Discover 7 herbs that will help relieve stress and fight insomnia!
Discover 7 herbs that will help relieve stress and fight insomnia!

If you are tense, easily irritated, have problems with stress and falling asleep, try natural and safe methods to reduce nervousness. Although they won’t do much with more serious anxiety and depression, they are perfect for blues or temporary insomnia!

They do not hinder work, are not addictive, and most importantly – they work gently and effectively. Treatment with herbs or mixtures of herbs lasts from 4 to 6 weeks. Regularity is important here, because only by using them on a regular basis, for a certain period of time, you will notice changes. Here are the TOP 7 most effective natural ways to relieve stress:

  1. Black lilac – this shrub is a mine of beneficial ingredients. It contains a lot of vitamins B and C, which will strengthen the nervous system and support the body’s resistance to fatigue. In addition, the ingredients contained in it improve resistance to diseases, cleanse of toxins and have an analgesic effect.
  2. Valerian – otherwise known as valerian. Contains valeric acid with calming properties and essential oils. Broken nerves will be especially soothed by infusions prepared on the basis of alcohol, preferably drunk before bedtime. Method of preparation: brew a teaspoon of crushed root in 150 ml of boiling water for about 10 minutes.
  3. Angelica – he is also called angelika and litwor. It is grown in gardens. Its fruits and roots show health properties. They have a calming effect, soothe spasms in the digestive system, accelerate digestion, reduce the occurrence of migraines and nervous disorders. Very often it is added to herbal mixtures to calm down or to regulate digestion.
  4. Hop – this popular beer ingredient is great for stress relief in the form of tea or bath additive. Effectively soothes the nerves.
  5. St. John’s wort – both St. John’s wort tea and alcohol extracts made on its basis have a mood-improving effect. It is rich in flavonoids and xanthones. Its properties include diastolic and antidepressant effects. However, you should be careful when using it and avoid exposure to light at the same time. So you should give up staying in the natural sun for a long time and avoid tanning beds.
  6. Lavender – infusion of lavender flowers relaxes, relieves headaches and dizziness, calms down, strengthens the immune system, lowers blood pressure. It works great in gastric problems and in the treatment of insomnia. In addition to using in the form of infusion, you can use crushed lavender leaves as a seasoning for sauces and meats.
  7. Balm – has a soothing effect on the nervous system. It has a pleasant, delicate taste, which is why it is also used as a spice. Of course, it also comes in the form of teas and extracts. The best in the treatment of diarrhea and pain in the gastrointestinal tract due to neurosis, agitation, insomnia, as well as general mental exhaustion.

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