Poor eating is a problem for many mothers. Often there are no ideas for inventing new dishes to encourage the child to eat. Some children do not like to eat naturally, some are bored with their usual food and need a variety. In some, the lack of appetite is the result of a parasite. How to check why our child does not want to eat?Before we go with him for tests, the easiest way is to reach for a few simple ways that will help us influence the child’s appetite.
- Food nicely presentedEveryone knows the saying that we eat with our eyes. It is no different with a child. A nicely, aesthetically presented dish is half the battle. Start with the plate itself. Orange ones are recommended for fussy eaters. According to research, it increases the appetite. The next step is the appropriate application. Sandwiches with cold cut animals, vegetables, cheese or cottage cheese will be attractive for children.
- Homemade tastes betterIt can be fun for your child to help them prepare the food they are about to eat. In addition, they are more likely to eat what they have prepared themselves. At the beginning, you can start with sandwiches and gradually expand the list of dishes in which we will ask the child for help.
- PatienceThe fussy eater won’t start eating full portions right away. Progress will be made in small steps, so patience will be very helpful.
- Shared mealsThe child learns behavioral patterns from the parents, so it is important to start as early as possible. It is important for a child to eat meals together at the table. Healthy meals should be served aesthetically. Thanks to this, the child learns correct habits and at the same time the bond between the child and parents is strengthened.
- Smaller portionsProblems with eating in a child may result from a lack of desire to eat large portions. You need to start giving smaller ones to encourage the baby to eat. When he eats the whole portion, you can then offer second helpings. Excessive forcing to eat can lead to problems with overweight and obesity in the future.
- Regular mealsMeals should be served more or less at the same time. This will allow the child’s body to get used to regular meal times. Eating will become a ritual that your child will look forward to.
- DiversityRepeated meals become boring. Let’s diversify the child’s menu so that food is a discovery of new flavors for him. If the meals are varied, the child will be more likely to eat them.
- HealthyHealthy doesn’t have to be tasteless. It is enough to make an interesting pattern out of carrots or make toadstools from eggs and tomatoes. These dishes are simple that your child can help make. In this way, he will be more likely to eat vegetables and fruits.
- What not to doDo not force the child to eat. Let’s not take the plate away from the child, clean up other dishes and leave the child alone. If he doesn’t eat – let’s not give anything in return. Let’s not bribe – let’s not promise that he will get a candy bar for the eaten plate. If we mention sweets before eating, the child will only think about them. This will make him stress that they are not there yet. Do not feed between meals. As a result, the child will not want to eat a meal.