Diseases and pests of raspberries in pictures and their treatment

Everyone who grows berry crops on their plots must allocate space for raspberries. Raspberries are loved by both children and adults. It is not difficult to grow it, care consists of the methods familiar to the gardener. But if this berry did not hurt, then it would be much easier for summer residents. In addition to competent compliance with the requirements of agricultural technology, you need to know which diseases and pests of raspberries are most common in the region. Protecting raspberries from pests and diseases is an important step in growing berries. Let’s look at two topics in this article:

  1. By what signs to distinguish raspberry diseases and how to deal with them.
  2. What are the pests of raspberries and the fight against them.

It is very important to notice any damage and disease in time so that raspberries will please you with a high yield.

Types of garden berry diseases

Consider raspberry diseases and their treatment. The main types of diseases that raspberries are exposed to are infections of viral origin and fungal infections. It is easier to call them viral and fungal diseases of garden raspberries. Many varieties are susceptible to these diseases, although modern catalogs contain fairly disease-resistant species. But, completely immune yet does not exist. To protect plantings from diseases, you must:

  • have a description of each ailment with photographs;
  • know how they are treated;
  • learn what preventive measures exist.

Let us dwell in more detail on each type of disease that garden raspberries are susceptible to. Consider common raspberry diseases, photos of their symptoms and how to treat each disease.

Diseases of fungal origin

These types of diseases can be classified as raspberry diseases. It is the berries that are more affected by fungal infections. Fungal diseases of raspberries are very common in plantings. Therefore, a description of their signs and control measures should be familiar to every gardener.

Gray rot (botrytis)

Diseases and pests of raspberries in pictures and their treatment

The most common disease. Small gray spots appear on the fruits, which increase and affect the entire berry. It begins to rot, covered with a gray coating, which contains spores of the fungus. Spores spread with moisture and air, capable of infecting the entire raspberry. A surge in the disease is noticed during fairly cool days with high humidity.

The disease affects not only berries, but also leaves with shoots. Infected plants do not tolerate winter and die.

Important! Gray rot in raspberries spreads very quickly. You need to act immediately.

Disease control measures:

  • bushes with signs of disease are removed and burned;
  • competently treat plants with preparations for protection;
  • restore agricultural technology if there were violations.

To say in more detail – raspberry plantings should not be processed just in case, and it is important to follow the berry planting pattern. All drugs that help fight the disease must be used before the berries ripen. If an overdose of chemicals occurs, the raspberry will be weakened and will not be able to withstand possible problems. In addition:

  1. The thickening of plants leads to the rapid development and spread of gray rot, so plantings are always thinned out. This makes it possible to provide good ventilation and protection against disease.
  2. Sick bushes are removed and burned, in the spring the raspberry plantings are well cleaned of the remnants of foliage and debris, and then treated with Bordeaux mixture.


The second fungal disease that brings unrest to summer residents. The disease affects, in addition to berries, stems and leaves.

Diseases and pests of raspberries in pictures and their treatment

It appears as single spots on raspberry stems. The shade of the spots is grayish-white, and purple edging along the edges. In places where stains appear, the fabric dries out. Subsequently, the spots merge, form ulcerative lesions. The bark peels off on the stems, and the leaves curl up and dry.

Diseases and pests of raspberries in pictures and their treatment

The main forces should be directed to:

  • removal of diseased plants;
  • spraying with preparations containing copper in their composition;
  • reduced planting density;
  • ensuring good ventilation.

It will be necessary to process raspberries from the disease at least three times per season. Be sure to monitor the landings during the rainy season and high humidity. It is this weather that favors the spread of anthracnose.

White and purple spotting

Diseases and pests of raspberries in pictures and their treatment

Common fungal diseases of raspberries. The disease affects leaves and stems. White spotting is manifested by brown spots, which gradually turn white, black dots are visible in them. With purple spots have a reddish tint. The main measures to combat the disease:

  • plant only healthy material;
  • thin out plantings;
  • treat with preparations containing copper;
  • remove affected bushes.

