Cabbage is a frequent visitor to our gardens. It is not only attractive from a gastronomic point of view, but also has many medicinal properties (for example, cabbage is indicated for cholelithiasis). However, this vegetable is prone to many diseases. What diseases of cabbage are and how to deal with them, our article will tell.
White rot
One of the most common cabbage diseases is white rot. Its causative agent is the fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. The symptoms of the disease include:
- mucus that appears on the outer leaves;
- the appearance between the leaves and on the head of a white cotton-like mycelium;
- then the fungus in large numbers forms black sclerotia. Their size varies from 0,1 to 3 cm;
- зараженные гнилью кочаны не хранятся – они быстро гниют. При этом происходит заражение соседних овощей.
The disease itself is characterized by a focal character. The above symptoms of white cabbage disease appear before harvesting. Such plants cannot be used in traditional medicine, in particular, for the treatment of gallstone disease.
To combat white rot, the following agrotechnical methods are used:
- preservation during harvesting on heads of about 2-3 covering sheets;
- prevention of cabbage damage during assembly;
- timely cleaning;
- надлежащая подготовка к хранению;
- дезинфекция и очистка хранилищ;
- proper storage regime. The optimal temperature regime is (0-1°С);
- compliance with crop rotation with a period of 6-7 years.
Subject to these recommendations, cabbage will be healthy and suitable for medicinal purposes (the same cholelithiasis, for example) or normal nutrition.
Gray mold
Another common cabbage disease is gray mold. Its causative agent is also a fungus related to facultative parasites. It attacks weakened or necrotic plant tissues.
Symptoms of gray mold include:
- the appearance of mucous bacteriosis;
- covering heads of cabbage with a brown fluffy coating, which contains spores of the pathogen;
- при сильном заражении происходи гниение овоща;
- in the last phases of the development of the disease, black sclerotia appear on the head of cabbage.
Control methods involve manipulations that are largely similar, which are carried out to prevent white rot:
- timely harvest;
- prevention of damage to heads;
- preservation during assembly of 2-3 covering leaves;
- storage of vegetables in optimal temperature and humidity conditions;
- дезинфекция и очистка хранилищ;
- rejection for storage of frozen and damaged heads of cabbage.
Помимо этого рекомендуется использовать для посева сорта, которые устойчивы к данному заболеванию. Самыми популярными сортами белокочанной капусты, устойчивыми к серой гнили, является Монарх и F1 Лёжкий. Такие сорта не только используются для лечения желчнокаменной болезни, но и имеют приятный вкус.
Diseases of cabbage are varied. And another manifestation of them is Keel’s disease. This disease is considered the most dangerous and common among white cabbage crops. Kila for cabbage is as serious in terms of danger as cancer for potatoes. The causative agent of Kila is a fungus that infects the roots of the plant.
Kila symptoms do not appear immediately after infection of the vegetable. Therefore, it is not possible to identify the disease at an early stage. Symptoms of this disease can only be detected when digging up the plant.
Keele’s disease has the following clinical picture:
- slight wilting of leaves;
- leaves may become yellowish;
- heads of cabbage may be underdeveloped;
- на корнях появляются вздутия и наросты. В дальнейшем эти наросты начинают гнить.
As you can see, the symptoms of Kila are not pronounced and if you are inattentive, they can be missed. Therefore, be careful, especially when treating gallstone disease with cabbage.
Control measures for Keele disease include the following:
- destruction of affected plants;
- обработка земли в местах произрастания пораженных овощей формалином или бордосской жидкостью;
- soil cultivation with colloidal sulfur. For 1m2 идет 5 г или 0,4%-й раствор;
- thermal soil treatment. This implies heating the soil with steam for 3 hours. The method is used to disinfect the land in greenhouses.
- cultural turnover, which is 5-7 years;
- soil liming.
Видео “Болезни белой капусты и их лечение
Fusarium wilt of cabbage or its yellowness is another fairly common disease of this plant. The causative agent of yellowness is the fungus Fusarium oxysporum. It affects mainly early plant varieties. This is especially true for seedlings.
К главным признакам заболевания капусты желтизной относится:
- the appearance of a specific color of the leaves. They take on a yellow-green hue. The leaf may become this color only partially;
- loss of turgor leaves;
- uneven development of the leaf plate;
- the lesion is localized on the head;
- leaf fall until the head is completely exposed (with the neglect of pathological processes).
If you make a cross section of the head and petioles of the leaves, you will see dark brown or light brown rings of vessels.
