Discover 5 benefits of bananas

Discover 5 benefits of bananas

Discover 5 benefits of bananas

Cultivated in many regions of the world (Bangladesh, Australia, West and Central Africa, Asian countries, Mexico, Colombia…), the banana is the most consumed tropical fruit. Energetic and very nutritious, it is the favorite fruit of all athletes. But do you really know all its benefits?

Bananas to stimulate intestinal transit

Bananas are a good source of dietary fiber, a 100g serving contains nearly 2,6g of fiber, slightly more than an apple (2,4g). Its good fiber content makes it an ally of choice for improving intestinal transit.

Dietary fiber, non-starch polysaccharides capable of withstanding digestion in the small intestine, comes primarily from fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Their main role is to increase the volume of stools and to modify their consistency, that is to say to soften them, in order to promote their journey through the colon. Fiber is essential for the proper functioning of intestinal transit and a deficiency can quickly lead to digestive disorders such as constipation or diarrhea. Another benefit is that the natural antacid effect of bananas is said to help relieve heartburn.

Several studies in Bangladesh have found that eating bananas helps to control symptoms of both acute and chronic diarrhea. In infants, consumption of cooked plantains combined with a little rice promotes healing of diarrhea. Older children with acute or chronic diarrhea should instead consume fresh, unripe bananas. 

Another study in rats showed that certain varieties of bananas, especially those grown in Thailand, have a protective effect against stomach ulcers. By stimulating the production of mucus, a layer that protects the lining of the stomach against the aggressiveness of digestive juices, bananas play a role in the prevention and treatment of ulcers. 

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