Despite the amazing advances made by medicine over the past decades, there are many diseases that doctors are not yet able to cure.
It is the most common form of dementia and can be severely affected by problems with memory, logic and thinking that interfere with daily life. The biggest risk factor for this disease is age, although it is not just those who are 65 years of age or older who suffer from it. Early signs of the disease have been documented in 40-year-olds. On average, patients live about eight years after the first symptoms appear. But while the disease does not respond to treatment, there are medications that can ease its course and reduce depression, anxiety, memory loss, and disorientation in patients.
To understand the threat of diabetes, it is important to understand the role insulin plays in the body. This hormone is produced by the pancreas and helps our cells convert glucose, a type of sugar, into energy. Without regular intake of insulin, blood sugar levels rise to dangerous levels and increases the risk of other diseases. According to the American Diabetes Association, children and young adults are most commonly diagnosed with type 95 diabetes, in which the body produces no insulin at all. In type XNUMX diabetes, which accounts for up to XNUMX% of all cases, the body becomes insulin resistant, resulting in high blood sugar. Although there is no cure for diabetes, Type XNUMX patients can control their blood glucose through proper diet and exercise.
AIDS is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. Many people do not quite understand the difference between AIDS and the HIV virus. indicates that the HIV virus is something that is transmitted through sexual contact or the blood of someone who has the virus. The HIV virus then attacks the immune system and makes the body vulnerable to other infections and diseases. AIDS is the final stage of HIV, and not everyone who has the virus reaches it. At this stage, bacteria and pathogens that other people are not even aware of become deadly. HIV and AIDS cannot yet be cured, but it is possible and necessary to take medications that strengthen the immune system and stop the progression of the virus, Cheatsheet recalls.
Parkinson’s disease by itself is not fatal, but its consequences are very serious and can cause life-threatening complications in offspring. As the National Parkinson Foundation explains, illness affects how the brain produces dopamine, a neurotransmitter that helps the nervous system, motor skills, and other bodily functions. If you don’t have enough dopamine, it’s harder for you to control your movements, behavior, and emotions. Symptoms are noticeable when 60 to 80% of the cells that produce dopamine are so damaged that they produce very little of the neurotransmitter. At first, it may be a mild tremor or a change in posture. However, over time, these symptoms progress and the patient is unable to do daily activities without assistance. There is currently no standard treatment for these patients. Each is treated based on specific symptoms with medication or surgery.
There are many mysteries surrounding multiple sclerosis, making it even more difficult for those who have been diagnosed. According to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, the disease causes the immune system to attack the central nervous system. No cause has been identified, although doctors believe there are several factors that play a role: the immune system itself, genetics, exposure to viruses, and the environment. Symptoms vary from person to person and can change over time. Patients often have difficulty walking, a general feeling of stiffness, vision problems, chronic pain, and dizziness. With regard to treatment, drugs, treatments and rehabilitation are determined for each individual patient. Moreover, treatment is an ongoing process.
Although more and more people are beginning to learn about lupus, no cure has yet been found. Lupus Foundation of America explains that it is a chronic disease in which the immune system produces antibodies that attack healthy cells and tissues, which then cause inflammation, pain, and damage. Lupus affects a wide variety of organs, which means there are many different symptoms associated with the condition and no two cases look the same. Generally, severe fatigue, headaches, swelling of the feet and legs, and chest pain are the most common signs. These symptoms are very similar to those of other diseases, so it can be difficult to diagnose the disease. Each patient’s treatment plan looks different, but doctors usually try to reduce inflammation, stop an overreaction of the immune system, and minimize any organ damage. Although lupus can range from mild to severe, most people can live long, healthy lives with the right treatment.
Thanks to vaccinations, no one else worries about polio, but it’s worth noting that some countries are still fighting it. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explains that the disease begins with poliovirus, which can cause lifelong paralysis or death. Before the advent of the vaccine, polio caused more than 15 cases of paralysis a year in the United States. The risk is generally low at this time, but travelers from other countries with cases of the disease can still get it. This is why vaccination is still extremely important. The disease is incredibly contagious, and those who have it can unknowingly spread it to others, which can obviously lead to serious outbreaks.
Most people with asthma can manage their attacks with inhalers, but there is still no cure for asthma. The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology explains that the condition is associated with chronically inflamed airways. Asthma restricts air passage and makes breathing difficult. Coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness are the most common symptoms. There are many forms of this disease, and various factors can cause inflammation. Exercise-induced asthma, for example, causes the airways to narrow during physical activity, while occupational asthma is caused by inhaling fumes or harmful gases at work. If you have asthma, your doctor will likely prescribe an inhaler or other medication to control your symptoms.
The causes of schizophrenia are still not known, but while there is no cure, there are several treatments available. The disease affects how a person reacts, thinks and feels, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. Some people have hallucinations, others have problems with their emotions, and still others have problems with memory. Scientists tend to believe that there are certain genes that can increase the risk of developing this disease, but no single gene causes the disease on its own. In addition, malnutrition at birth and exposure to viruses can be risk factors. Therapies available to people with schizophrenia are aimed at treating the symptoms of the disease.
Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States and, unfortunately, the incidence continues to rise. The American Cancer Society explains that the disease begins when unhealthy cells start to get out of control, when there are more of them than normal. It can start anywhere in the body – in internal organs, skin, or even blood. Cancer cells can also start in one place and move to another, causing an even more dire situation. While there is no specific cure, there are effective treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery that have helped many live long and fulfilling lives. Although the exact cause of cancer is unknown, it is recommended that carcinogens be avoided. And of course, a joyful, active and healthy lifestyle can help minimize the risk of illness.
Alexey Kalinchev, endocrinologist, nutritionist, nutritionist:
– Not everything is so pessimistic. Asthma is a wonderful remedy. The vast majority of cases are well controlled by modern drugs. Such patients do not experience a noticeable decrease in the quality of life. I say this as an asthmatic with five years of experience. Pollinosis is very often complicated by asthma over the years. Can you imagine how many such people are around us? Fortunately, these ailments are well controlled with medications. The main thing is not to start and start therapy on time.
Many cancers also respond well to one treatment option or another. Some are generally cured in almost 100% of cases. Speech, for example, about thyroid cancer.
There are basically two types of diabetes. The first type, insulin-dependent, occurs in early childhood. The second type aggravates obesity in adulthood. The first type is usually well controlled by insulin, and the second type is generally easily treated if a person turns on his head and begins to take care of his health. It is often enough for him to lose weight for diabetes to go away.
The same can be said about other diseases from the presented list: if they are not treated today, this does not mean that cures for them will never be found. In medicine, as in other areas of life, anything is possible.
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