The menopause is a time in a woman’s life that affects the functioning of the entire body. Most of the ladies complain about mood swings, weight gain and mental problems, which reduce the quality of life and enjoy the joy of everyday activities. However, it is preceded by specific symptoms (perimenopause) that may last up to several years. What may indicate that the menopause is getting closer?

The menopause is not a simple step. It is accompanied by a number of quite annoying ailments caused by the declining activity of the ovaries, which stop producing female hormones – estrogen and progesterone.

It is estimated that menopause affects women between the ages of 45 and 50, which is not an unambiguous and the only possible scenario. The immediate sign that indicates menopause is the complete cessation of bleeding. Amenorrhea that lasts for a year means that the woman has entered menopause.

Before the onset of the menopause, various unpleasant ailments occur, which are the natural, physiological process of aging of the body. They appear even a few years before menopause and can make everyday functioning difficult. It doesn’t have to be that way, however.

What signs may signal your approaching menopause? Learn about the most common perimenopausal symptoms.

10 signals of impending menopause

In addition to well-known symptoms such as night sweats, rapid changes in mood, decreased desire for intercourse, and sudden hot flashes, menopause is preceded by other, silent signs. They occur much earlier, during the perimenopause, when many hormonal changes occur in the woman’s body, resulting from the inappropriate amount of female hormones secreted by the ovaries. Hormones are the cause of the unwanted symptoms and behavior before the onset of the menopause. What symptoms are we talking about?

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Movement clumsiness, problems with dropping objects or a feeling of general helplessness are the first few signs that may indicate the approaching menopause.

Increase in body fat

As a result of slowing metabolism, it is not difficult to increase kilograms in weight. The fat starts to build up especially around the waist, the place where it’s hardest to get rid of later. Before the menopause, most women experience this unwanted moment. However, this can be remedied – it is enough to include light, low-calorie, but also nutritious products into the diet. You will also need a move that will not only help you deal with problematic sides, but also improve your well-being, as mentioned below.

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Irritation, mood swings and unreasonable tearfulness

Are you not unfamiliar with irritability and mood swings for no apparent reason? These are the best known symptoms indicating changes that are starting to take place in the body of a mature woman.


Easily bruising is one of the first symptoms of menopause, caused by a thinner layer of skin than before.

Dry skin and complexion problems

One of the symptoms of the approaching menopause is dry skin, so it is worth taking special care of proper hydration. Sometimes women complain of a significant deterioration of the skin condition or recurrence of ailments such as eczema or various allergies, manifested on the skin, before menopause.

If you want to prevent unpleasant symptoms related to menopause, try Pemesiv ™ YANGO – a dietary supplement for women available at a favorable price on Medonet Market.

Deterioration of eyesight, dry eye

Dry eyes and blurred vision are symptoms that can make your life difficult. Moisturizing drops that bring relief for a while are helpful. As a result of hormonal fluctuations, eyesight deteriorates, which often ends with visiting an optical salon and purchasing corrective glasses.

Problems with memory, forgetfulness, deterioration of attention and concentration

All the above-mentioned difficulties are caused by abnormalities in the hormonal balance. For the female body to function properly, it is essential to maintain harmony between estrogens and progesterone. In the period of perimenopause, the estrogen level is much higher than the amount of progesterone, which causes problems with concentration, focusing attention or a significant deterioration of memory. It is worth adding that the levels of the stress hormone before menopause are much higher. It comes from the advantage of estrogens, which are converted into cortisol.

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Existential crisis, searching for a new life

Do you want to change your whole life so far? Do you think about quitting your job suddenly and switching to a completely different field, which until now seemed beyond your reach? While an existential crisis can be positive, it is important to ensure that it does not wreak havoc on your – after all – new life. Maturity is about entering new roles, but also about giving up some activities. It is worth perceiving this as a new, interesting stage. The approach is extremely important.

If you notice symptoms characteristic of menopause, reach for Menopause – a herbal set for women available at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

Insomnia and sleep disturbances

Another sign of the impending menopause are problems with sleep. They occur along with the decreasing progesterone and are the result of anxiety or stress that begins to dominate us. Sleepless nights are nothing pleasant. They affect the deterioration of well-being, decrease in energy and intensify all the symptoms mentioned above. To minimize sleep problems, consult a specialist. In addition, changes in the daily menu may be helpful.

In order to support the body during menopause, it is worth using herbal supplements, such as Klimaktil menopause Pharmovit based on red clover extract. Small flowered willowherb also has a positive effect on the woman’s body. YANGO willowherb for women is a supplement that can be purchased at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

Age (42+)

Subtle signs of an impending menopause may appear up to 10 years before menopause. The average age at which women experience menopause is currently estimated to be 52 years old, so the first symptoms may appear as early as 42 years old!

If you notice the first symptoms of menopause, try Red clover + for menopause from Herbapol in Krakow. You can buy the supplement at a favorable price on Medonet Market. We also recommend Menopause MenoHerbs – a herbal mixture that includes: red clover herb, lemongrass, sage leaf, lingonberry leaf, lemon balm leaf and mint herb.

Although the subject of menopause is difficult, stressful and unpleasant, it should be approached like any other stage in our lives. Menopause is one of the natural physiological processes in the body of every woman. It is an individual matter how it will go through the menopause, which lasts much shorter than the preceding process, i.e. perimenopause.

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