Rust raspberry

Diseases and pests of raspberries in pictures and their treatment

When the disease affects the stems and leaves of raspberries. Yellow growths appear on them, which cause brittleness and drying of the stem, withering of the foliage. In spring, spores appear on the leaves; in summer, orange and dark mushroom cushions are visible on the underside of the leaves. They calmly endure the winter on the leaves that have flown around. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully remove the remains of foliage from the areas where raspberries are grown. During the wet period, the development of the disease continues until late autumn. Control measures – collect and burn the leaves, dig deep between the rows, spray the raspberries three times with Bordeaux mixture (1%).

Viral diseases of raspberry bushes

Another group of diseases that raspberries are exposed to. It is very difficult to treat raspberry viral diseases, so every gardener should know the preventive measures. They affect the root system, stems, leaves of the bush and lead to the death of the plant. These include:

Curly raspberry

Diseases and pests of raspberries in pictures and their treatment

When the disease leaves become stiff, twisted into a tube, change color. First they turn brown, then they dry. The same result and on berries. They deform, become sour. The plant is not cured, dies in 2-3 years. You need to be especially careful when buying planting material. Otherwise, you can bring the disease into plantings and lose your favorite variety. Diseased plants are destroyed.


Diseases and pests of raspberries in pictures and their treatment

The main symptom appears on the leaves. They show areas of irregular shape, which become speckled by the end of summer. The leaves become smaller, the shoots weaken, their growth slows down. Berries stiffen, become unusable. Raspberries do not die, but it is completely impossible to cure the disease. The carriers of the disease are aphids.

Raspberry sprouting or “witch’s broom”

This is the name of mycoplasmal raspberry disease. On the bushes a lot of infertile shoots are formed. They are small, but the number can reach up to 200 pieces on one bush.

Diseases and pests of raspberries in pictures and their treatment

It is transferred to other bushes very quickly, so the detected problem is immediately removed.

Important! Carefully select planting material and destroy insect pests.

The disease is transferred to the site by cicadas and cannot be treated.

Bacterial problems in raspberries

Pathogenic microorganisms, which include bacteria, cause crop diseases. There are diseases that are ubiquitous. Regardless of the region in which raspberries are grown, they can be affected by cancer.

Cancer stem and root

Diseases and pests of raspberries in pictures and their treatment

The main sign of infection is the appearance of small tumors (overgrown seals) on the roots. Gradually they merge and form a common bumpy surface, with a rough crust. If such tumors affect the stems, then growing together, they tear the bark. Bushes affected by this disease become weakened, do not tolerate winter frosts well and die.

Pests for planting raspberries in summer cottages

In addition to various diseases, raspberries are attacked by parasites and pests. How to process plantings to protect raspberries from damage? How to deal with existing pests? These questions constantly worry summer residents. Consider the main pests and parasites of raspberry plantings that annoy gardeners. It is better to get acquainted with raspberry pests in pictures in order to know what they look like. The most unpleasant thing is that in addition to the harm caused by the parasites themselves, they are also carriers of many raspberry diseases.

crimson beetle

Diseases and pests of raspberries in pictures and their treatment

The pest hibernates in the soil at a depth of 10 cm, and when the soil warms up to 10-12 ° C, it comes to the surface. Before the appearance of buds on raspberries, the beetle feeds on the nectar of other plants. Then the pest moves to raspberry bushes and begins to feed on the contents of the buds. As soon as the raspberries begin to bloom, the female raspberry beetle lays eggs and then the larvae continue their destructive work. When harvesting, the pest again goes into the ground for wintering. The beetle damages the buds, and the larvae damage the berries. What control methods are used by gardeners from a pest? Firstly, autumn digging of the soil in order to destroy the larvae of the raspberry beetle. Secondly – the collection of beetles by shaking off the buds. Thirdly, the treatment of raspberries from pests in the bud formation phase. In this case, karbofos helps well. At the time of picking berries, gardeners cover the containers with linen or waterproof paper. The larvae crawling out of the berries are immediately destroyed.

