Thick skin with dense, puffy wrinkles in the upper part of the forehead may indicate weakened kidneys.
The likely cause of brownish spots on the skin near the hair roots is liver problems.
Two vertical wrinkles above the base of the nose could be a sign that this person has too much animal protein and fat in their diet, which overwhelms the liver.
Rare eyebrows with short, brittle, falling hairs can signal that it is necessary to check the thyroid gland, the possibility of its hypofunction is not excluded. If the eyebrows are naturally very narrow, then most often this is caused by a lack of the female hormone estrogen.
If, on the contrary, a woman’s eyebrows resemble those of Leonid Ilyich – the same wide and bushy, then it is highly likely that the male hormone testosterone is present in excess.
Upper eyelid
The so-called “sunken” eyes or a sharp crease between the movable and fixed part of the upper eyelid indicate a decrease in overall tone and a lack of energy. Broken eyelids can be a sign that the heart is not able to handle the load and is not beating hard enough to deliver the right amount of blood to the kidneys. A thin, sagging fold running diagonally from the middle of the eye to the corner indicates a weakened cardiac activity.
Brownish spots and / or fatty hairs in this area can be a sign that the liver is malfunctioning.
Lower eyelid
The area under the eyes “shows” the state of the bladder and kidneys. If a slight swelling develops under the eyelid, there is a high likelihood of a bladder problem. If the size of this swelling is more than 1 centimeters, then, most likely, the kidneys are not functioning as perfectly as we would like.
Redness in the area from the inner corners of the eyes to the base of the nose suggests congested circulation or inflammation of the internal organs.
On the lower eyelid it is easy to “read” whether everything is in order in terms of gynecology. As a rule, if there are any problems in the uterus, there is swelling in this area.
Problems with carbohydrate metabolism can be recognized by looking at the lower part of the cheeks: their frequent “companions” are wrinkles and skin that seems gray, lifeless and has lost its tone.
If similar problems in combination with enlarged pores are found above – under the cheekbones, then problems with protein metabolism or even protein intolerance can be assumed.
A diagonal wrinkle running through the base of the nose may be a signal that thyroid function is reduced. If at the same time the thyroid gland is enlarged, then this is a reason to consult an endocrinologist.
Looking at the bridge of the nose, one can guess what type of nervous system its owner has. People with narrow nasal backs easily “explode” and lose their temper. Those who have it wide are much calmer.
If small blood vessels are visible on the dorsum of the nose, then, most likely, there is a tendency to increased pressure.
The tip of the nose is “connected” to the stomach. If the tip of the nose turns white after eating, we are talking about a lack of gastric juice. If the tip of the nose is red, gastritis may be the cause.
The wings of the nose “show” the state of the respiratory system. Reddened wings can be a sign of bronchial inflammation. Thickening (thickening) of the wings may indicate a tendency to asthma.
Nasolabial folds
Pronounced nasolabial fold on the right
A pronounced nasolabial fold on the right side, which first descends to the lips straight, and then, rounding, bends around the tip of the mouth – this is a reason to take care of your liver.
Pronounced nasolabial fold on the left
The nasolabial fold is the same shape as described above, only on the left side – a reason to pay attention to the pancreas. In this case, we can talk about problems with carbohydrate metabolism, which, in turn, affects the sugar level.
Straight nasolabial folds
If the folds descend from the wings of the nose to the mouth almost straight, without forming a classic trapezium, it is likely that cardiac activity is somehow weakened. It can be both cardiovascular failure and atherosclerosis.
Rounded nasolabial folds
If the shape of the nasolabial folds resembles a smiley – like this), then you should pay attention to how the intestines work. Its peristalsis can be weakened.
Chin folds
Wrinkles that end below average indicate digestive problems and too much stress.
Upper lip
A thin white line above the upper lip (as if you just drank milk and there is a barely visible “mustache”) may be a sign that the food is poorly absorbed. The presence of vertical wrinkles can indicate problems with water balance.
If you regularly experience a feeling of heaviness in your stomach after eating (bloating is a similar type of problem), take a close look at your lower lip. Weak wrinkles on it may indicate that the intestines are “lazy” to digest food, some pale areas – about problems with blood circulation, dark red spots – about the presence of polyps, pronounced, deep enough wrinkles indicate that the water balance is disturbed.
Wrinkles under the lower lip on the right may indicate that the blood supply to the liver is impaired. Redness or even thickening under the lower lip in the center may indicate that blood sugar levels need to be monitored.
The area around the mouth
A yellowish tint of the skin in this area is typical in the presence of problems with fat metabolism, a lilac tint indicates a lack of oxygen, brownish – that food stale and “wanders” in the intestines, grayish – that not all nutrients are absorbed.
This area is associated with the genital area. Enlarged skin pores, acne and blackheads are a sign of irregular menstruation and possible problems in the gynecological-hormonal sphere.
The presence of wrinkles rising from the chin vertically to the cheeks suggests that special attention should be paid to the duodenum.
A clearly visible wrinkle that runs obliquely from the lower lip to the center of the chin may be a sign of a genetic predisposition for vein problems.
A clear, sufficiently deep dimple on the chin suggests that it is necessary to take care of the spine.