It is worth taking care of your feet, you do not need to convince anyone of this. It is on them that the entire weight of our body is supported, which is why we feel all the discomfort that accompanies them so painfully.
Here are six common foot conditions. Check if any apply to you!
- Dry skin it is the least embarrassing problem your feet can face. In this case, all you need to do is start caring for your feet with a moisturizing cream every day. During the bath, use mild soap in moderation, you can also add a bath oil, which will additionally moisturize your feet.
- Affected ingrown nails, initially develops in the nail shaft, i.e. between the edge of the nail and the skin on its sides. Correctly, this place should serve to protect the matrix from injuries. However, as a result of nail distortions related to e.g. mycosis and overgrowth of the nail shaft, pain, redness and swelling progress, which limits this initially free space. Part of the skin overlaps the nail plate, very often there is a secretion leakage.
- Athlete’s foot most often affects people who spend a large part of the day in shoes. Shoes are a great breeding ground for bacteria due to the shade, heat and humidity. Its symptoms usually include itching, peeling of the epidermis, dry skin, redness and blisters. To prevent it, remember about clean socks or stockings, and use a special powder.
- Calluses, but prints are formed when the bony parts of the foot rub against the shoes. Visit your doctor if you notice this problem, which will remove severe lesions during surgery, which is especially important in the case of poor circulation and diabetes.
- Haluksy result from deformities of the metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe. This problem affects between 2 and 4 percent of the population. In 8 out of 10 cases, they occur bilaterally, although not necessarily at the same time. Bunions are recognized by the visible deviation of the toe along with the medial displacement of the first metatarsal bone. Although initially we do not feel pain, it is possible to develop inflammation associated with burning, increased warmth, redness, swelling and pain in the area of the metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe. Bunions are usually inherited, but we can also get them by wearing high-heeled shoes. The treatment of bunions consists in the selection of footwear, braces and corrective inserts, but if we want to eliminate annoying distortions to zero, we should undergo surgery.
- Hammer fingers, can arise after a stroke and other neurological injuries, as well as result from anatomical defects or overweight. They are associated with improper foot placement on the ground, loading the front part of the foot. Hammer toes are often accompanied by corns or inflammation.