Disease remission – does it mean a cure? What diseases are in remission?

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What is remission? Remission is nothing more than the moment of withdrawal of the disease symptoms. This word is especially often used in cases where we are talking about chronic diseases and those whose symptoms appear from time to time (recurrent diseases). Remission may therefore concern diseases with a background: dermatological, hematological, psychological, ENT or urological. Find out exactly what a remission is all about.

Using the concept remission it makes sense when the disease or disorder is chronic and cannot be completely cured. Remission It can appear out of nowhere, overnight, but it can also result from medical or surgical treatment of the patient. Sometimes the phenomenon of the so-called incomplete remission, i.e. a partial resolution of symptoms. This very often applies to mental illnesses, e.g. schizophrenia. It may involve reversing the appearance of e.g. hallucinations or delusions, but also passive activities such as very slow thinking, not fully clear, confused speech, fatigue and apathy. Thus, an incomplete remission will involve the reversal of one or more of these symptoms, but never all symptoms of the disease.

O remission we can also speak in a situation where a person suffers from herpes. Herpes is a viral disease in which a person who enters the body remains a carrier of the virus for the rest of their lives. Symptoms of the disease appear periodically, and then it occurs remission this disease. However, the virus remains in the so-called sleep phase. As soon as favorable conditions for the development of the disease appear, the symptoms of herpes worsen, and then there is again remission.

When does remission of a disease mean its cure?

In the case of chronic diseases, it is very difficult to talk about a full recovery, so doctors most often use the term «remission«, That is just the withdrawal of the symptoms of the disease. Remission illness does not mean that symptoms that have ceased to be noticeable will not reappear. It is dictated by the fact that it is alone state of remission it may be transient or permanent for life.

When it comes to neoplastic diseases, remission is a term used by oncologists when tests do not show cancer cells in the body. This is when it is said that the symptoms of the disease, i.e. its symptoms, are regressed remission. It should be remembered that remission this one may be permanent be transitional. Remission illnesses can last for days, months or even years. It can also last for the rest of your life. Perennial cases are known remission cancer, then the symptoms appear suddenly and the disease begins to progress very quickly. However, this is not a determinant. There is no universal rule about how, where and when it can be stopped remission diseases. In case of neoplastic disease remission it is important to put prevention in the first place. Regular examinations and visits to the oncologist are usually necessary. It is important as long as it lasts remission diseases can form new neoplastic outbreaks – then we are talking about the so-called disease progression.

What other diseases may be in remission?

We can very often talk about remission rheumatoid arthritis diseases. However, when the doctor finds remission? There are strictly defined criteria, such as: disappearance of joint pains, shortening of morning stiffness in less than 15 minutes, no fatigue, lifting of swelling around the joints. In addition to the symptoms listed, which should be limited or completely eliminated to be able to talk about remission diseases, it is also necessary to perform appropriate diagnostic blood tests, e.g. ESR, which must not exceed certain specified standards.

Remissions they may also concern thyroid disease, especially Hashimoto’s. Untreated diseases of the thyroid gland lead to a weakening of the proper absorption of nutrients, so that the sick person may have to deal with a lack of energy, high susceptibility to various infections. There are also gastric problems, the risk of depression or anxiety attacks as well as neurosis increases. Untreated Hashimoto’s disease progresses very quickly, leading to appearance symptoms – thinning hair or faster aging. To make it happen remission Hashimoto’s, it is therefore essential to take thyroid hormones regularly. Symptoms will go away, but a full recovery is not possible as it is an autoimmune disease.

So as we can see, the term «disease remission»Means withdrawal of symptoms but not cure. This should be remembered and even if it happened remission, don’t forget to watch your body.

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