctor right away if you have:
Do not self-medicate until your doctor’s appointment. Self-administration of antibiotics and other medications can prolong the disease
- diarrhea
- vomiting
- fever
- skin rashes
- joint and muscle pain
- stomach ache
- painful urge to use the toilet
Helminthiasis. These diseases are caused by common worms (worms, helminths). Once in the human body, the worms begin to develop, and subsequently multiply, and it is quite difficult to stop this process.
Giardiasis. Dirty hands are the most common cause of this disease. Giardia live in the small intestine and are highly active.
Salmonellosis. Salmonellosis is caused by bacteria living in dairy products, fresh meat and eggs. Salmonella is easily tolerated by hand.
Dysentery. An infectious disease known for its insidiousness. Staphylococcus aureus, the causative agent of dysentery, enters the human body with food and water.
Viral hepatitis A. Hepatitis is based on liver damage. In almost all cases, infection occurs due to poor hygiene. Unfortunately, the first signs of hepatitis appear in about a month.
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