The list of control measures developed against Fusarium wilt includes the following agrotechnical measures:
- destruction of plants;
- steaming or replacing the soil;
- осеннее обеззараживание почвы. Для этого необходимо использовать раствор медного купороса. Готовим его из расчета на 10 л воды 5 г препарата.
When carrying out the above methods of struggle, your crop will be suitable not only for purely gastronomic purposes, but also for the treatment of gallstone disease.
Mosaic on cabbage leaves is not uncommon. The causative agent of this disease is a virus that affects all varieties of cabbage known today.
The first symptoms of infection appear within a month after planting seedlings in open ground. The main symptom of this disease in white cabbage is the appearance of a specific mosaic pattern on the leaves.
In addition, the following symptoms of the course of the disease are possible:
- осветление жилок листьев;
- появление темно‑зеленой каймы на них;
- the sheet becomes wrinkled and deformed;
- in rare cases, necrotic spots appear on the leaf plate;
- then comes the death and fall of the affected leaves.
Борьба с этим недугом бесполезна. Поэтому при выявлении мозаики все пораженные растения подлежат немедленному уничтожению. Пораженные кочаны нельзя употреблять в пищу и тем более использовать для лечения желчнокаменной болезни даже при удалении инфицированных листьев. Здесь возможны только профилактические меры, которые включают:
- weeding beds from weeds;
- treatment of plants with insecticides, since ticks and aphids are carriers of the virus;
- planting seedlings away from state farm fields.
Downy Mildew
In addition to the above diseases of cabbage, another fairly common ailment is downy mildew or downy mildew. The causative agent of this disease is the fungus Peronospora parasitica.
The symptomatic picture with downy mildew has the following manifestations:
- reddish-yellowish or gray-yellow blurry spots appear on the leaves. From the bottom of such spots, the formation of loose mycelium occurs;
- mycelium has the form of forked conidiophores. They end in colorless oval conidia, the size of which varies in the range of 22-20 microns;
- during one growing season, several generations of conidia are formed;
- at the end of the season, the formation of rounded yellow oospores is characteristic. It is because of them that secondary infection of plants occurs;
- Affected leaves eventually turn yellow and fall off.
To combat peronosporosis, specialists have developed the following agrotechnical methods:
- maintenance in greenhouses of optimal indicators for the development of seedlings;
- harvesting after harvesting all plant residues;
- use for seedlings only healthy seeds that do not have external defects;
- before sowing, the soil is treated with planriz or TMTD;
- carrying out hydrothermal treatment of seeds. Here it is supposed to lower the seeds into hot water for 20 minutes. Water temperature – about 50 ° C, no more. After that, the seeds should be quickly cooled for 2-3 minutes in cold water.
If the first symptoms appear on seedlings, after planting it must be treated with specialized preparations designed to combat this particular disease.
In the treatment of gallstone disease, plants that have even slight signs of this disease are by no means used.
The black leg of cabbage most often affects seedlings. It is considered a very dangerous disease. The group of pathogens includes various types of fungi.
Its characteristic features include the following manifestations:
- the affected part of the stem becomes watery;
- darkening (sometimes it can turn brown) with further decay of the lower part of the stem;
- thinning of the root neck and further darkening with the formation of a constriction;
- в дальнейшем возможна гибель всего растения.
In the active stage of the disease, neighboring plants are infected.
Если инфицированную рассаду посадить в грунт, то растения будут плохо приживаться из-за слабой корневой системы и часто останавливаться в развитии или гибнуть.
The following control measures have been developed for this disease:
- planting those varieties of cabbage that are highly resistant to this disease. These varieties include, for example, Kazachok, but the varieties Belorusskaya 455, Moscow late 9 and Amager 611 are considered the most affected;
- disinfection of seeds before planting with biological preparations (Planriz, Baktofit, Fitolavin-300, Fitosporin) or chemical (Cumulus DF, Fundazol, TMTD). Chemical preparations in this situation will be more effective;
- fresh soil;
- frequent change of soil and its disinfection with chemicals.
As you can see, there are a lot of cabbage diseases. Therefore, knowing the first symptoms of the disease and methods of dealing with it will help to grow a high-quality and healthy crop that can help in the treatment of even gallstone disease.
Video “Tricks of growing cabbage”
How to protect your crop from diseases and pests, and what to do if misfortune did happen? You will find some tricks for growing, caring for and treating cabbage in the video below.
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