Diseases and pests of raspberries in pictures and their treatment

Raspberry fly

Diseases and pests of raspberries in pictures and their treatment

Pest larvae hibernate under bushes at a depth of 5 cm. After the earth warms up, they pupate, then flies appear. The harm from insect pests lies in the fact that they lay their eggs in the axils of the leaves and on the tops of raspberry shoots. Pest larvae feed on the core of the shoots, damaging the stems from the inside. Before the raspberries begin to bloom, they gnaw through the stems and again go into the ground. To combat the pest, digging the soil in the fall is used; before flowering, raspberries are cut out and destroyed by the affected bushes. Spraying with karbofos during the summer of flies.

Stem raspberry gall midge

Very familiar to gardeners in central and southern Our Country. A small insect (up to 2 mm) has transparent wings and a brown back.

Diseases and pests of raspberries in pictures and their treatment

The larvae of the gall midge cause the main damage to raspberry stems. On the middle and lower parts of the shoots, characteristic swellings appear, which are called galls.

Diseases and pests of raspberries in pictures and their treatment

Pest larvae hibernate in them. In spring, they feed on the contents of the stems, and in the raspberry flowering phase, an adult insect appears and lays eggs on young shoots. A month later, swellings are visible on them – the habitat of pest larvae. Above the formation, the shoots dry out, then break off. On the galls themselves, the skin cracks and lags behind. If no measures are taken, then a tiny gall midge can destroy up to 70% of raspberry plantings. How to stop a pest? First, in spring and autumn, plantings are carefully cleaned from damaged stems. They must be cut and burned.

Important! Cut the stem below the swelling by 3 cm, but not to the ground.

On the remaining part, raspberries can give a new crop. Pest treatments are carried out with chemicals “Aktellik”, “Fufanon”, “Alatar”, “Iskra-M”. Spraying time – laying of eggs by gall midges and the summer period of adult insects. The selected drugs must be alternated to achieve the desired result.

Raspberry walnut

Diseases and pests of raspberries in pictures and their treatment

Damage from this pest is similar to galls, only they differ in size. The galls on the stems are about 3 cm long, and after the introduction of the larvae of the gall wasp, swellings 10 cm long appear. However, the pest control measures are identical to those above.

Shoot raspberry aphid

Diseases and pests of raspberries in pictures and their treatment

A familiar pest to gardeners of all regions. It is very harmful if the raspberry is located in a shaded place. Inhabits on inflorescences, ends of shoots, the pest forms entire colonies. As a result of damage by the pest, leaves are twisted, shoots are bent and grow poorly, flowers dry. A very small insect, but causing great harm. In addition to damage on the shoots, it serves as a carrier of raspberry viral diseases. Aphids are more dangerous in dry years. You need to fight the pest with the help of chemicals listed in the section on gall midges.

What other pests can be found on raspberry plantings? Raspberry plantings are damaged by a weevil beetle,

Diseases and pests of raspberries in pictures and their treatment

raspberry glass

Diseases and pests of raspberries in pictures and their treatment

and ticks.

Diseases and pests of raspberries in pictures and their treatment

The same preparations that are used against gall midges do well with the weevil. And the glass case does not tolerate low cutting of shoots and burning of damaged stems. Against the tick, Iskra-M, Aktelik or Fufanon are used for ordinary raspberry varieties.

Diseases and pests of raspberries in pictures and their treatment

Repairers are treated with “Grey garden, colloidal” or “Thiovit-Jet”.


Pests, raspberry diseases and their control are an important part of berry care. Without timely measures, you can lose your crop and lose your favorite varieties. The fight against them is carried out throughout the season – from spring to autumn. Be sure to treat the bushes in early spring for the purpose of prevention and do not forget to inspect them regularly.

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Good time_26_07_2012 diseases and pests of raspberries Diseases and pests of raspberries

Raspberry and pests!

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